Masters Running


Wednesday winding up the month 1.31.2024 (Read 37 times)

    I'll refer you to Steve's recap at the end of Tuesday's thread and kudos to him for sending his kids a note with accolades.  What a great idea.


    8 mile Tuesday had to happen today for scheduling reasons.  I did 8.1 to round off the month, and it wasn't a great run but I got it done over at the part and neighborhoods.  Forward is a pace, right?


    I guess everyone is busy taking their supplements this morning.   Have a greta Wednesday!

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


    Marathon Maniac #957

      Howdy folks.


      Even the short runs I do these days end with my left foot aching (the one I had surgery on 2 years ago).  I guess I need to accept that my marathon days are really over.


      3 miles today in 36 degrees.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Thanks for the start, Karen.


        Steve. . . kudos to him for sending his kids a note with accolades.  What a great idea.



        Exactly what I was thinking.  You're a keeper, Steve.


        30 min biking to nowhere this a.m. whilst watching a home improvement show.  I need someone to improve my home - specifically my kitchen, my bathroom (I abhor our "master" bathroom), paint our bedroom, and paint our computer room.  Oh, and provide the $$ to do so.


        We have quite the storm pushing through right now.  So far he predicted winds haven't shown up and hopefully they don't, but it's quite the downpour.  Fingers crossed the majority of this will have passed before I have to venture out in the a.m.


        I know this sounds ridiculous, but lately I've been having to stop and think for a second before using "passed" and "past".  

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        Marathon Maniac #957

          Leslie - how about "road" and "rode?"  


          Today is my son Zak's birthday.  I can hardly believe he is 27 years old.  I still remember him as a tiny 5 lb baby who was smaller than his sock he's a big strapping young man with the world by the you-know-whats.  He's everything you hope for your child - college graduate, Master's degree, great job, home-owner, happy-in-love, etc., but more importantly, smart, funny, kind, conscientious.  I just adore the man he has grown into.   

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Nice recap Steve and I love you writing your kids notes of praise - I think I will follow suit!!

            Leslie - I also rode the road to nowhere this morning!!

            Holly - sorry even the shorter runs cause pain

            KSA - nice 8+ miles mid-week


            A** in seat by 4:30am - 30 minute PZ endurance ride, 5 min cool-down ride, 1.2 mile walk before work

            Just over 5 hours until I am on VACATION!!!!



              Kettlebell workout this morning. Since the kettlebell hits my wrist right where my watch sits, I take my watch off during the workout. When I am done, I put the watch back on and it flips out. Starts giving me dire warnings that my heart rate is abnormally high. 


              I'm supposed to schedule a follow-up visit with a neurologist so I've been working on getting that scheduled. Providers are passing the buck around. I don't really care if it happens or not unless I get worse. I had a couple brief instances of tingling sensations on my face yesterday, but nothing today so far.




                Afternoon, Masters.


                Thanks for the start, KSA, and nice work on the 8.1 park & neighborhood miles.


                I agree that the notes from Steve to the kids is yet another of his great and supportive ideas.


                Sorry about the aching foot, Holly, but good work on your 3 miles today. Happy Birthday to Zak!


                Nice work on the bike to nowhere, Leslie. I hope that storm has passed and is now in your past.


                Good and varied pre-vacation workout, Deeze.


                Good job of freaking out your watch, Dave. I hope you can get in to see the neurologist soon - I don''t think you want to delay when you are still having symptoms, no matter how minor they are. Don't let your providers play games with getting you scheduled.


                I had a weird night's sleep last night: As best I can tell I was having a dream inside of a dream, and the one on the 'outside' was noting that the one on the 'inside' was pretty strange. And I remembered both of them when I woke up. I wonder if the one of the 'outside' wasn't really a dream at all, but was me, sort-of awake and remarking in my mind on the other dream. Hmmm - I think I should just leave this all alone...


                I was up at a scootch after 4:30, and did 90 minutes of knee and core exercises, weights, and some stretching. After a shower and some breakfast, I walked into town for a meeting, and then to a PT session, and then back home for a total for 5.4 miles. The PT gave me some more exercises to do (does she ever stop?), including a hamstring stretch on a foam roller that is far from fun, but may help loosen up my chronically-tight hamstring once and for all.


                Have a greta rest of your Wednesday.



                Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                  You should schedule it. If you do, you will end up not needing the specialist, which is the *best possible outcome*



                  I'm supposed to schedule a follow-up visit with a neurologist so I've been working on getting that scheduled. Providers are passing the buck around. I don't really care if it happens or not unless I get worse. I had a couple brief instances of tingling sensations on my face yesterday, but nothing today so far.


