Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 4.2.24 (Read 37 times)


    Good afternoon, Masters!


    Work is getting to that point where it is no longer worth trying to get as much done as possible so that tomorrow is manageable.   Our projects are slowly getting migrated from the "old" system when went live just after the pandemic hit to a new system that some of us have been using on select projects for about 6 months.   The learning curve is pretty severe for a lot of the project management staff, and we're finding that it's more tahan that - the people who were processing things in the old system are no longer doing that "extra work" so the staff have to learn the very basic data input that they never had to know before.  It's very slow and ploddingly painful.


    I was either sick or fighting something off (GI Woes) starting late last week and didnt go into the pool since Thursday.  Last night I did both a strength workout and a pool workout and the rest did me good.  It was also funny at the time that there were more than the usual one or two teenagers in the weight room last night, and there were at least two occasions where young'uns followed me on (1) a hip adduction machine and (2) a cable/pulley machine and decided they should do the same weight as the feeble old guy and found they couldn't move the stack at all.   But I'm concerned that it may have been their first times on the machines and no one is giving them guidance on how to do the exercises and how to choose reasonable starting weights.  


    I was moving well in the pool.  Mostly I did 100 and 200 yard repeats of freestyle and backstroke.   The 200 free (warmup was 2:50 and then the 100 yard free repeats on 2:00 were in 1:22, 1:22, 1:21, and 1:21.   Then I did another 100 yard free at the end of the night in 1:21 again.   I skipped doing the 100 yard backstroke kick repeats, with fins, because I had a little twinge in my right leg near the calf when I did the 100 yard backstroke repeats and didn't want to injure something on my first night back.   I hope to get out of work a little early this afternoon so I can get in a workout earlier than usual, then go to a free presentation at our local public library about Albany's 400 years of Dutch history.   I'm thinking the presenter might be a friend of mine.   Wouldn't want to miss it!



      Howdy masters!


      Jay, that's crazy that you couldn't get an itemized bill!  But they expect you to pay it anyway!


      Dave, you shouldn't have to adjust or cancel vacation plans because of chronically having too much work!  I can see if it was a real emergency situation but that doesn't sound like the case!


      We had another 2" of snow yesterday, so I took a rest day, but today it's sunny and gorgeous, so I went over to Golden Gate Canyon State Park and got first tracks for a 6 mile trail run/hike!  The first/last mile was kind of runnable but up higher the snow is full of bumpy footprints so it was slow going.  But with all the sparkly new snow and the dark blue Colorado sky, it was just what I needed!


      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

        Gorgeous photo Wild!

        Sub, sorry to hear about the mystery illness, sure hope you feel 100% again soon.


        Just a 3 mile neighborhood walk for me today. I usually get out earlier, but went at noon, so had to put some sunscreen on. Very intense sun right now but that was offset by a stiff breeze so I didn't overheat too much. 66 f by the end.


        Team dinner tonight that I am looking forward to. We just finished a big project and everyone will be in exceptionally good spirits.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          Beautiful picture.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            bty//...........if ''GI Woes'' means ''The Squirts''...........probably a good idea to skip the work-out

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              Fly By:  Dave59 may have some activity on the Snowman Cam.


              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                Wildchild - I never ran it it like you, sub and erika but oh the joys of spring skiing like that  when I could do it. Thanks. Steve's visuals too, . . . the first one that is.


                Happily attired in summer short sleeves and short legs as temps reached the high sixties for the first time since six months ago last october or so before the first real rain comes in tonight for the first time since early March too when the cherry blossoms were but barely buds on their then still bare branches, to celebrate 4.2.24 jay started us off with, I roamed down to and around the barely remaining blossoms on the 50 or so Yoshinos at the sister city park before our Medicare Advantage house call check ups that, though showing I've shrunk another inch, also got us high marks for our nice, clean-looking cafe-au-laits not to worry about that we, especially DW when our PCP"d just cavalierly refereed to 'em as age marks.

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                  Jay - Good on ya for getting out there on a wicked-busy day.  Boo on the Hummer close call.


                  Dnaff - Hopefully things went well with the food pantry.


                  I need "Ewe de Rodney"


                  Scary Hospital Stuff Bioguy.


                  Sub7 - Sorry to hear about your illness.


                  Tetsujin209 - Gotta love that you are getting out for the blooms.


                  Traverse City public schools were shut down because of a cyber-attack. I got 2.5 on the mill and 20 minutes home PT.

