Masters Running


Pi-daliy, 3.14.24 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Happy Pi Day!


    Last night's flooding workshop (after 3 significant local flooding events since Jan. 1) included a lot of good info about what to do before, during, and after a flood, as well as scary and sad stories about people's experiences in the recent floods. We had about 60-65 people there, and it could have gone a lot longer than the 2 hours that we had.


    I was up at 4:09 this morning, and was out by 4:20 for 6.36 RW miles in 39° temps under partly-clear skies. Then a bit of stretching, a shower and (finally) some coffee and breakfast.


    I have to do some data collecting and collating about last nights session, and get ready for this morning's 9:00 meeting about salt marsh resilience. So...


    Have a greta Pi Day.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thanks, Jay.  Good workout and another busy day for you!

      3.5 miles before my church group.  Need to do some more later because tomorrow is going to be rainy, I'm afraid.    Later, folks.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        3.02 miles this morning. I probably should have gone 3.14 to celebrate pi day.


        I am signed up for the Leaping Leprechaun 5k in Ashland Kentucky this Saturday. I don't plan on going all out but I will run harder than my usual solitary runs. They promised hot chocolate and donuts after the race so I decided to go. Ashland is just 12 miles away while Parkrun is 50+ miles so that is another reason to skip Parkrun for the 5k.


        I just need to see if I have anything green to wear. I think my Marshall half marathon shirt is green but I'll double check with Cindy. (The race instructions said to wear green.)



          Thanks for the start, Jay. WaPo's flood coverage today highlighted Hampton. Yowsa!


          Warm Spring day here, headed to 80F. Seems too soon. Sweaty 5-mile run for me.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            With the first clear skies and 360o views of Mt. Baker, the Casdades and Olympics and Mt. Rainier from NEWS, respectively, it seemed like a good first lakeside try of the year but, with a drive-by shooting on the way there yesterday, I somewhat reluctantly, and carefully, made my way down to the cityside park where, viola!, all refuse, litter, and worse, not only had been cleaned but the tent enclaves were nowhere to be seen.  Maybe that's why there were so many more tents on the sidewalks down in the Chinatown ID yesterday that you had to detour out into the streets on several blocks.


            KSA - sorry you overshot pi by 0.36 and Jay's doing the same to 2pi by 0.08 miles with Dave falling short by 0.36 miles and me by 1.57 miles.  Better luck next year.  

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              Morning, masters.


              Speaking of rain... storms and heavy rain in the area beginning at 3am last night which was not good for the nervous dog. Also, the H is out of town and she seemed a bit more unsettled than normal. So, needless to say (for any of you that have scaredy-dogs, at least), there was not much sleep after 3am! We did just get out for a break in the rain but she basically went 3 blocks and demanded not to cross another street (at that point we just turn the corner and go home). At 70 lbs, she can do that...


              It's gonna be a long day.


              Marathon Maniac #957

                (((Poor Scaredy-Pup)))


                I let my dogs out into the backyard this morning and they were back in about 10 seconds.  I understood why when I heard the sheets of rain hitting the house a few seconds later.


                So, today is Pie Day at work.  I brought a Key Lime Pie.  I actually ended up making 4 pies total, trying out 3 different recipes in the last 3 weeks at home to find one I liked best.  AND, since I had a dentist appt this morning and no way to keep the pie cold in the car, I drove to work early and put the pie in the refrigerator (adding 30 extra minutes to my commute) before driving in the opposite direction to the dentist, with a stop first to the collision center to pay for DD's car repair and get the keys.  DH and I will go pick up her car after work, then drive it to her workplace to exchange it for the rental, then take the rental back to Enterprise.  I started the day at the blood lab to get my fasting bloodwork for my physical next week.  So, busy day, no time for a workout this morning.


                More bad news from the dentist - two cracked teeth that need to be pulled.  One of them is my very front tooth.  I cried when I left there.  (sigh)  At least the front tooth can likely wait a few months, maybe even a year, and the other one, which I already knew about but was putting it off, is on the bottom and not visible when I smile or talk.  I think.


                Oh well, there are lots of folks who have WAY WORSE problems than teeth, and I am blessed in so many other ways.


