Masters Running


Friday 1/18/24 Winter Weather Runs and Workouts (Read 39 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Howdy folks.


    We got 2-3" of snow overnight and the news people are having a weathergasm - enough so that the local news preempted CBS Mornings at 7am so they could continue to babble about the snow, the closings, the forecast, and show their Channel 7 weather person out in the snow and driving around talking about the conditions (even though they had already been doing this since 5am).  Good grief, people, it's only a couple of inches.


    Just another work day for me.  DH took the day off to hang out at home in his comfy clothes.  Darn county employee with all that PTO to burn.


    40 minutes on the stationary bike this morning.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      sounds like the weatherpanicmode we get out here Holly! An inch or two on the valley floor calls for talking about it ad nauseum and sending people into a panic about making sure they have enough toilet paper on hand. 

      No run today. Having dinner with friends of ours after work today. Heading to court for trial/closing arguments in a bit.


      strange evening last night - got home after my run and my husband told me "Toby got out again" - that's our neighbors horse. Something spooked him, he jumped their fence, took out a post in doing so, and galloped through our property, onto the property behind us, which then leads to BLM that goes on for miles. They were  out for hours trying to find him and no luck. and he wasn't in his horse stable when I left for work this morning, so he's been missing all night. Where's a Yellowstone wrangler when you need one??  I hope someone spotted him last night or wakes up this morning to a big black horse standing in their pasture. There's a splattering of rural properties in the direction that he headed.


        Yay! on Tet's progress!


        An inch or two on the valley floor calls for talking about it ad nauseum and sending people into a panic about making sure they have enough toilet paper on hand. 



        Hope they find Toby, soon!  


        Bonkos last night.  Was up too late, ate too much, and I'm very groggy.  I was tempted to call in today, but we have a dept. meeting at 10;30 and I have a ton of work to do.  Not that the "ton of work" aspect ever goes away.  And I also need to get The Hub his yearly birthday used bookstore gift certificate and didn't figure it'd be a good thing to get caught out and about after I'd called in "sick".  Anyway, nothing for me this morning, but I'll get an EZ workout in after work.


        Ruby Beans the office dog is hangin' with me until her dad gets back from court or her 2nd favorite person (Jenn) gets in.  I'm a distance 3rd on her list.

        No photo description available.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

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        Marathon Maniac #957

          Where's a Yellowstone wrangler when you need one??  


          Any particular one?   


          5 Yellowstone Actors Who are Cowboys in Real Life

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Has to be Rip.  He'll get the job done!

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


              Glad to hear of progress, Tet!


              Tammy, your story reminds me of the time we were looking out of our family room window and saw a horse run by, closely followed by a guy holding a rope! It was so out of place that it took us a while to process what we'd just seen. Turns out that an old house in a property adjacent to our sub still had a barn where they kept a horse that we'd never known about until then.


              Well, it finally looks like winter has arrived to my corner of Michigan: snow-covered ground, blowing snow and slush on the roads, drivers now remembering how to drive in these conditions, and so on. I decided to go to the farther away of the two gyms I belong to and it was worth it since it was an empty as I've seen it. No problems getting there and back and I had a good workout. It's compact enough that over the last few months I've developed my own routine for circulating amongst the pieces of equipment for some consistency. The other place is huge with several separate areas for specific types of equipment. Harder to feel at home there.


              In addition to getting all sorts of things done since the first of the year, we've finalized our travel plans for the year and made major reservations, etc. Next month we'll be returning to a favorite place near Tucson for a couple weeks. We had to cancel reservations there for cause in both '20 and '22 so it will have been six years since our last visit and we' re anxious to revisit some favorite places and find a few new ones. In August we'll be returning to a house up north in Charlevoix for a more relaxing time (and taking our bikes) and in early October we're doing a road trip to the Kansas City area to visit attractions there. Anyway, nice to get all the major planning done.


              I've also booked my first bike tour in five years. From when I retired in 2008 up thru 2019 I was doing one or two organized bike tours a year, admittedly moving upscale from large-group tent camping to small-groups in boutique hotels before the pandemic quashed it for a while. My problem now is that I'm that much older and it's hard to find a tour that's within a day's drive so that I can bring my own bike instead of renting. I'd like to do another tour on the Allegheny Passage out of Pittsburgh but then decided to do something a bit different. So I'll be spending about 5 days staying in downtown Dayton OH (anyone ever heard of the place?) and doing rides each day on one of the numerous trails that intersect in that area. It's an area that's semi-familiar to me from 100s of trips up and down I-75 over the years and I'll be able to make another visit to the Air Force Museum and various Wright Brothers sites. I think there's even a day when we'll be stopping for lunch along a trail through Miamisburg (another familiar-sounding name). Anyway, something to look forward to.

