Masters Running


Ready to Swing into Spring 3/19/24 (Read 37 times)


Rose Colored Glasses


    My FIL drove cars after he and his brothers sold their market (they owned "Al's Quality Market" in Barberton Ohio.)

    Anyway! He had worked 6 days a week, 10 hours a day. So he needed something to do. He would drive cars from Akron to Columbus. And was home every evening. He really enjoyed that job.

    I sure hope Shorty finds what he needs because he deserves it. I wish he could get involved in baseball again but, with his aching body, probably not.

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Hello everybody!


      Today is a rest day from running so just lifted weights with Zac.  He had to be somewhere by 6:15 so we cut our workout short... which was fine with me because I'm beat.


      A few months ago, our new pastor started a men's group that meets every Tuesday--the one night I don't run.  It starts at 7:00 and is supposed to be done by 9:00... but it never is... I get up at 4:45 every morning.  I was going to it until last week and I hated every time I went.  The guys in the group, except for a couple, are long winded and just like to hear themselves talk.  A couple weeks ago, a couple new guys showed up who were both widowers... in fact, we had 4 widowers in the room of about 10 guys.  Each one of them talked about how badly they miss their wives and I all I could do was think about how I was someplace I really did not want to be, while my wife was at home.  So, two Sundays ago, I told my pastor that I was going to be spending my Tuesday nights with my wife.  He kind of understood but made a comment about me spending too much time with my marathon training... I didn't like that comment.


      Okay--Debbie called me up for supper. Gotta go.  See ya! 


        Belated birthday greetings to Holly and Marj!! I thought of you both that day. It's also my sister-in-law's birthday, but I think of you guys first! 


        Leslie, I sure hope Shorty can figure something out to keep busy without breaking himself. It's hard to try to keep up those physical hard work jobs when your body is done. The driving idea is interesting, sounds like he'd like it!


        Mike, I think that's a very good call. Life is way too short to spend time doing something you don't want to do.


        Tramps, I meant to come back earlier to thank you for that link to John Oliver's piece on Boeing. He is very good at what he does, and that piece was excellent.


        Orange Mat! Haven't even seen Esther on Facebook in ages. Sort of like me being on Facebook. Maybe 4 times a year, ha!


        Barb, I ran across that letter you sent me a few years ago. Made me smile.


        Sounds like in general everyone is doing pretty well, right? Shout out to Econo and Herr W for a very nicely done half the other day. Yay!


        I really can't remember more than that. Sorry. We've been so stinkin' busy here with taking care of my parents, and DH's mom is having issues too. My mom is having a real hard time and the caregivers we have are either sick or called out of town this week so it's all been a bit much. But, it's starting to warm up here (finally!) and today we got the hard pack scraped up from the driveway. That's a sure sign that spring is coming for us: the hard pack guy is here!!


        After he left, I got out in the sunshine for a 2.3 mile walk. My average pace these days is in the low-to-mid 16's which is such an improvement from the mid-17's to 18's of pre-surgery (on a good day). 2.3 miles walked.

          3.5 ez miles along the Bay. Nothing interesting to report.

          The set for Fun Home is coming along. It takes place in an attic, this is the back wall with exposed framing

          May be an image of woodwork and lumberyard



          Somehow I read this as, "I got a Scotch before 4 this morning," and I thought, "Whoa Nelly!"    




          That's what I saw, too!


          Leslie; the driving sounds good. There are a lot of unexpected driving jobs, like taking rental cars/RVs/trailers back to where they came from or where they are in demand, courier, medical equipment/supply transport, and other low-key, regular vehicle driving. I'm envisioning going to Redding and back every day for some company. Does your firm ever use couriers instead of delivery companies? Something like that. Uber/Lyft are probably saturated there, but that's not too bad, either. Heck, I made a LOT of money delivering pizza in college. I never expected tips, but I got them half the time (college town) and just a 3-4 hour shift I'd make $100 with the minimage being $3.25, and then add in the tips. That was a HUGE hourly take back then. And the free small pizza (Track Town Pizza in Eugene).