                We are on the "Path of Totality" for the solar eclipse on 4/8.  I have never seen a total eclipse, although there was a great partial eclipse when I was in college.  April, though...we apparently are cloudy about half the time, historically, on that day.  It'd be pretty cool if it is clear, though.  Courts will be closed, and lots of schools, in anticipation of the chaos and extra traffic.  The boss's wife just handed out eclipse glasses for all of us, which is very nice.  I had just been thinking about buying some.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Thanks for the start, Jay.  We're very lucky we don't have to deal with much flooding around here, except in the pasture lands.


                  Holly - Doggone it!  Your teeth. 


                  Surly - I'm running Firetrails 50 in late September and looking for a pacer.  They're allowed the last 16.5 miles.  You know of anyone who would fit the bill?


                  It was a struggle getting out of bed, but as The Hub started making it up around me, I dragged myself out and got in 5 predawn miles.  Before I left the house, he tried to get me to tell him what I wanted for dinner. I think I mumbled, "I can't think right now," as I stumbled to the door.  Still, a few hours later, as I stand at my desk, if I laid down in bed I could go to sleep.


                  My PF is trying to come back.  Time to get aggressive with the feet. 

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    So sorry, Holly.  You drew the short straw when it comes to teeth.

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                      Did my 2nd 3 1/2 mile run mid-day and it was HOT!  It isn't going to last, but it was 70 and sunny.  Got it done.

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                        The hot weather you are mentioning slid out of here with the overnight storms.  I took the dog out for several walks but my personal workout was yoga in my nice warm house!  I think tomorrow is even colder; back to parka weather.


                        couple of questions:


                        I know we have a few dog lovers here, what have you given an aging dog for arthritis?  I’m overwhelmed by all the different items


                        And, coffee grinders.  If you grind your own beans do you have a grinder to recommend?  Mine died this morning and again, I’m overwhelmed with choices.


                        Plus, how many of those Amazon reviews are really legit?

                          3.14 miles in 27:08, then a jog to round up to 3.25 ez miles.


                          And I'll have some (pizza) pie while I watch the game in a few minutes. Go Ducks.


                          Leslie; I may know someone but it depends on scheduling and I wouldn't know that until just a few weeks before. I know those ridge trails, pretty hilly and steep.


                          update: warm but gale warning here. It was very windy, offshore so it's warmer. Came around a corner and was almost blown across the trail.

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                            we have a few dog lovers here, what have you given an aging dog for arthritis?  I’m overwhelmed by all the different items


                            And, coffee grinders.  If you grind your own beans do you have a grinder to recommend?  Mine died this morning and again, I’m overwhelmed with choices.




                            We have a Spinn coffee maker and it has built in grinder. I really like it except that it only makes one cup at a time. No, we didn't pay that much!



                            Of the grinders I've had in the past, the Cuisinart one that looks like this was the best, but only last 3-4 years.

                            Cuisinart Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Grinder - Coffee Crossroads

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                              Happy pi day all.


                              Nice workout Jay.


                              Good double KSA


                              That's pretty warm Tramps.


                              Nice they cleaned up tet.


                              Hope that PF stays away Leslie.


                              Glad our pup is ok with storms but I get it anneb


                              Sorry Holly. Hope it gets better for you. I wish I liked Key Lime pie but I guess I'll just stick to pecan pie


                              I ran at the cross country course with a shelter dog at lunch. What a sweet pup and she loves to run (unlike our doggo). I plan to do this at least 2x per week. We stopped at 1.8 because of a major thunderstorm. SO went home and got on the bike for a few miles.

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                So, I already have my bloodwork back:


                                Total Cholesterol:  204

                                HDL:   82

                                LDL:  107

                                VDL:  15

                                Triglycerides:  76


                                So my total cholesterol is slightly too high (over 200) but only because my LDL is so high (that's a good thing).  My doc told me years ago that I will never die of a heart attack, thanks to good genetics.  I guess bad genetics with my teeth is much better than bad genetics with my heart health.   


                                Oh, and Pie Day at work?  I was the ONLY employee to bring a pie!  The boss made his peach cobbler, and the stepdaughter office manager brought a "savory" spaghetti pie, but that was it.  Made me some brownie points, I guess.....

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