                  I also don't really believe in supplements. I take Vitamin D, because I generally am low there, but nothing else. As a person with several autoimmune issues, I've heard various well-meaning people (not medical) say, 'maybe you should take this' or 'x cured my ...' and I find it annoying. If only it were that easy.


                  50 minutes on the indoor bike this morning, including a tough hills ride. I think I saw my HR up over 160... which basically felt like I was dying. But in a good way 


                    Count me in as a pill-avoider. Yet here I am taking a multivitamin, an extra vitamin c, a cancer-post-treatment drug, and flonase daily. I think that's a lot, but medical people ask me "that's it?"


                    Rest day here. 3 burpees, some planks, and some jumping jacks.  I believe in tiny daily fitness hacks (you know, like the nose-only breathing). My latest is to never sit down to put on shoes, socks, tights, trousers, etc. After a month of this nonsense I'm slowly getting better at balancing to get those darned running tights on. So I think it's a good thing.


                    Holly I bet your marathon days are not over! Look at Mariposa.

                      Work is kicking my butt. So maybe a walk tonight in the dark, when I am too tired to think straight anyway, for something different.

                      Deez, you sure sound excited for your VACATION!!!

                      I did have a new PCP say last year to me, "You aren't on any Rx drugs?? That's great!"

                      Which means, the vast majority of 59 year olds are?

                      My balance hack is to do things with my left side first, instead of always right side first. Example, step into my pants left leg first, jacket arm etc. It's getting less awkward feeling.  I'll have to try out the standing up socks and shoes too.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        My favorite line is “Sweet Jesus, girl!  No one gets to 64 without drugs.”  Instant rapport with that guy.  Wish he was my PCP rather than a specialist so I could see him more often.  That said, baby aspirin and a 1000 iu vit D in the winter.  Vit D drops by half when the sun shines.


                        Just back from a run/walk with the dog along the river.  She’s a great companion but a lousy runner.  I’m leaving her home next time.  My hip flexors are sore from the little I did so I’ll be rolling out the yoga mat here in a minute.

                          My favorite line is “Sweet Jesus, girl!  No one gets to 64 without drugs.”  


                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            ...Be Careful out there guys,,,,,,,,,lotta Winter still left




                            windchill 38


                            still sloppy from all the rain


                            ......40-min at city athletic fields.................trailboots




                            Re: LifeStyle


                            taking more Rxs than ever  (well, two, but that's a lot for me)


                            as for

                            Dementia as a family risk factor-


                            still singing in the choir (AND learned how to read music...which I'm proud of)

                            Word Puzzles I just discovered



                            of course,

                            been exercising for 60-years

                            not eating as well as I would like, but cut out nighttime eating and dropped 7-lbs in a year

                            ASA and Multi-Vit have been standard for 30-years





                            Ya do what you can

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                               My latest is to never sit down to put on shoes, socks, tights, trousers, etc.


                              My father told me just the opposite, that he now ALWAYS sits down to put on shoes, socks, trousers, etc.  A friend of his tripped or lost his balance while putting on trousers, hit his head, and then died a few days later from the brain injury.  I sit down to put my pants on now, too.  


                              Deez - enjoy!


                              I am not on any meds, although I have a prescription for Trazadone in the cupboard from last year for occasional use.  I guess I should be thankful!  I do take a multivitamin, calcium, Omega-3, and Vit D - usually 4 days a week when I remember....

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                I don't like taking pills either and I'm looking forward to ditching the tamsulosin (Flomax) in the near future. That'll leave me with just two pills for BP and one statin pill for cholesterol. I also take a CoQ10 supplement that helps counteract possible side effects of the statin. I got a new Medicare Part D prescription drug plan this year that has a $0 premium and I get the BP and statin meds at no cost (not sure how they can do that).


                                Our forecast "a little more than an inch" of snow turned into 4-5" yesterday but we got our drive cleared and today what's left is melting. Still, it was a mess driving around during the day.


                                I combined two routes on my bike trainer for a total of 14.9 miles this morning, ranging from southern Australia to the Outer Hebrides. I know that it's just videos that I'm watching, but I've always enjoyed traveling and these have let me view parts of the world that I'd never get around to in two lifetimes! A nice way to pass some shut-in time and stay in shape at the same time.


                                In the afternoon I made a big batch of cherry chocolate chip cookies (using Michigan dried cherries of course) and sampled enough to totally negate any calories burnt on the bike. 😁

                                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"