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                Re yesterday's comments,

                Dave59, thank goodness that's not your place! woah, that was a lotta snow!

                RCG, I think that it's because we've sort of gotten used to colder temps through the years.  As a rule we call the run to indoors at the -30 ish range (if there's wind)... I am on the outskirts of Winterpeg, Manitoba. As far as chilidogs, the Whip not too far away makes a first class chilidog. It is spectacular! I only eat one every couple of years when one of my childhood friends comes to visit from Silicone Valley. I don't eat fast food other than that... ever...

                Karen, we are heading out near Puerto Vallarta in the Riu Palace to spend a month (February) taking in the sun and heat. I hope to be running there with an ultramarathoner friend from Mexico and a 10X Boston marathoner  that I met at our running track this year who will be in PV for the next 2 months. It looks like my Feb miles are about to climb...


                Friday's thread

                Holly and Tammy, I don't know what to say about 2 or 3 inches of snow... I gather that was serious?

                Holly, I wish you wouldn't have reminded me of a good show gone awry by technicalities.

                Karen, everybody needs a Rip  around.

                Well I'm having conflicts with my Garmin telling me when I should workout and all kinds of other stuff, mehhh.Gotta figure out how to use it properly. I got in a 4.5 miler on the TM cause the break in cold weather isn't here yet although the weather people are claiming warm weather for next week. We'll see what gives, the group may be running outdoors on the 28th for our Sunday run a few days before DW and I depart for Mexico. Have a great day all!

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Roch - that's awesome about the travel plans and especially about your visit to Dayton/Miamisburg.  When are you coming?  We'll have to get together for lunch and maybe a ride (although I just have a clunky mountain bike, so I'm not terribly fast).

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    Very good travel plans, Doug.  Holly will come out every day and bring you a snack!

                    Sub-  very great month getaway!     Thanks for the start, Holly- and I agree about the local news/weather folks.  It gets old....


                    4.3 dreadmill miles.  Walking outside is treacherous- we had freezing rain on top of the snow and temps are falling.  I got Robert Earl walked- barely- crossing the frozen, unplowed neighborhood streets (which I avoided all but a couple) is scary.  There are no cars out and no people- but me.   One younger cyclist/runner in my neighborhood ran the first day on the soft snow but has been stuck inside since.  He went to his office in Nashville yesterday and slipped on the sidewalk and fell.    I've done plenty of 0 degree ski trips to Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, but this is a whole different level of risk trying to get around on this stuff.


                    Our HelloFresh box which had appeared to be lost is supposedly arriving today, so we'll have plenty of food.  Ken made enough chili last night to feed the whole neighborhood.  He couldn't figure out how to cut his recipe.

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                    Rose Colored Glasses




                      4.45 miles

                      Same route as yesterday

                      A wee bit faster

                      I've been trying to run smarter by taking walk breaks earlier than when I begin to fall apart. It seems to make for a more efficient outing.


                      Twocat jinxed me. Today I overdressed by one shirt. Fortunately I could half zip two items and cool off. Also, I left the mittens I brought on the front seat. Which was the correct place for them.


                      I wanted it to snow. Alas it tried but I think it was only fat cold raindrops. Nothing to write home about.


                      Roch, thanks for the suggestion. I have always enjoyed reading about your Meals of Wheels experiences. It's also cool that you work at the library.


                      I didn't sign up for the winter shelter orientation this weekend. I've been trying to avoid being in closed spaces with big groups of people. The rrs is scheduled for his new right hip in March. He wants us to be diligent with our health before then. His surgeon has a 3-4 months wait to get on the OR schedule. We saw him for pre-op in early December.


                      The rrs asked about running after getting the new hip. Here is the reply:


                      "If you had a room full of orthopedic surgeons and asked them to stand up if you wanted your patients to walk or hike with the new hip, everyone would stand up. If you asked if they could bike or kayak or canoe? Most would stand up. If you asked if they could run?  Very few would stand up"


                      He added  that he has some patients who absolutely want to run a little bit. Maybe a 5K or social running event.  He said, "I tell them to go ahead and train sensibly. Do the event. And be frugal with running"


                      Okay. I better shower. I opted for a quick nap this morning so I could be ready to play bridge this evening at the neighbor's.


                        Hi everyone!   I sort of gave in to the light snow anxiety this morning.   We have cloudy skies forecast for the whole day, with the exception of the possibility of snow showers right at the time I was supposed to be pinch-hitting for my brother, who was assigned to take our Mom to her annual Ophthalmologist appointment, but whose wife is sick with COVID.  Since Mom is not terribly good on her feet on flat dry surfaces, the hilly parking lot at they eye doctor, combined with the snow, would make it an impossibility for her.   So happens that the forecast appears to be a <miss> because it still just looks cloudy to me.   But better safe than sorry.  I rescheduled her for an open slot in February and hopefully my brother will be able to take her.  I''m running out of disposable vacation and sick time and will need to have some to charge when the baby is sick again and DD and SIL can't take time off to watch her.


