Masters Running


Saturdaily, 12.23.23 (Read 35 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    We made it to Long Island (NY) with far less traffic than usual yesterday morning, which was a very pleasant surprise. The only problem I'm having here is having to climb stairs up to and down from our guest room. And our friend had very high ceilings on the first floor, which means more stairs to get upstairs. It's a lot different than our ranch house, and my knee is not liking the extra work on the stairs. So it was barking at me a bit last night when I was trying to sleep. But I did get out for about another 1.5 mile walk yesterday afternoon. So for today, do I keep doing more stairs to further help strengthen my knee, or stay off them as much as possible to give the knee some rest?


    I got up this morning and did 75 minutes of knee and core work and stretching, and then went for a 2.3 mile walk as the sun was coming up. DW is up and is proofing the dough that she'll be baking into GF sourdough bread a little later this morning. And we're both enjoying some quiet time with some coffee in the kitchen, waiting for our host to wake up and join us.


    I'm always amused by people who don't work out on a regular basis telling those of us who do how our working out is doing damage to (pick your favorite body part), when what they are really trying to do is to justify for themselves why they don't work on staying fit.


    Have a greta Saturday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Good morning everybody!


      Thanks for starting us off, again, Jay!  My advice to you about using the stairs would be to take it easy on them... but I would probably see how many times I could go up and down them during my stay.... and see if I could beat my time from the last time I went up them... and, of course, record all of these trips up and down the stairs... but you're a whole lot smarter than me... so don't do that.


      My ribs have finally started feeling better.... there is still some tenderness, but I can finally sleep on my side, again.  I have continued to run and lift weight through it all... which might be the reason it's taken so long to feel better.


      I have been reading the dailies and I always think about commenting but, by the time I'm ready to sit down and type something out, I'm just too tired.  I know, it doesn't seem like it should be that hard to pluck away on a key board, but when you have to use your mind to tell your fingers what to pluck... well... that's when it becomes too exhausting...


      It seems like I have spent every day for the last 2-1/2 months thinking of rhyming words.  Every October, my daughter, who coaches the JV soccer team, gives me a list of her kids with things they've done throughout the year and I write a poem about them that she reads at the end of season banquet... and, of course, everybody thinks she wrote it... which makes it even more fun for me.  Then, I write a poem about the seniors on the cross country team that I read at our banquet.  Then I have to write our Christmas letter and, this year, I was asked to write a poem for our company's Christmas party... and, then I wrote a little poem for my other daughter, who is a principal at an elementary school, to read at the breakfast gathering they have the Friday before going on winter break... which was yesterday.  So--I am all rhymed out.


      Okay--I'd better get going.  I have a lot to get done, today.  See ya!



        I'm always amused by people who don't work out on a regular basis telling those of us who do how our working out is doing damage to (pick your favorite body part), when what they are really trying to do is to justify for themselves why they don't work on staying fit.



        EXACTLY!!! I find it highly annoying!!!!!


        5.1 miles with the festive SS crew - wearing a knee brace isn't the most comfortable way to run, but I get used to it after the first mile. It's worth it if it helps the knee cap track properly while I work on strengthening my weak A** - and now time to hit the basement gym for some glute work!!


        Happy Eve of Christmas Eve friends!!



          Thanks for starting us again Jay.

          Good to hear from you Mikeyour rhymes I like.


          Felt really lousy yesterday with fatigue and sniffles-tested this morning and I was negative for Covid-turned out to be an old fashioned cold. Haven’t had one for years since wearing a mask and constantly washing my hands. Will go back to masking when in indoor crowds and on public transportation. Feel much better this morning. Out for a 1,4 mile walk and more later since the weather is ideal.

            Thanks for the start, Jay. Less traffic? Shocking! Seems like no need to rush the stairs if using them is causing pain. It'll come.


            bioguy--enjoy the well-earned break.

            Steve--vacation! Enjoy. That's a lot of reindeer food!

            Henry--hope you feel better soon.

            Mike--glad to hear your ribs are finally feeling somewhat better. As to your poetic challenges...


            In the land of lakes, where snowflakes dance,

            Lived Mike, a runner with a speedy prance.

            Minnesota's his home, where chilly winds blow,

            And winters descend, with freshly fallen snow.


            The holidays approached, a festive scene,

            Mike, in a dilemma, turned a bit green.

            For his family's poem, he scratched his head,

            "How will I ever get these rhymes?" he said.


            Kids and grandkids and Debbie, of course,

            His family travails were always his source.

            But rhyming their names, is a difficult chore,

            Mike was left worried and a little bit sore.


