Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 3.26.24 (Read 37 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

     I'm sure he'll appreciate all the coaching and recruiting help he'll get from X/Twitter from our fans.


    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      James Madison really handed it to the Badgers in the first round - it was embarrassing and they were never in the game. Or maybe it was UW's new uniforms (their shorts were too short and I have no idea who decided to go and do that for an important game!). If he was the head coach at JMU, that could bode well for Vandy though.



      Not sure if I mentioned that Vanderbilt got their new basketball coach.  I'm still grieving from the breakup with Jerry Stackhouse, but we stole got this guy, Mark Byington, from James Madison U in Virginia.  Seems like a good hire.  We shall see.  I'm sure he'll appreciate all the coaching and recruiting help he'll get from X/Twitter from our fans.

      PS tet - the UW is actually University of Wisconsin 


      Strange day here with morning high in the low-50's and cloudy/windy, now it's dropped and should be about 30 overnight. Still kind of dragging this morning, but given the temp I thought I should get out there. About 3.5 miles for me this AM.


        ......20-min rehab on StairClimber.......


        slightly LESS boring level-2

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


          Tammy, great slide show. I love the pictures of him with your David. And yes, you sure take after your mother!!


          Holly, hope you're feeling better soon. Oddly enough, spring is a hard time for a lot of people.


          tomwhite, we get those "address can't be read, click here to give delivery instructions" texts all the time. Yeah, right. Enjoy your time with the Nigerian prince.


          23 miles on the bike yesterday, 20.3 today. Finished "Dinners with Ruth" and "Killers of the Flower Moon" yesterday, started "Matterhorn" today. It's one of those free reads from Amazon Prime. So far, so good. We should hit close to 50° again today so I'll get out for a walk soon. Our roads finally got plowed to get the hardpack up so I'm hoping for less slush and mess today.

            Yes, Anne.  Mark Byington was the head coach at JMU until yesterday.  I'm optimistic, and supposedly Vandy has ponied up a bunch of NIL money (or gotten the commitments for it, since it doesn't come from the school itself) to buy some players.   I wish they had done that for Stackhouse....

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            Mike E

            MM #5615

              And David looks just like your dad when he was a kid.  They had the same hair.

                5.1 ez miles. About 62 degrees, but not windy. I picked up a couple more bottles of pills. I wonder why no one else is taking them? 😐


                without any fanfare, the PF has left the building. I can't remember the last time I felt it, it just faded into the bushes like Homer Simpson. My MCL is better, but the discomfort has moved to the front just below the patella. The right gait makes it go away, but any turning or twisting and it can be a sharp pain.

                60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                  thanks. yep, as I've gotten older my mom and I look more and more alike. some people can't tell us apart on the phone so we must have the same voice too. lol. 

                  I do see resemblance between David as a youngkiddo and my dad.  I'm so glad I have multiple scrapbooks of all sorts of pics of the two of them. they shared lots of special times.





                    23 miles on the bike yesterday, 20.3 today. Finished "Dinners with Ruth" and "Killers of the Flower Moon" yesterday, started "Matterhorn" today. It's one of those free reads from Amazon Prime. So far, so good. We should hit close to 50° again today so I'll get out for a walk soon. Our roads finally got plowed to get the hardpack up so I'm hoping for less slush and mess today.


                    What a huge success with the biking miles! Thanks for the free reads from Amazon Prime. Enjoy your 50F weather.


                    I am enjoying my 70f weather this week. With the Japan marathon being behind me now, I plan to take the next few months just to enjoy the raw joy of running without having a long distance race in mind, other than the traditional Bloomsday race in Spokane that our family have done together over 10 years.


                    This sure is inspiring



                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803


                      Mariposai - nice. She was also featured on the CBS's AIH (As It Happens) that the local UW PBS station rebroadcasts here and addressed her panic of the last half hour i'd been wondering about having experienced it again and again is lesser races as well as the familiar hallucinations along the way and said the picture of her afterwards was exactly how she felt after she sqeaked in under the 60 hour cutoff by two minutes. However, she didn't explain why they only call it a "marathon" when it seems more like one of those Canadian Death March things, . . . or most any trail climbing ultra in British Columbia.


                      KSA - maybe it marked when I stopped believing Dr. Knee's assurance that "the pain for most patients lasts for one-or-two weeks" but when I had the January follow-up with him just before the UW-UM championship game, he wondered if the "M" I've switched allegiance to now that the UW has abandoned the Pac12 down to but two vestigial remnants of its former glory and joined the "Big Ten" was for Montana !

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                        Dave59 - Hope you find mojo.


                        Hiya Seens the ground.



                        Tramps, that's one of the reasons we did not publish an obit for my dad in the paper and even on the mortuary websites, we only published the bare minimum but no mention of when the memorial service is taking place, or any info about his life history. We figure everyone that we want to know the details about his service, will hear about it from us, so no need to publish it. 

                        That's just too bad.  The slide show was nice.


                        Surly Bill - I hope your PF finds a new home.


                        I got 3 miles on the mill, then PT stuff.




                          Surly Bill - I hope your PF finds a new home.




                          careful what you wish for!

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying
