Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 1.16.24 (Read 41 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Has everyone gotten used to writing/typing '24' instead of '23'?


    Good 3.46 miles yesterday, RCG, and a terrific poetic start.


    Good preflight, streak-preserving ride, Norm. Sorry about the cold you are heading to.


    Nice 5.1 TM miles, KSA, but I'm very sorry about the fall. How are you feeling this morning? As everyone else suggested, just make sure that you didn't suffer a concussion.


    Good 4.5 miler plus a FieldHouse workout, sub7.


    Nice but wet 6-mile on Saturday, Leslie, and puzzle work on Sunday. That sure is a compact but nicely-equipped home setup you've got! The Kettle Gryps are an interesting concept - let us know how they work out.


    Good work getting up to the fitness room to photo the torture racks, Tet. I know that torture will help your recovery.


    I hope you got some sunshine, Tomwhite. Sorry about having to reschedule Pickle's appointment this week.


    That's a very creative in-home workout setup and plan, Econo.


    Good 6.7 sunny miles in (finally) some cool/cold weather, moebo. Sounds like a good hike in the woods and wood pile work too.


    I hope you are feeling better today, Deeze.


    Good 7 miles of speedwork intervals on the TM, Mike. Interesting that neither you nor Zac was feeling it for a weights workout. It really is OK to skip a workout now and again.


    Sorry about the big chill, Twocat. I hope you have uneventful flights back home.


    Good 1.8 mill miles, Steve. No need to beat yourself up over PT...


    We got home late yesterday after an uneventful and productive drive - DW and i take turns driving, and we each got work done on our laptops when we were in the passenger seat. When we got in, DW started the laundry, and I brought in some firewood, moved the snowblower from the shed to the garage, and did a bit of grocery shopping.


    After another carpy night's sleep, I headed out for a predawn walk in 25° temps with snow flurries. The roads were mostly clear when I headed out, but were snow covered on the way back, and a little slick. I slipped a few times (which my knee didn't enjoy) but stayed upright. Then 25 minutes of knee work and stretching.


    Have a greta Tuesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Checking in to say that I'm fine.  Had a little bit of a headache during the night, and took some Advil at that point and it went away.  No confusion (except the usual... Smile ). so I guess I'm good to go!  Haven't been able to face the treadmill yet today....

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        Good morning. Thanks for the start, Jay, and a belated congrats on your press conference appearance (America the Beautiful Challenge grant?).


        I’ve popped in to skim the dailies a bit.  It’s been kinda quiet here, it seems.  Good to see post-surgery improvements, concussions avoided, and grand-kids galore.


        Busy start to the new year for me. Some work stuff, planning for the year. Reading quite a bit about Zionism, of all things (which gives me flashback to my undergrad years when it was a hotly debated topic among my mostly-Jewish fellow students). An unexpected road trip to West Virginia to buy a truck (long story) after selling our old truck to friends.  Learning to use a looper pedal for fun and practice. A flare up with my knee/meniscus for no apparent reason, which led me to ease up on workouts for a bit.  Seems to be improving on its own now.


        A dark, gray, icy morning here with some freezing rain falling on top of the 3-4” of snow we got yesterday. Bleh. No run for me today but I’ll try to get out for a walk at least, after this precipitation stops. That cold weather many of you have had is arriving here today, so that slushy mess should freeze up nicely and stick around for a while.



        Be safe. Be kind.

          Good morning Masters!! The sinus thing seems to be resolving quickly thank goodness!!

          Snowy messy weather here in MA - I need to get out and shovel, but doesn't make much sense until it stops!! Have I mentioned I very much DISLIKE winter!!!!

          Steve - great recap last  night

          Jay - great recap this morning, hope your knee isn't too angry at you today!! We cancelled our 6:30 group run because of the weather, but I had no intention of showing up even if it wasn't cancelled

          KSA - glad you feel ok today

          Tramps - hope your knee gets less cranky soon!!

          Twocat - hope the travel goes well today - doesn't look like a great day to be up in the air


          Indoor workout day - 30 minute glute/leg strength, 45 minute PZ endurance ride, 20 minute upper body strength, 10 min core strength - did a little stretching but needed to get some fuel in me and start the laundry. I'll do a stretching class soon.


