Masters Running


Sunday 24 December 2023 (Christmas Eve) (Read 39 times)


Rose Colored Glasses




    5.61 pretty okay miles


    More to follow.


      Mornin' Masters.


      Good 5.61 OK miles to start your day, RCG.


      I decided that I can be more aggressive (if you can call it that) on the stairs early in the day, which can give my leg some time to recover before the end of the day. Later in the day, I am more gingerly on the stairs or else I'll have knee pain through the night. I got in 3.4 walking miles in 2 installments yesterday. I got up and out before dawn this morning for 3.1 miles, with a little drizzle at the end. For the first time in over a month, I didn't do my morning knee exercises, choosing to sleep in a bit (WHAT!!!). Of course, I feel guilty, but I'll find a way to deal with that.


      Have a greta Sunday.



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        The internet is broken; Jay slept in this morning....

        I will get out for three or so today, do the Sunday NYT crossword, and a lot of reading. I finished Holly" by Stephen King yesterday and it was excellent. I'm starting Peter Attia's 'Outlive' today.

        Enjoy your Sunday.


        Rose Colored Glasses

          Good morning!  And it is a good morning I hope!


          Saturday Round Up!


          Jay Quite a work out just getting around the home you are visiting.  Sounds like a comfortable visit, though.


          Mike Glad your ribs are finally mending. It doesn't surprise me folks request your poetry prowess. It seems like everything you do, you do with passion. I hope you allow yourself the same grace you grant others as you might slow down from full Super Sonic speed to amazing golden years speed.


          Deez nice 5.1 miles with your Sole Sisters!  And. Hey. Did you know you helped me through my run this morning in the best possible way?

          I took to heart what you said about your knee being affected your weak a$$.  Guess what? I have a timid tushy too!  And so. I made sure as I ran this morning I engaged my gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus.   The whole bom bom.  It made everything better!  I purposed adjusted my gait and slightly tilted my pelvis, and, ooo lah lah, I harnessed my hiney energy!

          The result was significantly less hip and knee pain during the second half of the run.


          Henry Sorry the old fashioned cold wiped you out. I was happy to read you got out for 1.4 miles and possibly more in ideal weather.


          Tramps Nice speedy 5 miler.  And just okay AI poem.  ha ha


          Tet I think you are going in the right direction with your new knee. I saw the waxing gibbous in the afternoon and sadly saw no moon this morning. Sad? No. So many planets and constellations stole my gaze as I galloped around the farmer's field.


          KSA what fun double digit mileage yesterday with your Santa Run group


          Sub7  good general working out this morning. Another thing I learned this morning was I really need more general working out to improve the aerobic ambling activities.

          (More to come re old movies)


          Roch  See above. I continue to enjoy reading your book reviews on Good Reads.


          bioguy probably good that got that 3 miles in, it should help with sleeping at night, yes?


          Dave glad you got 8.21 miles in before braving the errands world.  I'm happy Cindy and Cindy's dad are getting good care. It's nice you are so understanding and helpful, too.


          BTY nice swimming as per usual.  Nobody on my side of the family has ever been called Grandpa or Grandma. And that is all Ralph's family  has ever been called!  I am Baba and Ralph is Pops.


          Deez good strength classes and thanks for the inspiration. Nice cooking and baking.  So far, I've made 3 batches of Kolache (slovak nut roll) and a batch of anise knots (not my best work this year) and a big batch of Ethel's sugar cookies.


          Holly I hope your GI issues are improved.


          Moebo  Glad your run was better than your rough Wednesday night. 6.2 miles is good. Thanks for posting my photo. And I think your porch tree sounds marvelous.


          Enke What a cool way to get a tree!  And I am so glad you listened to your body's suggestion to rest. Sounds like the rest was indicated and beneficial.


          Twocat  I've been enjoying your posts!  Good 7 miles even though Garmin was cranky. And rude.


          Bioguy  after my run I went to Harris Teeter and picked up the NYT.  I will compare notes with you re the crossword.


          Jay  No guilt in sleeping in!  It's a rare but healing thing for you.


          Rose Colored Glasses






            Thank you, Moebo, for posting this for me.

            I've shared with all of you how mamarosa has been struggling. Well, I do not know if it was the antibiotics for the UTI or Mama beginning her therapy sessions. (virtual so she meets her therapist on her iPad) or a combination of everybody doing what they can these past few weeks.

            But yesterday Mamarosa asked to come to my house!  (she hadn't wanted to leave hers)


            My sister brought her over. Mama brought her WAPO and did the crossword faster than me (of course) And then she wanted to lay down. I asked her if she wanted to watch TV. She said she'd like an old movie.  So I put on Beyond Tomorrow  I watch this movie every year.


            Amazingly, she had never seen it!  It made her think but nothing magical happened.


            However. When it ended she said, "I think I need to walk around."

            I said, "Let's go to the river"

            She said, "No. I'll just walk around your house"

            I said, "Get your coat on. We're going to the river"


            She said, "Okay"


            Once there. She was mesmerized. She soaked it all in.


            It was the best half hour or so I have spent with her in the past few months.


              RCG-thanks for the start and a great recap.

              JAY I took a nap after breakfast and have no guilt.

              BIO we do the NYT Sunday crossword on Saturday evening (when we’re around).


              Woke up after a good night’s sleep and felt much better although some sniffles continue. Went out for a 32 minute walk. More as the day unfolds.


              BTW my GS’s call me Gimpa- couldn’t pronounce Granpa when young and my GD calls me Zaydie-Yiddish for grandpa.


              RCG-YOU posted while I was typing. Great news about mamarosa.

                Good morning. Thanks for the start, RCG. Glad you had some quality time with you mother.


