Masters Running


Saturday's Activities 1.27.2024 (Read 37 times)

    Quick start and no recap because I'm late heading off to a church meeting and Robert Earl has bowel issues.  Lovely.

    Cold rain outside, so treadmill for 4.1 miles.  I have 6 minutes left in the Beef series, but it will have to wait.  What a strange show.


    Have a greta Saturday and stay warm and dry.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


      mornin' KSA


      ..........sending Good Wishes to tet with Dr Torture


      heading out

      with Pickles to the Irish Pub

      (where Scotch-Irish are tolerated)


      BellHaven Beer>>>>>>>>>>oh Joy




      Rain and Drizzle today, possible Snow Flurries tomorrow


      looking like a YMCA Day


      Good Work-Outs to Ya

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        Since I have an 8k race next week I thought it would be a good idea to see if I could still run that far. I am. 5.02 miles at the park this morning. 50º and overcast. Surprisingly, the park trail was 99% dry. After the snow melt and a good deal of rain I was expecting to detour onto the streets but there was no need.


        Tet - The Paris Marathon contest is over and there are no more challenges. I thought the process was fun in a silly way. The challenges were made up of so many strange distances and time frames, but it was kind of fun to mock it and follow along at the same time.




          Hi Masters.


          Thanks for the start, KSA. Sorry about RE's bowel issues - short-lived, we hope. Good 4.1 miles back on the TM.


          I hope you and Pickles have a blast at the pub, Tomwhite.


          Congrats on the 5.02 miles on mostly-dry park trails, Dave. I'd say you're ready for your 8K.


          I was up on time this morning, and did 85 minutes of knee and core work, weights, and some stretching. After a shower and a quick breakfast, I headed out for this morning's indoor track racewalking training session. I did about half walking and half racewalking, splitting each mile for 4.5 miles. At one point, I tucked in behind another racewalker who is pretty quick, and did my best to stay with her for a few laps. I did OK, and that was fun, but I'll be paying for it with some achiness for the rest of the day. DW and I are going out for dinner tonight, so that should take some of the discomfort away, unless my afternoon nap does it first.


          Have a greta Saturday.



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


            Good afternoon, runners!


            I feel like we went to bed in November and just woke up in someone else's winter.   We're still expecting our first really significant snowstorm - I think we may have gotten 7 inches or something like that earlier this month, but it's forgotten.   Supposed to maybe (50%) get a few inches tomorrow, but looking out 10 days there's no storms on the horizon or beyond.   Seems like we should have had a couple of 9 - 12" storms by now.  Anyway, we came out of a cold snap that wasn't really that cold - nothing below 0 F, stuck in the single digits for a couple of days.  Now it's rainy and between 38 and 42 every time I look at the thermometer for the past week or so.  But I saw quite a few runners out there this morning when I was driving, and it seems sort of like late March, more than winter.


            I did a very brief workout today after helping my Mom fill her vitamin/prescription meds containers, and it didn't include swimming.  Just some pull exercises in the YMCA gym.  Row, Pulldown, Rear Delt, Biceps curls, and low back extensions.


            Speaking of my Mom, she had 4 frozen Meals on Wheels selections she gave to me, since they have pasta in them and she won't eat pasta, but I don't know if she has told anyone that.  I'm heating up the tuna noodle surprise with peas, some sort of ziti, and the side veggies for both meals.   She feels like she has to give them to me on the sly and no one can find out, or she'll get kicked out of the program, but I think as long as we keep donating to the charity that organizes it, she doesn't have anything to worry about.   Mmmmm, cake for dessert.  I think.

              The 15k I entered for tomorrow has been moved to the following Sunday. Tomorrow we are supposed to get a combination of rain, sleet, and the best of both - freezing rain! Yea! No.


              Today is just overcast and dreary. Given today and tomorrow's forecast I decided today would be long run day. A total of 14 miles.


              DW has officially announced that she will not drive the Paris Olympic Marathon course. Apparently, her last trip to Paris, did not leave her anxious to drive there.


              My SIL was thinking about driving down to the Wilmington NC marathon in a car with her three dogs. But it costs $300 a dog for thd dog friendly rental VRBO places she found. Can you believe it, an extra $900! I guess this is what you get when there are a lot of irresponsible pet owners.

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                Had plans and good intentions to get up at the buttcrack of dawn and get in 10 miles with the running group, but began having second thoughts anyways when I woke up in the middle of the night to absolute torrential rain, which is what is predicted all day. tomorrow should be mild, dry and mid 60's so much better for running anyways, although I was going to just suck it up and get my long run done for the weekend.

                butttttt  - when i got up at 6:30 to let the dogs out, I saw a text from my mom that she sent at 5:45 a.m. saying to call her when I got up.

                that's not good.

