Masters Running


Thursday 3.28.2024 (Read 35 times)

    Quick start and I'm off to my church group.  Ran 3.6 miles- 42 and sunny.  Looks like spring but didn't feel like spring!

    Have a greta Thursday.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


    Marathon Maniac #957

      Yup - looks like spring but doesn't feel like it here, too.  20's this morning, so I opted for upper body weights and core instead.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        I had to scrape the ice off the car windows this morning before driving down to the park for a run. I figure I better enjoy this nice cool weather while I can because soon it will be 80 and humid.


        I had a very good 4-mile run. It started normal with a little walking and a little shuffling along but eventually I noticed I was going faster than normal.


        It was the shoes. I needed new casual walking around shoes so I retired my Hoka Clifton 9s for that and ordered some new ones. Those arrived yesterday. For some strange reason I run faster in this brand & model of shoes. My pace today ended up being a minute per mile faster than my average midweek run.


        I love the feel of the Brooks Glycerin but the Hokas have some type of magic in them. My posture is different and my turnover is quicker.  The only danger is the low heel to toe drop and if I run long in them I start having calf issues.




          Carolyn--Condolences on your father's passing. Glad you had the chance to get out and run in beautiful terrain.


          Yesterday's usual ride got washed out by all-day rain. Today is dark, cloudy, and humid but dry.  I did my usual 5-miler.

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Quick but nice overnight visit from Leslie last night. We had a good dinner, chatted, and then up early this morning for coffee and more chatting. She's off to Portland now. 

            pouring rain today - so heavy at times last night it woke me up.  I have an appt with my mom after work today anyways, so good day to not plan on running.



              Mornin' Masters.


              Thanks for the start, KSA.


              I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with the daily, and today I only have time for a quick walk-by between meetings:

              I totally wasn't feeling it yesterday, but I still got our for 3.5 EZ RW miles.

              I felt better this morning and got out for still EZ 6.3 RW miles in what started as a light drizzle and evolved into a steady rain by the time I got home. Then 35 minutes of stretching and core work. Then a hot shower, and finally, some coffee.


              Have a greta Thursday.



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                Tammy / Dave - thanks.

                I'll do the same for everyone

                back to greatgrandfather's

                diary arriving him in Alaska

                on September 5, 1892.


                Jay - though miss your cheery starts to the morning helping get us laggards out in the elements too, nice know you're still out there with the early morning RW'ing way before most of us even get up.  Wish I could send the rainy Easters some of our unusually good spring weather but, since it hardly ever happens this time of year, I like it too much.


                Now nearly two weeks of what the meteorologists are still calling "stagnant" weather that's extending the cherry blossom season almost well into two weeks as, without any steady or heavy rains and winds to blow the blossoms off and around like spring snow squalls, they are just starting to drop off onto the red brick pathways and contrast against the green grass that stays green all our so-called winter long here but mostly still hanging on to their branches even as the leaves are starting to appear budding all around them so, of course, now that our sr. housing is but a 15 minute three mile bus ride away from the UW's acclaimed Quad grove I first witnessed in 1964 during my Japanese study days and have loved ever since, that's where I spent another morning in the pink dawning matching the U's brick buildings too, UW, that is. Smile 


                I'd complain about Dr. Torture moving up tomorrow's regularly scheduled PT infliction up to noon today just two days after Tuesday's misery but it will be a convenient opportunity to stroll through the sister city blossoms in the ID Chinatown again too without taking a special trip so I'm not complaining, . . . am I.


                ps rant: very inconsiderate of MLB's super-early start to the 2024 season on the same day that the NCAA Sweet Sixteen starts too but, since I probably couldn't name a single team for sure in the S-16 and, since we only have over-the-air rabbit ears that won't pick up any of the games anyway, I guess I don't care. end rant. \\


                pps - there's a building down the street

                that, about two feet above its flat roof,

                has an angled, sloping platform roof

                to keep the underlying, real roof dry.

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                  Wildchild, I am sorry to read the news about your father.  I hope you have many happy memories.


                  Marj, I made an appearance at our township board meeting yesterday asking for food pantry funding.  2 years ago we served 9000. 1 year ago it jumped to 15,600.  This year we are on track for 21,000.  I don’t know where it will end.


                  I too have the deceptive Spring weather, but by waiting until after lunch I was rewarded with a 30 degree warmup since daybreak.  Good dog walking weather but I’ll need to do a bit more than that.  Probably weights as yesterday was yoga and biking.

                    6 miles this morning with a few from the SS crew - it was 44 and raining so not too many showed up!! Constant rain and puddles so deep I had flashback from Flying Pig, but 44degrees made it almost pleasant!! Sorry for so flagrantly breaking Rule #1


                    Holy Thursday morning prayers then breakfast with my prayer group friends for my birthday. Drove to Boston for my Reclast infusion - because of the weather and knowing how awful the drive home could be, I arrived an hour earlier than my appointment on purpose!! I knew I could sit and read while I waited if need be, but they took me in early and I was back on the road before my scheduled time!! 
                    I just don’t understand how the traffic can be that awful leaving Boston even at 2p?!?! Doesn’t anyone work 9-5 anymore?!?! Another reason why I do 12 hour shifts instead of 8s!!

                    Trying to decide if I will jump on the Peloton for a 5:30 live class since some of my group will be there in studio or if I will just rest and read until 7p mass   



                      Shooting in windy conditions...........19/19  actually won the second round


                      ...20-min Precor........



                      Maudy Thursday singing in service tonite

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        {{{Wildchild}}}  Your Dad sounded like a wonderful person.

                        Dave, nice to hear about the Hoka magic.

                        I did a 3 mile walk with a few jogs thrown in. Only a few sprinkles at the end.  I did have to wear a headband and gloves at first. 

                        I was honestly fatigued for a day and a half after my Vancouver trip - all that walking and driving took a toll, plus maybe some GI issues or maybe I have mild IBS that flares up when I am stressed. I don't know. Felt great today on my walk. Looking forward to a dry weekend and a longer walk with some elevation.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                          I've been taking it easy after my 50k to let my legs recover, with just short walks for 3 days, but yesterday I went snowshoeing and today I ran 4 miles, and I feel pretty good.  It does NOT look like spring here. The snowbanks on the sides of the road are almost too high to see over. 

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Hello everybody!


                            I went 7 miles that were supposed to be easy but they weren’t.


                            Okay—that’s all I got.  See ya!


                              Quick but nice overnight visit from Leslie last night. We had a good dinner, chatted, and then up early this morning for coffee and more chatting. She's off to Portland now. 

                              Lucky Tammy, you had a visit with Leslie. Love you both my sisters.


                              Just a quick post, because a quick post is better than none. One sanity mile before work (I am dealing with a lot of stressors job duties this month), then 4 miles after work to enjoy the sunny rays of sunshine, the singing of the birds and fresh spring air.



                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                                We may be dreaming of a white Easter again.



                                Quick but nice overnight visit from Leslie last night. We had a good dinner, chatted, and then up early this morning for coffee and more chatting. She's off to Portland now. 


                                Meeting of the Masters!


                                Speaking of cherry blossoms.



                                Marj, I made an appearance at our township board meeting yesterday asking for food pantry funding.  2 years ago we served 9000. 1 year ago it jumped to 15,600.  This year we are on track for 21,000.  I don’t know where it will end.


                                Oh My Gosh.


                                I did my home PT thing, then three on the mill.

