Masters Running


Sunday 4/7 Eclipse Eve (Read 35 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    Deez - Congratulations on 600 peletons.

    Do they have steakers? You?

    Sounds like a nice Birthday party for the King.

    Stumpy - pics on the evening news?


    Econo - My school didn't have any but, if yours did, I wonder if they're like the office ones where some lowly employee stakes out blankets to reserved "their" tree until everyone is let out early to head to the park for the festivities, including, probably different from school ones, . . . oh, that's okay.


    Anne - according to Dr. Dave, even 99% coverage leaves enough of the sun's brightness to cause damage so it will be interersting to see how dark it gets where you are, if any.  They're trying to hawk the eclipse glasses on us in Seattle too even though it'll only be 20% at 11:29 am, not that I'm that interested but, if I weren't, Dr. Dave would make me.


    ps tom - any four  baggers with the Little League.? 


    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



      Steve--what does OSHA have to say about bunny heads in the workplace?



      We have an onsite safety person, that I've had to sneak around.


      Greetings all!!


      This morning Maggie and I went to Breakheart.  We did paths and roadway. and about 2 miles.  Very good even though I had a couple of close call due to my stability 


      Glad those were only close calls.  Love that you two got out.


      Econo - Wonderful racing.


      Milk Truck - Those pictures!!!  I'd rather not have to clean up after that type of storm.


      Happy Anniversary KSA!


      JLynne - That's too back about the Cellcom races.


      Get well soon Enke.


      Saturday, I cleaned most of the camper's cupboards.   I had caught two mice.  Ugh.


      DW and I went to visit wayward DD and the tribe.  9 miles away.  The kids got some chicks, and the kids are over the top excited.





      Then we took Dunkin and 12 year-old Honey out for a mile.






      Gratuitous Magnolia picture.


