Masters Running


Sunday, St. Patrick's day running and chats (Read 32 times)


    Good morning RA family.

    Here is wishing  a relaxing and fun Sunday for all of you.

    As for my butterfly wings, off I go to run a few joyful miles.



    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

      Thanks for the start, Mariposai. Sounds like wonderful sunny run yesterday.

      Nice racing, Dave.

      Does not sound like fun, KSA.

      Nice windy long run, Mike.

      Deez--do you leave your camper at a campground? Year-round? We've toyed with the idea of trying to have a "summer place" up there--trailer? camp?--for a few months out of the year. Not sure it makes sense but now that we're both retiring for real, we're revisiting the idea.

      tet--glad you liked the piece. Like I said, he's good at what he does and tackles surprisingly serious and complex issues.

      Where's Doug been? I need to trash talk his faltering Red Wings. Their losing streak has put my Caps tantalizingly close to a playoff spot. They're highly unlikely to make it, but still, it adds a little interest to the games this time of year.


      Overcast and a bit cooler today.  41.6 mile ride . I was a bit under-dressed, so chilly at first, but fine by the end so it all worked out.


      Enjoy your day.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Thanks Mariposai for kicking us off.  Slept ok but not long enough.  Go out in desert sunshine for 5.2 miles.  Flowers, cacti and flat.  Didn’t get lost.   I think we are going to the zoo today.  It’s supposed to be great.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


          Happy St Patrick's Day Masters!!


          Tramps - yes we have a park model camper with a hard room attached and it stays in place. Lots of people in the campground have similar models or regular campers or 5th wheels they have converted into seasonal but those could be pulled out more easily if they chose to leave the campground. We winterize Columbus Day weekend then reopen the week of May 1. I love it!!  It's great having a little summer place to go to and it's only about 90 minutes travel from our house or if I go from work in Boston.


          Today is a mostly rest day for me. Mom stayed overnight so dh cooked his special potatoes this morning and we had a nice breakfast. Mom and I went to church and she just left for home a little while ago. I need to get some laundry done and maybe do a little core and upper body work, but giving my legs a rest after yesterday's run and intense bike session!!

          Have a great Sunday everyone!!



            Happy St Patrick’s Day.  No celebration at our house though I saw pictures of a couple local parades where families really go all out on their floats.


            Today’s yoga was one recommended for 24 to 48 hours after a hard workout.  It involved a lot of stretching and a little bit of balance.  For some reason it left my left calf screaming but no effect on my right .  I suppose my left side was more needy today.


            Our youngest is on her way over to have me eyeball her taxes before she sends them off.  There was also mention of her taking some of the stuff she left behind when she moved out 6 years ago.  I’ll believe it when I see it!

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Hello everybody!


              I ran 6 miles in the cold wind before church, this morning, then donated plasma, then went to workout with Zac but, instead, took him to my favorite running store for some running shoes.  He started running all on his own a few days ago and he was running on old crappy - non running shoes.  I don't know where this will lead... and I am not pushing him at all... but I'm a kind of excited.


              Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!

                That's cool Mike!

                Also cool about your granddaughter and her NCAA basketball finals chance.


                Went to my relaxing place this weekend. The air sure smells super fresh out there with all the cedar trees. There had been heavy snow about a week ago, with some still in the ditches. MBE and I did the Big Creek loop plus campground loop, 5.75 miles and 1130 feet of total ascent. This hike is usually no biggie for me, but with about 18 inches of snow on the higher parts of the trail, the slippin and a sliding around perhaps made it a harder workout, as I was achy as heck trying to get to sleep last night and felt pretty fatigued today.  Definitely a sign that I better get some serious elevation in AND time on my feet to prepare my body for all the multi-day backpacking trips I have planned this summer. I also got a referral to an allergist last week so that I can hopefully get some immunotherapy for my stinging insect allergy before all this planned hiking.

                DD is home this week after her winter term (only 3 more classes to take to graduate, spread over the next 2 that she can still be eligible for her internship this summer - which turned out to be for Amazon, programming, instead of data sciences at Liberty Mutual. (She ended up going with the Amazon offer which came in later....hourly pay was >2 times the other offer, and I am so incredibly proud of her!  And glad she should be self-supporting soon!)  My DS will be coming home for a visit later this week, and I will be so happy to have both my kids at home at the same time.  And spring seems to be here!

