Masters Running


February 2024 Masters Miles (Read 27 times)


    February is a stinker of a month and added further insult this year as a Leap more day to work through this month we wish was even shorter.    



    As my inbox filled this week with vapid pleas from all sorts of businesses to “Leap Into Savings”, I decided to find some fun facts about Leap Year with which we can smile as we put the month into our collective rear-view mirrors.


    • Babies born on February 29 are called “Leapers” or “Leaplings”.   They have the option of celebrating their birthday on February 28 or March 1.   Most opt for the 28th.   
    • I actually once lost 30 minutes of my professional life sitting in a meeting debating  when to schedule an annual review for a person who started work for us on a February 29.  I kid you not. 
    • Legend says it’s acceptable for a woman to propose to a man on Feb. 29. The custom has been attributed to St. Bridget, who is said to have complained to St. Patrick about women having to wait for men to propose marriage. Patrick supposedly gave women one day to propose.  Not sure how the two of them arrived at that compromise.   
    • The twin cities of Anthony, Texas, and Anthony, New Mexico, are the self-proclaimed Leap Year Capital of the World. They hold a four-day leap year festival each leap year that includes a huge birthday party for all leap year babies.   How about putting that claim on the sign outside your fair city?   



    I can’t stand much let’s summarize our February running months!    How are you finding the gradually longer daylight hours?    What’s encouraging?   What has you down?    We all have ups and downs to “leap” over!  



    Leap into the posting now!   (so sorry...)






    I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


      interesting and fun facts.

      So allowing women to propose, but only once every four years, was a baby step towards gender equality I suppose. lol


      I thought that extra day in February would give me more of a mileage boost than it did, but I only had enough oomph to hit 100 miles on the mark with a 3 mile TM last night.


      Feb: 100 miles




        Well, Joe.  I'm not a February fan, either, but now it's over!   You forgot to share your mileage with us!   Neat pictures and facts, though.


        174.5 for me.  Not bad considering it wasn't 31 days!  No races and only made it to one Saturday group training run.  Got some warmer northern Florida running in for a few days this month, though.


        The days are longer, but soon the mornings will be dark again for a bit.  Being retired gives me enough flexibility that I can work around it all.  I will continue to collect miles and shoes! 

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Thanks, Joe! And that point about the meeting on the annual review cracked me up. Yup, I can see that happening!


          I always feel like February is the longest 4 weeks of the year, for sure. But the difference in the daylight hours by mid-point in the month is striking!


          Had a good month, for a non-runner.

          544.6 miles on the stationary bike

          28.5 walking around the neighborhood. Most walking miles since August!


            Oh yeah, my miles....


            February yielded a mere 45 miles of running as an old pain in the left calf/ankle/foot reared up again.   I was off running for three weeks late Jan/early Feb and only got going again two weeks ago.   I had some good runs while we were on vacation in South Carolina.   But, today, March 1, I had to cut short a simple four mile run at 3.5 with some severe shooting pain in the same ankle/foot area.   I hobbled home and it's still very sore whenever I get up and walk around the house this evening.   Not sure where this is going.   We'll figure it out. 






            I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


              Thanks for the monthly mileage thread!


              My February mileage shows a drop-off continuing since January.  I think it's a combination of two or three things.  Upcoming meets so training cycle is being modified.  Overtraining syndrome symptoms caught early back in mid January.  Added Strength training back into the regimen in December.   Monthly mileage that was up in the low to mid 30's each month in the fall has dropped to 22.25 miles in February.  Even an extra day or two would've barely gotten me close to 25.


              22.25 miles, or around 39,500 yards.


              Yearly total about 47 miles, or 83,500 yards.



              Centex runner

                I got a little over 80 miles for February to include a 10k race. This is the most miles I've had in a month for some time. Not many years ago I would run at least 2,000 miles yearly. I started having ankle/leg issues and got to be very irregular in my running habits. Found out recently that the main cause was I had a torn posterior tibial tendon in my foot (along with other issues) and I became totally flat footed. I guess from running many miles in this condition I had caused my foot to become deformed (angled out) and was told not to run anymore. My options were surgery or perhaps a fitted ankle brace might help. I got a ritchie style brace in January 24 and have been wearing it all day. The surgery option was some what unnerving to me in the procedures they were proposing for me but it is still a future option. Taking some time getting use to running with the brace (very slow) but I'm optimistic that I can at least get to some consistency

                Joe - Hope that you find a solution soon!

                an amazing likeness

                  Thanks Joe. Hope your injury quickly changes to a healing progression.


                  I logged 137 miles for February.


                  Ran Mid-Winter 10mi race which is held first Sunday in Feb and offers chance of every possible version of winter weather -- this year was a non-event of sunny 28F and breezy...nice winter day. Continued my recent trend of posting personal worst times at race distances, but was happy to see even splits between the opening 5mi (hilly) and ending 5mi (battling headwind) -- 3 secs difference, so didn't fade to the finish.

                  Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                    Thanks for another good start to the monthly, Joe. That pain sounds a little scary - I hope you find the cause and resolution for it.


                    I racewalked 149 miles in February, getting outside every day, and including a fun little 2.5K race in Portland, ME. My friend and fellow racewalker, Margaret, pushed me to a quicker paced than I imagined. I beat her, but only by the skin of my teeth.


                    I am encouraged by the gradually longer daylight hours because I am finally starting to see a little blue sky toward the end of my early AM workouts. I am bummed because the start of Daylight Savings Time will take that glimpse of daylight away from me for another two months.



                    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                      Thanks for keeping us LEAPING Joe!!


                      71 prime run/walk miles

                      105.1 Peloton miles (I think)


                      No races, but enjoyed 4 runs in St Croix. Have also been working on more strength classes and can feel the consistency working for me.

                      Looking forward to longer days and hopefully milder weather altho it really hasn't been too bad here in NE this year - there's still time for that to change tho!!


                        Joe- have you had an XRay or MRI?  I wonder if you have a small stress fracture or stress reaction like I had last year.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




                          I had 103 miles for February, a prime!  Also one half marathon distance run, during the 5 days I was home in between trips.  The first two weeks were in Costa Rica, and it was too hot to run much, then I've been in PA helping my parents since the 23rd.   Even though I'm busy here, there are lovely trails right out the door, so I've been running pretty consistently.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Interesting!  Anthony, NM (& TX) doesn't have much going on, so it makes sense.


                            I leapt into one of my favorite races here in Las Cruces, a 5-miler, with an AG award.  My knee had been giving me trouble but then my body got distracted and my knee quit hurting because my old piriformis injury flared up, so I've been nursing that.  75 miles.  Thanks!

                            "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                              Joe- have you had an XRay or MRI?  I wonder if you have a small stress fracture or stress reaction like I had last year.


                              Karen, thanks...I h ave not yet had it imaged, but I sense that might be the next step.   I have a doc appointment Tuesday and he may well have it scanned...he's a marathoner too and "gets it".   He told me a couple weeks ago that if the massage and ligament release efforts don't yield fruit, we'd likely need to peer inside. 


                              Thanks for asking!


                              I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

                                Well, personally I like February since I was born in February.   Not a leap year baby, though.  I'm just now starting to ramp up my miles, so nothing to write home about yet.  And I'm having some butt issues, so having to limit my saddle time with the bike.


                                Running: 59.2 miles

                                Stat Biking: 1.50 hrs

                                Core/ST: 6:10:10 hrs

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