                My dad was up at midnight, in extreme chest pain, yelling from the pain. Mom brought him to ER and they transferred him to a larger hospital that has vascular surgeons because he presented with a tear in his aorta. life threatening problem and our grants pass hospital is not equipped to handle that.  He is now in ICU and his BP managed, but it was 205/160 something last night. the plan was immediate surgery but after a consult with the vascular surgeon, they are going to wait a couple days - let the tear begin to heal on its own and likely insert stent(s). 

                I tell ya, this year is not starting out well. moms broken arm (even though that happened in November), I thought Kim had dropped/died a couple weeks back, rush to ER, ... and now my dad.


                  Tammy- I'm so sorry.  I hope they can manage your father's situation without surgery.

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Wow, Tammy--I sure hope that's it for the year... that's enough.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Karen - good luck with the messes.  Get some pumpkin, maybe?


                      TomWhite - my DH suggests to try Breckinridge Vanilla Porter.


                      I thought it would be a good idea to see if I could still run that far. I am.


                      The grammar Nazi in me laughed at this.  


                      Jay - I am amazed that you can roll out of bed and be on the road in 10 minutes.  I need at least 40 minutes to have my coffee, wake up, and dress (not even counting the time to let the dogs in and out and feed them).  I don't like to even speak until this process is done.  


                      BTY - tuna noodle surprise sounds pretty awful to me....


                      Twocat - $300 per dog?  Yikes!  And a word to the wise, Paris has a HUGE bedbug problem right now.  Be very careful not to bring that home.


                      Tammy - damn!  Praying for a good outcome for your dad asap.


                      We had that funeral this morning, but the rest of the day is mostly hanging at home and cleaning/mopping/laundry/puttering, etc.  I am also shopping for flights from Southern Cal because we are going to use our FF miles to bring my MIL out for our DS's wedding in June.


                      Roch - the wedding is on the 22nd of June, so right after your visit.


                      Weights and core for me today, about 40 minutes.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Tammy, that's terrible about your dad! Life threatening hardly covers it. I hope he recovers and that this is the last of your surprises for a while!


                        I actually saw the sun for a while the morning but by the time we'd had lunch and were ready to go out it had disappeared again. Oh well, that's January for ya. We drove to a nearby park and walked 3.25 miles in 40-something temperatures.

                        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Leslie - good luck on your 100 mile planning.

                          Have you found one with a 34-36 hour cutoff

                          or, better yet, run as a subset of a 150 or 200

                          miler to take advantage of their more

                          generous cutoffs?

                          ps - not sure why Scottie shouldn't be beamed

                          away and fired as a client being more trouble

                          than's worth it, especially if he blames you

                          for late fees, non-filing, etc.

                          pps - excellent to have third party make the contact

                          instead of you directly so it's harder for him to get

                          mad and sec can feign lack of knowledge

                          for any complaining that might follow.


                          Tammy - nice ASAP your dad.

                          I guess DH's was a one timer and no more.


                          Jay - excellent RW.

                          Achy is good.


                          No torrentials in Seattle today, just steady drizzling to showering for first foray on my own outside for the first time for more than just around the block down to the Safeway via up/downing the ten flights between us and ground level to get back in time for the penultimate Grand Sumo matches of the January tournament possibly setting up a three-way tiebreaker in tomorrow's finale in case the rest of the day's sports fizzle, at least, there'll still have been the sumo I like. Should be enough time in between 'em for a first venture into the nearby hillside park I've been missing for almost two months,.  Yippee. .

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            w0w tammy//...........''Horrible'' doesn't cover it,,,,,,,,,,keep us posted on how he's doing


                            holly//..........the pub we go to is trying to get Dundee Honey Brown Beer (try it if you can find it)


                            ,,,,,,,,,,,,will ask them about Breckinridge, sounds good




                            dreary day


                            ....30-min on StairClimber............





                            I have gone over to The Dark Side-


                            got NEW SHOES>>>>>>>>>>>ohboyohboy




                            .......I don't Care,

                            they Cushion the Crappe out of my feet.........

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              assuming feet have any Crappe

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Hello everybody!


                                I ran 8 miles, this morning, and came home to a great breakfast that Debbie made.  I have picked up a cold and it was kicking my butt, so I laid down and took an hour long nap.  I went over to Zac's to work out, but he was sleeping and, after not trying very hard to wake him up, I left and went to Fleet Farm and picked up some chicken wire to put down in the yard to keep Ryan's dog from digging holes next to the house.


                                Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!
