Masters Running


President's Day 2.19.24. (Henrun start) (Read 37 times)


    The Joys of Winter (Not !)


    Used to love winter,

    skiing down sun drenched

    slopes in mountainous Colorado,

    running plowed roads or

    trails in seacoast Maine,

    gliding on ice in skates

    or just sitting by a fire

    with hot chocolate and

    a good book.


    But, alas, the years

    have caught up with me,

    my arthritic aches,

    my fear of falling

    on slick surfaces,

    warmth beckons me.

    I’ve become a snowbird,

    winter has clipped

    my wings.


    Rose Colored Glasses

      When we were younger, time was on our side

      Days were longer and we were stronger

      and consistent as the tide


      The years begin to accumulate

      The joints ache and we fear we may break

      Suddenly it feels like it is getting late


      Tides continue to ebb and flow

      Though energy is sapped we continue to adapt

      And fly south to avoid the snow


        Mornin' Masters.


        Thanks for the poetic, sobering starts, Marj and RCG. No poem from these fingertips, but I will tell you that I continue to embrace winter in New England as much as I can, with all its discomforts and comforts. It's a matter of balance: 'refreshing' morning workouts followed by a steaming hot shower; an hour or more clearing snow (although not so much this year) off the driveway, walks and deck, followed by time in front of a roaring woodstove; cross country skiing on woodland trails, enjoying the unique and sometimes breath-taking beauty of the snow-covered landscape.


        But I digress.


        It was great to see a post from Stumpy yesterday, and I'm glad you are venturing more further afield. Keep up the good work.


        I hope Twocat and Mariposai have IRC for your upcoming marathons.


        "Hilarious and Weird" is a good description, Tomwhite. I'm sorry about the knee pops.


        Congrats to you and DW on your well-dressed dog walk, Steve.


        This was yet another morning when I contemplated staying in bed and didn't. Instead I got up and headed out for what turned into a 5.7 mile RW workout in breezy 28° temps, taking it relatively EZ today.


        I sent a note to Margaret last evening, thanking her for pushing and pulling me through yesterday's race. It turns out that we both motivated each other, and did good jobs of pushing each other to PRs. Then again, neither of us had ever raced a 2.5K before, so any time would have been a PR...


        Have a greta Monday, especially if you have the day off.



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.





            Thanks, mr.    Dave- where did your post go?  I see a blank now.


            5.6 miles- 32 and sunny.   We had a late night (for us) last night with the Clint Black concert at the Ryman.  It was great.  He sold out all 3 nights- and it's unusual for the Ryman to book someone for 3 nights.  He was funny and the music was great.  I'm tired though.  I really think that osteo infusion affected me.  But I got it done and it was a pretty morning.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


              Sticking with today's poetry theme (thanks, henrun/marj and RCG), yesterday I finished a three-episode series on the Freakonomics podcast about the life of Richard Feynman, the noted physicist and educator. At the end of the series, they quoted a poem that he wrote that explains his fascination with living on the coast and looking out at the sea. He was a physicist -- not a poet -- but this is as close to describing my own personal "theology" as anything I've seen.


              ...I stand at the seashore, alone, and start to think. 

              There are the rushing waves, mountains of molecules
              Each stupidly minding its own business
              Trillions apart, yet forming white surf in unison

              Ages on ages, before any eyes could see
              Year after year, thunderously pounding the shore as now
              For whom, for what? 
              On a dead planet, with no life to entertain

              Never at rest, tortured by energy
              Wasted prodigiously by the sun, poured into space
              A mite makes the sea roar

              Deep in the sea, all molecules repeat the patterns
              Of one another till complex new ones are formed
              They make others like themselves
              And a new dance starts

              Growing in size and complexity
              Living things, masses of atoms, DNA, protein
              Dancing a pattern ever more intricate

              Out of the cradle onto the dry land
              Here it is standing
              Atoms with consciousness, matter with curiosity
              Stands at the sea, wonders at wondering

              I, a universe of atoms
              An atom in the universe

                  - Richard P. Feynman

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Howdy you talented folks!


                30 minutes or so of weights and core this morning.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Holly- are you feeling better?  Did you miss any work?

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    ...ah, poetry.......


                    here's one

                    my Dad

                    taught me-


                    Each time you pass a little church,

                    Always stop and visit.

                    So if they bring your dead ass in,

                    The Lord won't say

                    ''Who is it??''




                    not much,

                    but I did get outside at least


                    ..30-min at soccerfields............trailboots, popping knee......

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      Jay - happy many competitive runs with Margaret. So much more fun than by yourself. I see many spirited finishes in your future too.


                      Marj/RCG - neat and making it apropos again from everybody's Toby Keith tributes that I didn't know until then that, though I'm not as good as I once was and may not be able to do what I used to in a time back in my prime, I still like snow for reminding me of those days now that the years have flown by and my body says "Oh, you can't do this boy (b)ut my pride says,'Oh yes you can.'"



                      Dave (5:43am) - me too.


                      KSA - did you get back from the 8:00 pm start before Jay got his start going?


                      Roch - nice Feynman too.


                      Tom - neat dad.


                      Clouds overhead but narrow band of clear sky around the horizon enough to see the Cascades and Olympics to the east and west and Mt. Baker and Mt. Rainier to the north and south for bussing the mile-and-a-half to the northside hillside park where I finally made enough sense of the interlocking loops and sinuosities to come up with an East and a West Loop of ~one mile each and a shorter, half mile, upper one.


                      ps marj - thanks.

                      Happy President's Day too, . . .

                      at least to everyone in Alaska,

                      Tennessee, West Virginia, etc.


                      Happy George Washington's Birthday

                      if you're a federal worker

                      and get the day off


                      Happy Washington's Birthday

                      in the states of Conecticut,

                      Michigan, Florida,Illinois, 

                      New York, Massachusetts, etc.


                      Happy Lincoln's and Washington's

                      Birthday if you're in Minnesota.


                      Happy Washington-Lincoln Day

                      in the states of Ohio

                      and Colorado.


                      Happy Presidents' Day

                      in the states of Hawaii,

                      Washington, Texas,  etc.


                      Happy Presidents Day

                      if you're in Oregon.


                      Happy nothing day

                      in California, . . .

                      I think.

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Holly- are you feeling better?  Did you miss any work?


                        I'm feeling better but not fully back yet.  I did go home about an hour early on Friday, but that is all I missed.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          I am NOT a poet.  I posted Henry's poem because we were having trouble doing it from. an iPad and I can post easily from a laptop.


                          On running/walking:

                          Walked 4 miles with 2 friends this morning along the Charles and the wind had died down, so it was only cold.  In the afternoon, we drove to a museum and the parking gods were watching, so we got a parking space and saw some very interesting Caribbean art.


                          have a greta evening,




                            Happy nothing day

                            in California, . . .

                            I think.


                            It was a holiday, free parking in Oakland as we did strike for the show (and barely got rained on!)'


                            Also, President's day wasn't enough for CA, when the kids were in school, they got the WHOLE WEEK OFF, and still do. It's President's Week.


                            I got no run, I did lift and move maybe 3 tons of things over about 6 hours, with a break in the middle to go take it all OFF the truck. Again, we hired a couple Union stage hands to help, and I got tired of them talking about the best way to move something for 10 minutes every time we went on to a new piece of the set, so I stopped listening and just picked up the 200lb 4x8 metal riser and carried it to the truck; without talking about which type of dolly we should use, how many people and at what corner each should be at, etc etc. I had 5 of the 8 risers moved before they decided on how they wanted to do it. Even the simple act of unscrewing a handle to remove a metal leg required several minutes of discussion with them.

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                              Good evening Masters!


                              I sure wish I had gotten a lot more accomplished on this Presidents Day (Here in NYS) but I don't have a lot to show for it.  I did get a bookcase full of "Great Books" moved downstairs, finally, from my wife's office to the den I'm trying to create in the basement.   I got in a strength workout at the YMCA and a swim workout directly afterward.   The strength workout was a "pull" workout with low back extensions, rows, pull downs, rear deltoid, and curls, in that order, due to the lack of availability of the machines when I wanted to get on them.  Lesson learned - don't go to the Y for a strength workout on at noon on a minor holiday in February.   The swim workout was an easy workout, light on the distance and light on the intensity.  The main set was 6 x 100 yard backstroke on 2:30 (swim 1:33, rest 57 seconds, repeat).   I didn't bother to do any flip turns today though I did a pretty good job doing them last night at the "other" YMCA, both freestyle and backstroke.


                              Jay, I appreciated the compliment the other day about the planning and analysis.  I sometimes think I exercise so I have something healthy to obsess about.


                              My swimming mileage is down significantly since I started doing strength training frequently back in mid December.   In October, November, and December, I was swimming between 56,000 and 62,000 yards per month (about 31 to 35 miles), but slipped back to 25 miles in January and 23 miles this month (about equal considering the number of days per month).  It's odd that I never took into consideration that strength training for only 10 to 15 minutes a few times per week would cut into my swimming resources (time and energy) so much.  I think it's been a profitable tradeoff so far.  One thought I've had is that swimming, while great in a lot of areas, does nothing to help maintain bone density, and the strength training should help in that area, should it become an issue for me.  I think it will help also with maintaining shoulder girdle stability and health.  That is, as long as I don't get stupid in the gym.  The 10-2 count will be a good check on my ego.

                                BTY-  I tried really slowing down my weight lifting tonight.  It’s hard!  I had to drop down from 20 to 15 pound dumbbells for my bench press.  I think it is a good thing to to.


                                Holly- glad you are on the mend.  Your vacation looked wonderful.  What is your overall feeling for the resort and Jamaica.  I know you’ve been before.

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

