Masters Running


Saturday in the Park 3/23/24 (Read 35 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    I think it was the fourth of July...


    Super early posting from the insomnia..I was up at 1:30 and watched TV and read a book for a couple of hours, then went back to bed until DH's alarm went off at 5:30 (he has to work today).


    RCG - I was surprised that your DH needs a hip replacement, even though he is in top shape (I presume, given what I know about you all).  He is not very old.  Family history?


    Cold and blustery outside.  Just about 30 minutes of weights and core for me.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Good morning,  Holly! Thanks for the start.

      It's no surprise the rrs is getting a new right hip. He's been running marathons since 1993 and played football in high school and rec league basketball for years. He is fit. Alas, like our dear Erika  arthritis can find anyone. He is sixtywonderful.

      He tried not to need a new hip. He ran the Colonial Half Marathon in February 2023 and knew he had significant damage but kept training and completed the race. Then tried rest. Then went to PT for 8 weeks.

      Finally. He went to the orthopedic surgeon who did a simple x-ray in the office and told him he was a candidate for a new hip butt. It was his decision.

      Months and months later, Ralph finally figured it was time. He saw the PA who did a standing x-ray and that showed impingement along with the bone on bone damage to the right hip.

      He'll be the first in his family to get a new hip. He is the youngest of 9 children.

      I guess I should start my exercise videos now. It's raining cats and dogs round here.


      MTA the rrs also tried the cortisone shot to the joint last Autumn. It didn't help.


        Good morning, Holly and Rosie and all who follow (and all who sneak in while I'm writing this post).


        It's barely snowing/raining here this morning, and just barely raining down in Binghamton, 130 miles away, but I won't be making the trip to the BUMS swim meet today.  (BUMS = Binghamton University Masters Swimmers).   The highway between here and there travels through very desolate country with very few exits and some areas where the weather forecast is for a snowy mix and freezing rain, making for treacherous travel.   This would have been my first meet since last June, but it isn't worth traveling through thet stuff in a Honda Civic.  Fortunately I have another meet, closer to home at Union College in Schenectady, in three weeks.  So I could choose to be really disappointed or choose to be thankful that I was able to train really well for the past few months, realizing that I compete to have focused training and motivation;  I don't train to compete.   (Well, of course, part of me does, and is disappointed, but, you know...)


        So instead, I'm having a second cup of coffee, I made myself a nice cheese omelette with red and green peppers, and will get over to the YMCA later today to start training for the April meet.   Oh, and I get to be the reader at church tomorrow morning for the Palm Sunday service.  The Vicar who is putting it together asked me to read all of the 14th and 15th chapters of the Gospel of Mark.  There will be some coordination that we won't get to practice.  I'll read, he'll preach, and I'll read, and he'll preach.  For about a half hour. 


        I hope many of you get to enjoy nice Springtime weather today!




          Mornin' Masters.


          Thanks for the start, Holly, It's not exactly July-like, but we'll get there. I'm sorry about the insomnia. I can never watch TV or read a book when I wake up in the middle of the night - I'd get sucked in and never get back to sleep. I usually do some rhythmic breathing and try to empty my mind (not so hard in my case), and that usually gets me back to sleep fairly quickly.


          Hi RCG. I give the rrs a lot of credit for exploring most, if not all the alternatives to a hip replacement before pulling that trigger. That is always a good approach when considering surgery. No cats and dogs here yet, but we'll get that later when the snow changes over to rain.


          Good call to opt for risk-avoidance and to give yourself a little more time to train for the Union College meet, BTY. And a nice reward of an extra cup a coffee and a tasty breakfast to start your day. Good luck with the reading tomorrow.


          We had some neighbors over for appies and a consult last evening; we're thinking about screening in our back deck to give us a better bug-free outdoor option for dining and relaxing, and we wanted to get their thoughts and suggestions, and they were, as they always are, very helpful. We got one preliminary quote for the job earlier yesterday afternoon, and it is a lot more expensive than we thought it would be. So we'll be getting other quotes and then see if/how we want to proceed.


          I woke up at the usual time this morning and headed out for a workout. I knew we'd be getting some snow early today, but I figured I'd be better off in that than the heavy rain that is to follow. The roads ranged from wet to covered with about an inch of snow, and the traction was decent on that snow, so it wasn't too bad out there except for all the snow and sleet blowing in my face. I went a couple of miles and felt pretty good, so I thought I'd maybe stretch the workout a bit. So I just kept going, and finished with 9.3 RW miles in snowy/sleety 30° temps, which made it my longest post-surgery workout. I was soaked by the time I got home, but otherwise didn't feel too bad. Then I did about 25 minutes of good stretching and some weights. There'll be a nap somewhere in my day today, and we are going to Newburyport, MA for lunch with a couple that were neighbors when we lived in NJ 25+ years ago.


          Have a greta Saturday.



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

            Thanks, Holly.  Good luck to Ralph, RCG!

            I'm off to my one day retreat, but did 4.8 windy miles.  Catch y'all later.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




              Good Vibes to Ralph




              ya know,

              rehab isn't nearly as much Fun as I remember it being


              didn't feel like posting until I could do 5-days in a row PainFree


              since I couldn't do the StairClimber

              without my knee popping, I needed a new piece of equipment>>>>Enter the Precor EFX


              it's a Wicked looking piece of equipment, but the slant up actually doesn't make my knee pop


              Precor EFX 546i Experience Elliptical Cross-Trainer Imageso I've worked up to 30-min on it,

              gotten 20-min

              on the StairClimber at an INCREDIBLY boring Level-1


              and Nordic Walked

              the soccfields so many times I am beginning to recognize individual blades of grass


              anyway, barring Acts of Stupidity (one of my Specialties)


              I should be able to start post regularly again


              Good Work-Outs to Ya

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Sorry for the insomnia but thanks for the start, Holly.