            Karen! This makes me think I should check to see if I have a fall feature on my Garmin (?).


            I worked hard at the computer yesterday, then watched hours of TV, and napped.  Then suffered the consequences with terrible glute/ hip pain overnight. So today my exercise is to stand up all day. No couch time with Tigger The Cat, even. Gotta get circulation to those sore spots.


            And I’m going to try doing a Burpee. It’s embarrassing how I can run trail races yet be a complete marshmallow in terms of strength.

              How-do, Friends -


              Thanks for the start, Jay.  I think I would get car sick working on a computer while the vehicle was in motion.


              Glad seem to have avoided serious injury, Karen.


              I yanked myself out of bed a few minutes after my alarm scared the daylights out of me (why, I don't know) and hit the mean, dark streets of Eureka for 5 and some change.  Threw in a few EZ strides to see how ye ole hammies would react - and not too bad.  I foam-rolled some and massage-gunned them and will make sure to move around a lot at work and not sit so much, so hopefully that'll help keep the crankies at bay.


              I've been reading "Next Level" by Dr. Stacy Sims.  It's specifically geared toward active, athletic women who are pre-peri, and postmenopausal. Last night, Chapter 11 last night was about how much protein we should be consuming, especially within a 30 minute window after hard strength training workouts or workouts that are an hour or more in length.  30-40 grams of protein!  Cripes, that's a lot of protein, and she advocates getting it in real food, not supplements, if possible.  You need to read the book to understand why.


              Since most of my workouts are at least an hour and most of my ST workouts are fairly strenuous, I'm now trying to figure out how to go from not eating anything after my workouts until I get to work - so a good 1.5 to 2 hrs after my workouts - to basically eating my breakfast while I'm getting ready for work.


              A well-known ultra runner, Meghan Canfield, has taken this book and Dr. Sims' recommendations to heart and she says she has seen a huge difference in how she feels and her overall performance as an aging runner.  It's going to take some planning on my part, but I'm interested to see how my body will start reacting to the change.


              Okay - Back to your regularly scheduled program.  Enjoy  ~~

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


                Thanks for the start, Jay.  Dreadmill for 4.5 miles.  This is going to get old this week.  The snow is now choppier- still mainly soft but has clumped up making it harder to walk and easier to catch a boot on an ice chunk.  Walked the dog .75 miles.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




                  I've been reading "Next Level" by Dr. Stacy Sims.  It's specifically geared toward active, athletic women who are pre-peri, and postmenopausal. Last night, Chapter 11 last night was about how much protein we should be consuming, especially within a 30 minute window after hard strength training workouts or workouts that are an hour or more in length.  30-40 grams of protein!  Cripes, that's a lot of protein, and she advocates getting it in real food, not supplements, if possible.  You need to read the book to understand why.


                  Since most of my workouts are at least an hour and most of my ST workouts are fairly strenuous, I'm now trying to figure out how to go from not eating anything after my workouts until I get to work - so a good 1.5 to 2 hrs after my workouts - to basically eating my breakfast while I'm getting ready for work.



                  I have that book too, but haven't been very good about reading through it. My problem is getting in that much protein without using a supplement as well. I try to make a protein shake within a 30-60 minute window of working out so I am getting in at least 22g protein there, but trying to do that without the shake since I don't eat meat is very difficult. If you come up with any tips, please share!!



                    I have that book too, but haven't been very good about reading through it. My problem is getting in that much protein without using a supplement as well. I try to make a protein shake within a 30-60 minute window of working out so I am getting in at least 22g protein there, but trying to do that without the shake since I don't eat meat is very difficult. If you come up with any tips, please share!!


                    I was reading it to The Hub last night and was thinking, "How the heck?"  I mean, one egg only has 8 grams of protein.  I eat meat and I'm still trying to figure out in the world to get that much protein.  His one word suggestion: "Bacon"   The last thing I feel like doing after a hard workout is eating a meal.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      that's a lot of protein Leslie. I would definitely have a problem trying to get in that much protein too. Heck, I don't think I consume that much protein on any given day, regardless of me working out or not. 
                      maybe a protein shake?  I realize that is probably more of a supplement than real food, but probably better than nothing. there's no way I can eat right after a workout.  but I could drink a protein smoothie of some type. 

