Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 12.13.23 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


      So now I have to master walking again, and then I can look forward to starting up racewalking in a few weeks.



    You will do that in no time!


    C-R - Some things you do not want to share!


    Leslie - It's hard to read pets when something is wrong.


    I'm hoping to learn pain management opinions from y'all instead of firsthand.



    It's all about portion control. 


    What the heck does that mean?


    Holly - Thank you for the Erika update.


    MikeE - Where is your poem?


    Wanda Wonka - There is nothing wrong with wanting to decompress after work.


    Cripes, Tetsujin209 - I'm not jealous of you for a change.


    Tammy - Very cool.


    A coworker has a craft table set up at work and has wares for sale.



    I asked if I could have my own table and my boss was not enthusiastic.



    My homework that was supposed to be due Thursday but got bumped to Tuesday end of day was turned noon Wednesday.  Of a $20,000.00 target, I was $54.16 short.  I let it get to me, but I could not hit a salesperson's commission without discussing it with them first.  It would give them an opportunity to have a delivery set up and bill an order out.  I know it's chump change in the nature of our industry, but I'm not going to blind side someone.


    I got nothing for Wednesday.

