Masters Running


Friday 4/19/24 Runs and Other Stuff (Read 37 times)

    I must have had light sedation because I felt the probe at one point and moaned or cried out.

    Still, no way could I drive home. Too many sedating and memory-erasing drugs in my system.

    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      Lucky everyone as none for my first one in Alaska where I vividly remember grabbing the table and gritting my teeth being mad they had a ms nurse helping but must have had something for the second one down here as i don't remember anything except i don't need any more.

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


        Man, how did I miss colonoscopy day?   I definitely had the too-light anesthesia for my first and so far only colonoscopy back in 2019.  I remember several times asking, shouldn't I be asleep by now?  I really don't want to be a witness to all of this.  Then I remember the doctor saying "Yep, there it is, the Crohn's" and I was there with eyes open watching on the screen and, I think I finally fell asleep after that.  Bah!


        Friday was busy with exercise in the afternoon, after work.  It was a work at home day so I started early (7:00 instead of 8:30 regular time) so I could get my workout in in the afternoon, since I slept too late to get it in in the morning.   The strength workout was a pull - row, pull down, rear delt, biceps curls and low back extension.   It was challenging.  The swim workout was supposed to be an easy one, and I overdid it a little but scaled it back at the end to keep it from being too much.  4 x 100 freestyle at an easy 1:27/100 pace, on 2:00, then 4 x 100 flutter kick with fins at the same pace but on 1:45.  4 x 100 backstroke kick at a slightly slower pace and on 1:45.   Then I rested and did 4 x 100 backstroke as a main set.  1:35/100 on 2:30.   It was written up as 8 x 100 but that's where I scaled things back.  Finished with an easy 100 yard freestyle in 1:27.


        Last part of the "workout" was cutting up some wood for a friend who has (had) two very large (relatively) Japanese Maple trees dying on his front lawn.  We surmise that the trees were planted too close to the road, and he is on a corner lot and gets a lot of snow plowed onto that area by the town, and there is road salt in the dumped snow.  But it's also possible they are just aging out.


        Then I met Mrs. BTY at our favorite diner for salads.  She had just returned home from her Mom's.  She was going to stay an extra day for the funeral of her brother's wife's father, but I think the time away from home is getting to be as heavy a lift for her as it is for me.  We are heading up a church outdoor cleanup project day today, also, so she would have left me in a sort of bad spot.  We're focusing our efforts on the flower beds around the church, school, and parsonage, and she's the one who's more expert in soil prep and what plants will do well, where.  Looks like we have rain (again) right now but that it will be gone by the time we begin work at 8:30.


        Karen, I'm glad to hear your recovery from surgery is going well.


          I didn't know this until recently, but the USA is one of the few countries that recommends routine colonoscopies.  "The U.S. is a major outlier in the colorectal cancer screening world."


          Just wanted to throw in my two cents.