                      I haven't popped in over the last several days, so very behind the goings on here.


                      Got in a 9 mile trail run Sunday and since I had yesterday off, I ran 5 at home.  Probably nothing today though. 

                      the northern part of our state got some crazy weather. snow, ice, power outages, etc.  David lives in the Portland area (about 10 miles south) and while he didn't lose power, thankfully!, he has been stuck at home for 4 days now. His office actually closed yesterday and again today. And they are expecting more ice/snow later this afternoon and overnight, so won't be surprised if they close again tomorrow depending on roads.

                      Meanwhile, we had unusually mild weather - sun and 55 yesterday.


                      Other than Grasshopper Peak 30k in June, I need to find more races to run that fit in with my training plan for the first half of the year. Guess I should also find a training plan.   I don't follow plans very well, but seeing what the basic long run plan is is helpful and then I can fill in the rest of my week as I'm able.


                        Thanks for the start Jay! I commend you for the time you are investing in your rehab. Well done!

                        Karen, you know you can do it...

                        Denise, I also dislike winter. You did a great workout, mebbe one day I'll do what my DW has been telling me for 10 years, work your glutes. Mebbe someday....

                        Tammy and Denise, Costco has a protein shake, 30 gr protein/150 calories that's not too bad.

                        Leslie, great 5 and change run. I try to eat within an hour of a run, particularly a hard run or a long one because I never eat prior to my runs or even races.


                        Today was a nice outdoor run with my buddies Brian and Sean , both training for the Boston. It was sunny, -4 F but windy (18-24 mph). We ran a 6.55 miler around the lakes by the golf course and through the trail where we ran into a herd of deer, mebbe 8 or 10 of them. They weren't disturbed by us running the trail and watched us go by. It was a good day for a run, could have been great had there been no wind.

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Jay - good job on staying upright. Seems like the older we get, the more it happens, . . . and the more I wish someone'd been around to see what a spectacular recovery, . . . while we can still make them. .


                          Checking in to say that I'm fine. 

                          KSA - whew. Glad everything's okay but being "fine' is how all the many thousands of football and soccer players, if not more , felt too, . .  until they didn't so just be sure to tell your PCP that, though you feel fine, you had a smashing fall on your head.

                          ps - is UGGS like mugs?


                          Another lovely sunrise day in the great PNW up to 25F above yesterday's "bitter" 22 as clouds start to creep in bringing temps gack up into the more normal 40's with off-and-on showers for the rest of the winter. Must be getting closer to getting to ending, though, as, for the first time since early November, I awoke to it not being dark outside anymore but that probably has more do to with the 10-12 hours of sleeping I'm getting used to.


                          Kind of looking forward to today's PT as he wants me to bring the cane up to start switching off the walker. Yippee.

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                            Speaking of proetein: I have been thinking about how to get more into my diet lately, too. Not necessarily for breakfast (I rarely work out for more than an hour in the morning on weekdays), but definitely for lunch. Leslie, your comment about how much protein is in an egg (less than I thought!) made me wonder. I just had some chicken breast for lunch, and Google tells me that was probably at least 40 grams of protein. A can of tuna would be about that, too.** So those are two good options (for non-vegetarians of course).


                            Snow day for me today (yay!), so I had extra time to work out. I got in 8.1 miles on the TM (slow pace while watching The Crown, time went by pretty painlessly), 35 mins on the recumbent bike (15 mins before the TM, 20 mins after), stretching, and a little bit of ST. My strength goal at the moment is to do at least 1 unassisted pullup. I'm making progress, but it's tough! Ended with about 75 mins of snow shoveling (or is it shovelling?). Now I am hunkering.


                            **Just checked my tuna stash. 23 grams for a can, so Google lied.


                              Rest day for me. Nothing much to say except to add that a standard single Reese's Peanut Butter Cup has 1.7 grams of protein, So, the standard 8-pack will provide 13.6 grams of protein. (A Big Cup Reese's Cup has 5 grams.)



                                Tet- Uggs are plush lined pull on boots (or shoes) that were very "in" a few years ago.  Ugly but very comfortable and warm.  Traction is a bit lacking.   I am seriously not interested in going to any medical facility unless I deem it absolutely necessary- and this was not.

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