                RCG--Best of luck to Ralph on the replacement Monday.

                sub7--when I was a kid we almost never saw metal roofing on houses in New Hampshire but over the border in Quebec they were everywhere--and very noticeable because they were often red. I don't know why the difference. So they've been around for a long time and I guess do well in cold climates. I see them more in NH now when I'm up there.

                Surly--Good points re: metal roofing. And, of course, gauge matters a lot. It's not easy to find solid 26-guage around here retail. Also, in my research, I learned that the washers used on the screws in the early days could deteriorate badly, contributing to the problem you describe with loose panels, etc. Apparently they've gotten much better, though I forget the name of the material now used. I'm thinking of using it on our mini-barn project but lack of easy availability may end up being a deciding factor.

                TW--didn't Earthrunner have a Precor? Or maybe that was a treadmill.


                I woke up to the sound of rolling thunder and heavy rain. Lighter now but still raining. I'm wimping out this morning but may try to get a run in this afternoon when the rain's supposed to stop. There's a whole series of wildfires here in Virginia along the Blue Ridge Mountains, so some rain will be a relief to many. Meanwhile, Tribee is down on the North Carolina coast doing a 100-mile gravel race with friends. They got a good drenching overnight but should avoid any heavy stuff today.


                Enjoy your weekend.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  Holly - thx for the start.


                  pouring rain here, so opted for short time in our gym - hate that.

                  last night heard awesome jazz concert at BSO Wayne Shorter’s music


                  go GREEN BAY!!!




                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    I got in 10.  Now, I’m watching Big J on ESPN in the NCAA Basketball Tournament.  Green Bay vs Tennessee.  She’s #30 and in the game!!


                    Not going so well…


                      6.29 miles this morning.

                      Breakfast at Waffle House.

                      Trip to Menards for miscellaneous stuff including an umbrella for the back deck. I need some shade back there. (A covered screened in area would be great but that is low on the list of things to do. )

                      Grocery shopping.

                      Now watching Green Bay looking for #30. Second half isn't starting too good for them.



                        ''TW--didn't Earthrunner have a Precor? Or maybe that was a treadmill.''


                        ...oh good//................I see Tramps is still being evil.........



                        I think it was  Lance Armstrong that had one




                        but I digress.........


                        ........30-min Precor.....

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          She got 2 quick fouls and got put back on the bench.  The whole team is playing terrible… of course, Tennessee might have something to do with that…

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Well, we got crushed.  J had a good 3rd quarter with 7 points, then fouled out in the 4th.  It was a fun ride for them, though.


                              It's no surprise the rrs is getting a new right hip. He's been running marathons since 1993 and played football in high school and rec league basketball for years. He is fit. Alas, like our dear Erika  arthritis can find anyone. He is sixtywonderful.

                              He tried not to need a new hip. He ran the Colonial Half Marathon in February 2023 and knew he had significant damage but kept training and completed the race. Then tried rest. Then went to PT for 8 weeks.

                              Finally. He went to the orthopedic surgeon who did a simple x-ray in the office and told him he was a candidate for a new hip butt. It was his decision.

                              Months and months later, Ralph finally figured it was time. He saw the PA who did a standing x-ray and that showed impingement along with the bone on bone damage to the right hip.

                              He'll be the first in his family to get a new hip. He is the youngest of 9 children.

                              I guess I should start my exercise videos now. It's raining cats and dogs round here.


                              MTA the rrs also tried the cortisone shot to the joint last Autumn. It didn't help.


                              And most arthritis is congenital/genetic, but can also just be wear and tear and former injuries. Running really doesn't cause it. In fact, most runners have better knees than non-runners. In my case, it was just a matter of time. My mom (as her mom was) is riddled with arthritis, with both hips, knees and shoulders having been replaced. Her fingers are twisted terribly from arthritis, and my fingers are starting down that path (writing is very difficult for me now, not so much for her, surprisingly). My hip dysplasia contributed to the arthritis, but my doctor actually said my running probably helped postpone the inevitable. Operated hip is fine now, but the left one is starting down the same road. I was hoping to get a couple more years out of it, but might not make it. The shot last spring did help for a few months, but when it wore off things got bad quickly. Here's hoping Ralph gets immediate relief after his surgery! Mine not only helped my hip, but the ITB and knee pain I'd been having for months disappeared, too. It's very worth it.


                              BTY, that's a good call to not drive in that.


                              Jay, hats off to you for getting such a long distance in those conditions. I'd call it short for sure.


                              Steve, I've enjoyed your pictures lately (well, always).


                              Holly, I get periods where I can't sleep but I also can't read or watch TV. I just lie there and try to be as still as possible and eventually it seems I've fallen asleep and hours have passed. Good luck.


                              We've been in the 40's every day and that'll continue into next week. The snow is running scared!


                              Rose Colored Glasses

                                Thanks for the encouragement, E-Van. Yes, I agree that Ralph's running probably did not make him have arthritis. It's odd though, there are more hip replacements in our RL running group than other issues. It's all a carp shoot.

                                Most the skeletal issues in his family are spine related. I do think the years of football and basketball probably beat him up a bit. Anyway.  Here we are. Hoping his hip replacement goes as well as yours. And Aamos. And Ribs...