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  Hello, all. Quiet day on RA today! Is everybody out celebrating St. Patrick's Day?


                  I've been slowly increasing my distance, trying to be careful to rehab my hip/butt/back thingy slowly. Today was 5.2 miles. I still feel a little lingering aching, so I am not planning to go any farther than that yet.


                  This afternoon I went to watch our boys basketball team in the State finals, and we won! Should be fun to celebrate that tomorrow at school.


                  No St. Patrick celebrating for me today, despite my Irish ancestry. Neither I nor my SO like corned beef, cabbage or Irish soda bread, so dinner was our usual Sunday salmon, rice and asparagus.


                  Have a great week!


                    Posai - thanks for the start

                    happy KSA made it to CA

                    moebo - asparagus is green - that counts


                    my DD came down from N.H.  we checked out the space for Henry’s party, then went into Boston to check out urban art and also geocaching.  Walked around 6 miles.  lots of people wearing green..Other than that a low key day


                    Have a greta evening,


                      Congrats to Lil’ Enke!

                      Herr Wegetarian and I ran the NYC half in perfect weather — 53 degrees or so, mostly cloudy. Yet all the runners had bundled up for Fairbanks weather. I’ll never understand that… Anyway I beat Younger Econo (from 2 years earlier, same course) by about 4 minutes on my usual substandard training plus being 15 lbs overweight. So ha! A good day. I also beat Herr W, but not by much.


                      We took the subway back to our Airbnb, visited a friend, then headed to our airport hotel, also via mass transit. Sooo… he & I broke our Garmin’s most steps in a day and most steps in a week record. I’m a little bit numbers-obsessed, so this pleases me immensely.


                      Forgot to mention that I placed solidly in the bottom of my age group. Undecided

                        8.5M on the secret route (first time back there in a long time!)


                        Wearing green of course, Go Ducks. Speaking of; what a great Pac12 tournament the men had!


                        KSA, if you find any good Palm Springs running routes, do share. I always end up just running on the roads hugging the hills to the West. I ventured up the trails a few times, but they were too steep to be of much use for running. I think there's some runnable trails at the very South end of S Palm Canyon DR where it leaves town, but I haven't been.


                        I think I'm slated to drink some Irish whiskey after my trophy fake-wife gets off work in honor of her dubious and scant Irish heritage. I have a feeling my distant ancestor, Longshanks, would likely approve, as he was also the Lord of Ireland.

                        60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          . . . then went to workout with Zac but, instead, took him to my favorite running store for some running shoes.  He started running all on his own a few days ago and he was running on old crappy - non running shoes.  I don't know where this will lead... and I am not pushing him at all... but I'm a kind of excited.


                          Mike - very nice. Good luck.

                          I hope it works out better than when the new Nike Waffle Stompers I tried in 1978 only improved by three minutes the 3:52:13 I somehow still remember my blue Brooks Vantage got me in the first mary in 1977 so haven't bought running shoes ever since and, now that I've been an octogenarian for almost a year, nothing seems to help, except all the inspiration from Henry now in his penultimate month as one. I think Doug has a couple of years to go so hope everything is fine so he can become an octo-runner too. It's really fun; you don't even have to pretend like you're fast anymore.


                          After a very "green-green-is-green-they-say" St. Pat's Dash this morning with 17,000 other greenies, I switched to a "cherry-blossom-pink" afternoon with about 1,000 other awers under the four dozen 90 year of Japanese Yoshinos at the UW I first saw when they moved them up from the arboretum in 1964 and sealed my decision to become one of the half dozen odd-balls on campus to study Japanese at the time.


                          However, very sorry and sad to hear NPR indicate that some 130, if not all of the 150 or so 120 year old tidal basin Yoshinos I got to circle around one spring on a fortuitous business trip to WDC are going to be removed because breaks in the seawall aren't going to be fixed against rising seawater.  Too late now but I wish they would have checked with Jay. 


                          ps - yep, corned beef and cabbage, for sure.


                          pps Surly - good luck to your green ducks, . . . but I doubt it. At least, way better than the purple dawgs.


                          ppps Econo - nice, nice, nice.


                          Moebo's champs too.

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)