          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

            Leslie, I sure hope Shorty can figure something out to keep busy without breaking himself. It's hard to try to keep up those physical hard work jobs when your body is done. The driving idea is interesting, sounds like he'd like it!


            Mike, I think that's a very good call. Life is way too short to spend time doing something you don't want to do.


            Tramps, I meant to come back earlier to thank you for that link to John Oliver's piece on Boeing. He is very good at what he does, and that piece was excellent.


            Orange Mat! Haven't even seen Esther on Facebook in ages. Sort of like me being on Facebook. Maybe 4 times a year, ha!



            Esther did post about the marathon and qualifying on FB this week so I know it was ok to share 


            The labor floor has been beating me up the last couple days - back again tomorrow, but at least I have 4 hours of competency workshop in the morning so only 8 hours on the floor. I’m tired!!

            I did set my alarm for 4:25am and managed 3 peppy miles before work - also did a .3 mile warm-up is what I’m calling it only because I forgot to turn my watch on until the first light I hit!! 

            Sleep well my friends!!


              Mike- some groups just don’t click for everyone and you definitely need to spend your time NOT at that group.


              Leslie- that’s a tough one and I hope he and you can find a good solution.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                Mike - It sounds like you made the right call about spending time with Debbie on Tuesdays as opposed to being at the men's group.  If it doesn't feel like with your heart, then it's not right.  And honestly, I think the pastor's comment about your running is out of line.  Quite frankly, whether or not you spend too much time training is between you and Debbie and it's nobody else's business.


                Thanks for the support, peeps, re The Hub.  I've been working on our taxes, and honestly, it's not like he's raking in the big bucks with what he's doing, so it's kind of ridiculous for him to keep doing something that brings him absolutely no joy.  His mental and physical well-being is what's important.  We'll figure this out.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Jay - nice sukoshi scootch.


                  Love the pictures, Steve.

                  Steve - I agree, especially, compared to the dogs' trails that could be anywhere, that is a very nice picture of the beach off the dunes but maybe go back and check on some of tselbs' dunes photos from those days for the bare minimum of pics about the dunes themselves that would be okay, especially if you tell the dogs to stay at the top and go down to the beach to call them down  for a treat or something. Then you'd see what the descentson the Mt. Fuji and Mount Marathon races were like.


                  Mike - good for you for telling your pastor prefer you wife to listening to toehrs' formers plus you are so nice not to have said to your pastor what I would have said if he would have said to me what he said to you about your running but, unfortunately, nobody ever not only would but it took me eight decades to get to where I would have said it if they did. 


                  Leslie - Maybe it's different down there but there'd be no problem to shorty's getting out of landscaping and into something more sinecurey listed up here in spades by the state job service at least until full retirement so hope it works out down there too.  More important, though, is making sure he can get judiciously spaced cortisone shots to keep the arthritis manageable until medicare pays for whatever he needs to get it better but, for some reason, I hope it is not a total knee replacement. Good luck.


                  Taking advantage of a fourth day of unseasonably warm weather touching up to 70F under brilliantly blue sunny skies, with the promenade of three dozen cherry trees blooming at Kobe Koen Park in the ID we saw on Saturday and the four dozen at the UW Quad on Sunday plus the Arboretum yesterday, the Japanese Garden and a Japanese Tea Garden tooo were on the agenda for today but extensive coverage of the 100% "mankai" blooming out at the UW inexorably drew us out there again today eating sushi rolls in the sun as, oddly enough, without so many cherry trees down at the Japanese Garden and Tea Garden, it'll be okay to check them anytime even if the current spell of summer ends tonight as predicted. 


                  Incidentally, for those of us who think the equinoxes are on the 21st's of March and September, respectively, this year's vernal is tonight, March 19 at 8:06 pm, just in time for the spring showers on the way.

                  sunrise - 7:13 am

                  sunset - 7:22 pm


                  ps Holly - especially if I covered them with fallen fall leaves, we'd sometimes get a couple of carnations that'd survive the mild winters we have out here., Good luck on nurturing the survivor into flowering this summer. Sounds like fun.

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
