Masters Running


Mike E's 2023 Christmas Letter... whether you wnt it or not... (Read 28 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    May be an image of 15 people and text that says 'JAMIE DEBBIE MIKE JAMIE DEBBIE Merry Christmas ADI MALLORY MIKE MCKENNA Mike, Debbie and Family o 1 ENT.. BLAZE Merry Christmas Mike, Debbie and Family'


    Really?  Another Christmas Letter from Debbie and Mike?


    ‘Twas two months before Christmas, Cross Country was done.

    I had fun coaching again with Ryan, my son.

    Coaching these kids, to me, is the best,

    But for this tired old man it was now time to rest.


    My ego, this year, had taken a beating

    as the speed in my legs seems to keep on depleting.

    I was feeling depressed—I couldn’t feel any lower—

    as I thought of how aging was making me slower.


    I had sat myself down in my old comfy chair

    so I could wallow in pity and mope in despair.

    I was comforted slightly by the beer I was drinking,

    I would have more than one, is what I was thinking…


    Then real close behind me was a frightening sound—

    when I turned and I looked it was Debbie I found.

    Through clinched teeth she did say, “You dumb little elf,

    you can’t sit there all day and feel sorry for yourself!”


    Well, that wasn’t nice to make fun of my size,

    but to say something now just wouldn’t be wise.

    I kept my mouth shut as she continued to preach,

    it is better that way when I’m in her arm’s reach.


    She said, “Mary was pregnant but wanted no pity

    when she traveled by donkey to Bethlehem City.

    With Jesus, the Christ Child, she went on her way

    To bring God to Earth, that first Christmas Day.”


    I knew this was leading to someplace not good.

    I would have got up and run, if only I could.

    But instead I was shaking and feeling a wreck

    with her hand now around the back of my neck


    She said, “Since you have time, Mike, to sit here and drink,

    there’s much better things you could do, don’t you think?”

    Then, as I felt her hand crawl to the top of my head,

    she said, “Like writing our letter for Christmas, instead.”


    Now, I know in this world there is famine and war,

    pandemics and racism, global warming and more—

    but to me, all those things seems oh so much better

    than trying each year to write this dang letter!



    But that thing Debbie said, my attention she got,

    about a young girl named Mary and the gift that she brought.

    A gift that God trusted to her earthly care,

    God’s gift to us all, this young girl would soon bear.


    I’m sure she was scared of what all lay ahead;

    I’m sure she had heard all the things that were said.

    A child out of wedlock was not in her plans,

    but she knew she was safe in God’s loving hands.


    She trusted her God with her whole heart and soul.

    She knew all would be right with God in control.

    So she followed God’s plan and she faced everyone,

    then she gave us a gift in the form of God’s Son!


    The gift who was born on that first Christmas day

    so He could die on a cross to take all sin away.

    And the sins that He died for are your sins and mine.

    That was all in God’s plan—that was all God’s design.


    Yes, life can be tough—it can be frightful and scary—

    but your future’s secure when you have faith like Mary,

    because when you trust in the Lord with all of your heart,

    by your side, The Lord Jesus will never depart!


    Through the good and the bad Jesus Christ will be there,

    He’s there when you’re lonely and in grief and despair.

    He’ll help as you carry all of life’s heavy loads,

    and will walk right beside you down life’s bumpy roads.


    He’s there for the asking—that’s all you must do.

    He doesn’t care what you’ve done—He just cares about you!

    The words aren’t important—there’s no need to bow—

    just say, “Come into my life, Lord,” and do it right now!


    So with that in my mind and the words Debbie told,

    I thought, “I’m not a pregnant virgin!  I am just getting old!”

    And Jesus is with me, of that there’s no doubting,

    so I quit all my whining and I stopped all my pouting.


    Of course Debbie was still there but smiling instead,

    and said, “I guess it’s okay, Mike, you can go now to bed,”

    but instead I went back and I finished my beer

    and thought, “Merry Christmas, my friends, and happy New Year!”


              Debbie and Mike


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Thank you

      You're a gifted poet and preacher

      The second to last stanza

      Thank you

      Happy Christmas

        Spectacular! Thanks for sharing it.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          So well done, once again, Mike. Thank you for sharing. I'll bet you enjoyed the rest of that beer!



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

            This is such nice family tradition, Mike!

            Glad you went back to finish the beer.  Biblical training tip: "No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments." 1 Timothy 5:23 

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Another wonderful Christmas letter. Merry Christmas, my dear Minnesota friend. And Debbie too 


                Good letter Mike. Keep getting older. It beats the alternative.


                  Another epic Christmas letter Mike!  Thanks for sharing that with us. and aren't you lucky that Debbie *inspires* you each year to write such a great poem!




                    Wonderful letter, Mike.  Thank you for the reminder of what this time of year is truly supposed to be about - faith, family, and friends.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      This is really great - and somehow I've not seen in prior years. Thank you Mike!


                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        This should be published in the church bulletin, if not a compendium of them all over the yesrs.

                        You're the Billy Graham of our time.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                          Loved it Mike!  Merry Christmas!


                            MikeE -This was definitely worth the wait.  Thank you for sharing,


                              Another great letter!! Thank you for sharing Mike!!!!


                                Such a sweet letter Mike. Really very touching. The switch in the middle, very, very well done.

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