                I've only got 40 miles to go on my cycling goal for the year and I thought I'd knock it off on today's long ride, given that much of the upcoming week is forecast to be rainy. Unfortunately, it's raining now; our fourth Sunday in a row!  It should clear up this afternoon but I'm not sure I'll get a chance to ride then. We'll see.


                Tomorrow will be a busy day, so I'm wishing all of you who celebrate a happy Christmas ahead of time. I hope you have a wonderful day with loved ones.


                At the same time, it's sobering to see that Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem have been cancelled, given the ongoing killing of so many civilians in Gaza. Heartbreaking. I had a chance yesterday to watch that Frontline episode I'd mentioned earlier that traced some of the history of this crisis and the US role in it over the years. It seemed like a useful, balanced, introductory overview and is available online now if you're interested in learning more.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  RCG, good run, beat me by a mile (literally)! My wife tells me that all the time, the thing about glutes and doing squats. I have come to believe I am too lazy to do that. However I may be lacking in that department as I have to bring a cushion to go on any flight... Outstanding that about your mother, we are going through that with my MIL who is 91...

                  bioguy, good one!! lol. I can't believe Jay did that!

                  Tramps, you are killin it!


                  I got in a quick 4.51 miler today as it is a recovery day. That means I hit the free weights (I don't mention core cause I do that every day as I've done for 15 years or so) and go out for a walk with DW usually 2 or 3 miles. Have a greight Christmas all and share the joy with all your loved ones!


                    A great recap and a mamarosa sighting.  Today is off and running early.  Take time to enjoy it however suits you best.


                    As for me, a rare moment of the house to myself except for 2 dogs sound asleep in their beds.  Can sugarplums be far behind?

                      Thanks for the start and recap, Rosie! A delight as always. And good news about your mom.


                      I just finished prepping a beef and barley stew recipe in the slow cooker. Wow -- a lot of work! My previous notes said it was a one-hour prep but by the time I started the cooker it was at least and hour fifteen or more. Lots of slicing of meat, carrots, potatoes, onion, mushrooms, garlic and other ingredients. Maybe the last time I made it I used pre-sliced mushrooms since those took longer than expected. Anyway, 6+ hours from now it's our Christmas Eve dinner!


                      No time for a long ride this morning so I did just 10.3 miles split across two easy routes. It continues gray around here as we head into winter, so I chose both my rides in New Zealand where their summer is just underway. It looked like the rides were filmed in the summer, or at least under clear blue skies!



                      A little reminder that it's not like I'm not ever going to have back trouble again. Standing in the kitchen for well over an hour, I was mostly bent forward slightly at my waist to lean over the counter, cutting board, sink, etc. and shortly afterward I could really feel it in my lower back. Popped a couple of ibuprofens in hopes of things easing off a bit.


                      And, you might enjoy this photo essay about the town that I live in: The Small Town That Turned Christmas Lights Into an Economic Miracle - WSJ

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                        Thanks, RCG.  Good news about Mamarosa.  Glad she got out by the river!  Jay- that's good distance.  You are definitely bouncing back.

                        It's going to be raining here tomorrow morning, but today is great- in the 60s.  Last year it was close to 0 degrees.  I went over to the park and did 6.3 miles to end my week.  Need to make cranberry salad for the Christmas meal we are going to tomorrow at church.  Kiley is here- acting very normal and OK.  He's been hiking over on the trails yesterday morning and today and watching football.  We went to a good taco place (everything is crowded right now with families in town) for dinner last night.


                        Got to walk Robert Earl, so I'll check in later.  Have a good Sunday/Christmas Eve.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Merry Penultimate Christmas.


                          RCG - wish I could go with you too.


                          And Tet - have you thought about taking an ice bath?  


                          Holly - excellent. Thank you. fantastic. thank you.

                          Though I otherwise liked to relish the lingering soreness of the weekend's various extravaganzas over the years, as I learned early on from Scott Jurek who planned his training runs on local mountains that had nice, ice cold creeks awaiting at the trail heads, ice baths have been a Godsend for the occasional weekend doubles, Monday meetings, etc. when I wanted to avoid limping around like I was on Gunsmoke as soon as possible, the thought never entered my mind to do it as a part of this prolonged knee recovery and, this morning's convoluting contortions just to get Mr. Sore Knee immersed in the tub notwithstanding (with short sleeve shirt and beanie keeping the dry parts warm), though still swollen and sore, it's the best it's felt in the 18 days since D-day. The tub is already for the next one. Thank you. ,

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                            Careful, Tet. I'm not supposed to go into swimming pools, tubs or hot tubs for at least 6 weeks due to infection risks. Not sure there's any way to soak your thighs in ice without submerging your incision sites.


                            RCG, glad you got Mama Rosa out to the river! Sometimes we all need some encouragement to get out of our comfort zone.


                            Bio, I finished Holly a few weeks ago and yes, it was very good.


                            I'm making a mushroom risotto with chicken tonight in the Instant Pot. Yum.

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              Careful, Tet. I'm not supposed to go into swimming pools, tubs or hot tubs for at least 6 weeks due to infection risks. Not sure there's any way to soak your thighs in ice without submerging your incision 

                              Erika - thanks. I'm good for showers from day three with wateproof dressings which I put on for this morning but, even though my knee doesn't like to straighten out that much and I tried to keep the seven inch incision out and the upper thigh and calf in, no matter of contortions could keep it perfectly dry so I'll take the "no bathtub, hot tub and swimming pool" out of parentheses i kind of inadvertently overlooked for the next six weeks too. Thanks.

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Tet  - I'm so glad that the ice bath helped. Erica makes a good point about keeping the incisions covered, but other than that the ice bath should really help with your swelling. Like I said before, if you're drinking a hot beverage like tea or coffee, it really helps you sustain it.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