                        After yesterday's rest day, I doubled up again this morning (figuratively, not literally doubled up on the floor).   I did a pull workout at the gym at the Y, followed by what was supposed to be a hard 2,300 yard swim but got reduced to 1450 yards but was still hard.   I'd started out light with weights back in mid-December, and have been slowly increasing the weights as I get 15 reps on everything.  Today I just barely got 15 reps on both row and pulldown, only got 14 on the rear delt machine (you can do the rear delts, if you face the other way while sitting in this particular pectoral flye machine - I love it), only got 12 reps on curls, but was still able to get 15 reps pretty easily on the lower back machine, because it just makes sense to start light and only very slowly raise the weight on that machine.  Not yet challenging.   But holy smokes, when I did the main set of 75--yard freestyle all-out effort repeats, I was slow.   I wanted to do a progression (swimmers have a different name for it but I don't remember it) of 58 seconds, 56 seconds, 54 seconds, and take a stab at 52 seconds.   I actually went 55 (whoops), 57 (whoops, too slow), and 55 again.   And at that point I just said, yeah, I'm done.   I did an easy backstroke back to the shallow end and quit that workout.   It tells me that I've reached the point where I should only do strength training about 3 or 4 days a week instead of 5 to 6.   I also shouldn't schedule a hard swim on a day when I lift first.  DOH!


                        Roch, I'm looking forward to getting on my bike again, even if I have to wait until after I retire, and doing some car trips to bike ride destinations.   We have the Erie Canal ride here in NYS, and the very end of that route is 1//8 of a mile from my house, so that wouldn't require a car ride but it is on my bucket list. (Modified to correct the crazy autocorrect typos)


                          Hey masters.


                          Been a busy week with travel. Next week is even more. At least its DC where I can run on the pathways and mall.


                          Glad on the improvement tet.


                          We only caught about 1.5' here but you would have thought it the blizzard of '78. It is pretty cold. Wind chills are in the low single digits. guess it's indoor running for me tonight. Woke up 30 minutes early so that helped with my 60 min PZ ride. Getting 18 miles per 60 min ride so slowly improving.


                          Sounds like a fun bike trip Roch. Love the AF museum. Always enjoy stopping there.


                          Well back at it.



                          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel




                            I didn't sign up for the winter shelter orientation this weekend. I've been trying to avoid being in closed spaces with big groups of people. The rrs is scheduled for his new right hip in March. He wants us to be diligent with our health before then. His surgeon has a 3-4 months wait to get on the OR schedule. We saw him for pre-op in early December.


                            The rrs asked about running after getting the new hip. Here is the reply:


                            "If you had a room full of orthopedic surgeons and asked them to stand up if you wanted your patients to walk or hike with the new hip, everyone would stand up. If you asked if they could bike or kayak or canoe? Most would stand up. If you asked if they could run?  Very few would stand up"


                            He added  that he has some patients who absolutely want to run a little bit. Maybe a 5K or social running event.  He said, "I tell them to go ahead and train sensibly. Do the event. And be frugal with running"

                            So other than the reduced enthusiasm for biking, kayaking and canoeing (I really don't understand that at all), that's basically what my doctor said. He figured 5 miles a week would be acceptable if I insisted on running, so I assume that would extend to doing a 5k, too. But they say hike and walk as much as you want, and my doc suggested biking as a good alternative for former runners. And I'm doing my stationary bike now as part of rehab. But yes, we avoided crowds and even Riley time before my surgery.


                            We're predicted to have over a week of temps in the -30's and even -40's with severe windchills on the hills around town (like our place). About the most we hear is "stay warm folks, it's going to be a little chilly for awhile!"

                            Marathon Maniac #957


                              Karen, everybody needs a Rip  around.



                              Oh yes they do!  Oh my - is it getting hot in here?  (fanning face)


                              Karen - did you try that idea of pulling socks on over your shoes to walk on ice?



                              So other than the reduced enthusiasm for biking, kayaking and canoeing (I really don't understand that at all),


                              I agree - don't understand that either.  I would think being fit and keeping extra weight off would be GREAT for post hip replacement folks.



                              We're predicted to have over a week of temps in the -30's and even -40's with severe windchills on the hills around town (like our place). About the most we hear is "stay warm folks, it's going to be a little chilly for awhile!"


                                I suppose it's all in what you're used to.  Like Sub7 said, you get accustomed to the cold after you live there a while.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Rose Colored Glasses

                                I think I phrased that incorrectly.

                                Ralph was explaining how we get in and out of the boats and early on in the process that motion might be difficult.

                                My mistake in words.
