Masters Running


Wednesday 1/24/24 Hump Day Workouts (Read 39 times)

    Don't worry about Steve-  as long as his hips are pooping!


    Rest day for me.



    I read this as combining online and in prison routines. I was worried about Steve for a moment.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


      Steve and Jay - thanks for the recaps!!
      Sub7 - thank you, just to keep it all in perspective tho I stayed in bed until 7am today!!

      KSA - bet that treadmill is going to be a lot more enjoyable now, well, as enjoyable as any treadmill could be

      Holly - tsk tsk tsk

      BTY - I can't wait for my dh to start trying out hearing aids now that he won't be wearing a hard hat daily


      30 minute Peloton Gospel ride, 15 minute barre class, 10 min core, 10 min arms/shoulders, 10 min glutes/legs, 5 min stretch


      Ran around doing lots of errands for the retreat, now have to pack!!!

      Plan on running tomorrow morning before I head over to the retreat center, but now sure how much time I will have to pop in here so have a greta weekend if I don't chime!!


      Marathon Maniac #957

        KSA - I have always set my TM to a 1.5% incline when I run on it.  I was told some years ago that otherwise it makes it too easy-rolling or something like that, and that putting a slight incline will mimic outdoor running more closely.  I really don't notice much of an incline though, until I get up to 2% or 2.5%.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Holly- that's the thing.  That turned out, after further studies, not to be true unless you are running sub 7:19 pace.  I would barely be able to walk with mine at that incline!   We used a level today to test the incline.  Try that with yours maybe.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




            I'm surprised you'd even feel a 1% incline - sounds insignificant!  But I think treadmill running is mind-numbing and I haven't been on one in years, so what would I know?


            We got home from our van trip to California yesterday.  It was wonderful to run in shorts and tee shirt.  We spent most of the time in Joshua Tree National Park, and I did two long runs while I was there, of 17 and 19 miles.


            It snowed quite a lot at my house while we were gone, and we had an interesting time getting home.  I live on a private dirt road that the county doesn't plow, and it was only plowed about 1/4 mile to a neighbor's house, but no one past there has been home  so the snow on the road was deep and drifted.  We walked the remaining 1/2 mile home and started up the plow truck, but some of the drifts were too deep and hard packed for the plow so we had to shovel them first!   After several hours we got the van home and got it unloaded.


            I went for a 5 mile run around the neighborhood in screw shoes today.  While I was out, DH went out to plow a little more, and he got the truck stuck, so he was waiting for me to go help him shovel it out.  We'll do that in the morning.

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              I got in 3.25 wet miles today. Is it against the rules to run in heavy fog/drizzle?

              I'm still a little heavy-headed from travel and stuff, like getting CV19 booster yesterday, but being outside clears it up a bit so I went for a jog.

              I'm at 7.8 miles for January so far, I am in danger of breaking the 20 mile/month ceiling!


              Ok, I had a story about why I missed my flight back and lost a day into the abyss.

              The morning of my flight I got up and made coffee as usual, had a clif bar, the last one, but wasn't satiated. The trophy fake-wife had put out a bag of misc. wrapped cookies, like the packages they give you on the plane (she is food-sophisticated and would never deign to eat those). I grabbed a package with two small sugar cookies in it. When I opened it, there was a whiff of dried plant, I figured they must be some organic thing, I smelled the bag again but the smell was gone. I further confirmed my suspicion that these were organic or healthy because the first bite had almost zero flavor. I opened them, so I figured that I better eat them, and despite being bland and awful I ate both.


              30 minutes later I stand up from my computer to make another cup of coffee, and the room decided to go sideways. I Sherlock-Holmes'd the situation just as she came into the room and I asked "where did these cookies come from?" and showed her the bag. "They were in the freezer, I put them with all the other cookies from the fridge", she said. I replied; "is there a chance they were pot cookies?". Her response: "OMG OMG OMG! NO! We've never had cookie edibles! Are you sure? How do you feel? Are you OK? Do you think you had a stroke?"


              Well, it was 3 hours before my flight, it was getting worse by the minute, there was no way I was going to fly. Or anything else. I navigated the sideways house to the bed and stayed there for 24hrs, with a few trips to the bathroom. She called the roommate/tenant and deduced that someone who had been staying there with him while she was back in CA from March to January made and sold "edibles" as a side job. We figured out the cookies in question were stolen from her stash by the roommate/tenant for his later use. The cookies had an X indentation across the top, one cookie contained 4 doses. Did I mention I ate two cookies? Two bland, horrible cookies? I knew you couldn't OD on weed, so I just resigned myself to losing a day. I'm glad I could mostly sleep, but my mouth was so dry I couldn't swallow, and had to force myself to sip water. It wasn't until 08:00 the next day before I took shaky steps out of bed, and THAT day was at 1/4 speed because I still felt bad from my first and only weed adventure. I'm probably still having effects from it. It's really hard to believe that people LIKE feeling so shi**y, and pay money for the privilege. Oh, I guess it was well over $100 worth of edibles I ate, and they didn't even taste good.


              Treadmills: The pro models at the Summit County rec center in Breckenridge CO could incline DOWN 2%, which was greta for some fast running.

              60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                Holly S. never, ever break Rule #1 or you risk terrible wet foot and body syndrome.


                RunnerKSA I will back you on what some work on TM have said. For everyone else, it seems the issue is wind resistance. If you run fast enough the wind resistance matters. On a TM there is none, so the incline makes up for it.


                Surly Bill that story is hysterical! (Although you might not think so.) At least the cookies staved off the munchies!  I have a great story from high school like that, but it involves hash brownies and I was not the victim/beneficiary. Just a coconspirator.


                This is hard to believe, but I won a winning Paris Mass Marathon lottery ticket! That means I get to join moebo on the starting line. Maybe I have read something wrong, but it looks to me like the race starts at 9pm!!  Who thought 9pm was a good time to start a marathon?!! I am going to end up finishing up around 1am. That assumes I can stay awake for the whole race, heck stay awake long enough to start.


                I managed to get out this morning before the rain hit, thereby avoiding a Rule #1 violation. Tomorrow I hope to run 4, but given the size of the storm, I am pretty sure that I am looking at a TM run.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                  OMG Bill.  That is scary, really.  Glad you got past it and got home OK!

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Hello everybody!


                    I have a Landis treadmill, too, Karen and I have never had it serviced… I think I’ve had it over 15 years.  I was hoping it would last long enough for me to save up and a Assault treadmill.  I would be interested in knowing, though, what you spend to get it back in good shape.


                    I went 9 miles, today, which included 6 at tempo pace.  I’m having trouble maintaining this new slower tempo pace.  I was supposed to do them at a 7:26 pace and I went through the first mile in 7:14 and hardly felt it.  So I decided to just relax and enjoy the run.  I ended up doing them in an average 7:02… with the last one in 6:43.  I don’t know how it will go next week but I’m not going to worry about it.


                    Okay—that’s all I got.  See ya!

                      Mike-  Ken is really big on maintenance of things (a good thing) and even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with the treadmill, he thought it probably needed lubricating etc.  They vacuum it out and check the belts.  I think today was $125 but we didn’t have to pay yet.  I’ll let you know the final tally.  Mine is a L7.  I had some friends researching them in 2014, including my son, and everyone came up with this one as the best to get due to the long warranty and good servicing.  It was about $4K at the time, but I knew if I was going to get one, it needed to be a really good one or I wouldn’t like it.  Even though I had gym access, with the ice days where you can’t even drive safely, I wanted my own.  We had good space for it, so I took the plunge.

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                        OMG, Surly, I'm not laughing at you, but I'm laughing.  The good thing is you didn't take the cookies with you and eat them on the plane.  Now that would've been a story! 

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                          Here's one that got away:


                          At Salvation Army store in Springfield Oregon there was a curved slat treadmill for $200. It had a sign on it that said "still shopping", so someone had claimed it. I think. I should have followed up on that, since I checked later and couldn't find one that was less than $3500 new, most were $5k or over. Our powered treadmill has seen better days, and burns a lot of electricity. I'll be looking for another free replacement soon.

                          The Best Curved Treadmills In 2023, According To Fitness, 45% OFF

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                            OMG, Surly, I'm not laughing at you, but I'm laughing.  The good thing is you didn't take the cookies with you and eat them on the plane.  Now that would've been a story! 


                            we were talking about that; what if I ate them on the way out the door, or on the plane? Geez, I got lucky in my unluckiness....


                            the flight was half full so it was only in the air for about 4 hours, not enough time to "come down". I still had to navigate BART to get home.

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                              56F in Tennessee!!!



                              Steve - it might be worth it to save a lot of trouble from DW's coworker who, probably like everyone else up there, seems to depend on you for anything and everything, by spending $100 to give her a basic AAA membership in their gratis towing  to service stations, getting out of ditches, opening locked doors, etc.


                              Not every kid starting out can afford that luxury on their insurance package.


                              Leslie - Sorry about the job stress.  Personally, working out in the AM is what works for me.


                              Mornin', Friends -


                              Steve - What is exactly is wrong with your hip - besides being a source of daily pain?  It doesn't seem your PT is fixing whatever the problem is.


                              My primary and on hands PT both say it's 70% likely to be a muscle thing.  The on hands dude uses blades to work it out.


                              DD#2 and her bio-dad's side aunt both need hip replacements.  If I'm added to that list, I'll check to see if Costco has them in 3 packs.




                              Rest day for me.



                              I read this as combining online and in prison routines. I was worried about Steve for a moment.


                              People have worried about me and wondered about me.


                              Ne reason.


                              Wildchild - That's a lot of snow.


                              Surly Bill - That stinks about the incredible edibles.


                              Two Cat and Moebo are heading to Paris!


                              All I did was in person PT and that was enough.



                                It's drizzling out right now, so I'm getting ready to head down to the treadmill (agin, ugh). But before I go:


                                Surly, that is quite a story! Coincidentally, we found a pack of gummy edibles left on top of the fridge after renters left our house in NH a couple of years ago. We had some friends over for dinner that night, and decided we would all all try one after dessert (I say "try" because we were all newbies). I guess they were pretty low-dose edibles because all it did for us was make us sleepy...


                                Twocat, yay for Paris! I got my final confirmation email yesterday, too, so it's official. Yes, the race starts at 9 pm! I wonder if I should try a long run or two at night to see how it feels?


                                I was thinking of Jlynn last night because we just finished the latest season of Fargo. I thought it was really really really good, the best one yet (and that's saying a lot). The last scene was a truly great one (if you like the Fargo style).


                                I got in 4.1 TM miles yesterday. I have a Precor treadmill that was given to me by a friend who decided he was sick of it taking up space in his basement. It's definitely not a high-end unit, but I kind of like it. I play around with the incline to make things interesting. I definitely feel a difference when it's at 1%.