            Next up, the school soccer team,

            Endlessly chasing their JV dream.

            But finding the words for a soccer tale,

            Left Mike fearing this year he might fail.


            Then came the company, builders and bosses.

            The world of construction, profits, and losses.

            Meetings and memos, and co-workers too

            Mike longed to escape, he didn’t know what to do.


            Frustrated and tired, he let out a sigh,

            "I need some help, maybe AI!"

            With circuits and code, the response came,

            "I'll craft those poems, don't you worry, no shame."


            In the North Star State, where the cold winds blow,

            AI quickly produced its poetic flow.

            Family, soccer, and company lore,

            Mike's holiday poems are a nightmare no more.


            Now free to run through the snow-covered pines,

            Mike laughed and exclaimed, "This AI's divine!"

            No more poetic struggles, no icy dread,

            Thanks to AI, I can finally go to bed!


            Just my usual plodding-along 5-miler today but I must have been well-rested because I finished at under a 9 minute/mile pace without even trying, which I never do anymore. It was upper 30s again with no wind, so IRC.

            Be safe. Be kind.

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Jay - do your hosts have any pets to keep your early morning risings company? I bet they’re shocked how early you do.

              So for today, do I keep doing more stairs to further help strengthen my knee, or stay off them as much as possible to give the knee some rest? 

              ps - as you go beyond the comfort zone, is there any danger of possible setback in recovery by going too far and doing any unnecessary damage?


              Mike -
              sorry for your poetic woes
              thwarting your posting prose
              maybe pen a poem for us too
              just make sure it’s fine and true
              from the beginning to the end
              to stay our very good friend.

              by the time I'm ready to sit down and type something out, I'm just too tired. 

              I write a poem (1) about them that she reads at the end of season banquet

              ... and, of course, everybody thinks she wrote it...

              which makes it even more fun for me. 

              . . . (2) a poem about the seniors. . . 

              . . . (3) our Christmas letter and,. . . 

              . . . (4) our company's Christmas party. . . ...

              . . . (5) a little poem for my other daughter. . . 

              So--I am all rhymed out.

              Henry too.

              and AI Tramps.

              ps - did AI know Minnesota

              was the North Star State

              or did you tell it?.


              pps Mike - ;lucky DD's, lucky teams, lucky work, lucky everybody else you know.

              ppps Tramps - actually, you wrote it, didn't you?

              . . . or have Mike do it?


              Though swelling finally seems to be going down, my knee still feels like it’s wrapped tight like drum in elastic gauze that I’m always trying to take off but isn’t there. In the meantime, after Friday’s minimal single dose to get through the night, in spite of easily bearing with it throughout the day yesterday, same as Friday night, it’s all I can think about when trying to go to sleep so took another one last night to ensure a good sleep and should get me through the day again to see if I still need another again tonight but, same as yesterday, I’m thinking not. We’ll see.


              In the meantime, a clear and sunning penultimate Christmas Eve morn but 4:30 am set of 87% waxing gibbous to early to see and tomorrow’s at 5:55 am and Christmas’s 7:09 might be too cloudy but we’ll see.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                Wow- a lot going on in here!  Thanks, Jay, and I'm with Mike (sadly) on what I would do with the stairs, but you should go up and down on your butt!   Mike- that was post of the day and maybe week!   And congrats on all your great poetry- also Henry and A1Tramps! And Tet!  I'm impressed by our talented group.  I used to write a big poem every year for the White Rock Marathon Results Book (remember when races had those?).


                I woke up to a high chance of rain for our group's Santa Run, which I really look forward to.  Ugh.  I went anyway and, yes, we had rain on and off.  I got cold and wet, but it didn't rain hard and not the whole time.  I managed 7.2 miles- by myself after 3 miles.  Before the run we wanted a group picture by the beautiful town Christmas tree, and a woman was about to take it and not be in it (even though she was running with us) when a Franklin police officer parked his cruiser, hopped out and took our picture!  That was so nice.  Good breakfast in downtown Franklin afterwards with some of the folks after I changed out of the top part of my wet clothes.


                May be an image of 1 person and street

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  Wow, Tramps.  AI to the rescue!  Woo Hoo!  Now, what will I think about during my runs?

                    coastwalker, we live in a world where people always tell us it's somebody else's fault or it's because you did - fill in the blank- so I just ignore them and do my damndest to live a helluva life!

                    Tramps, well done! That's a decent pace.

                    Karen, there's nothing wrong with being like you and Mike! Right? Good 7.2 miler.


                    I went out with the RR group for an easy 10 miler in messy conditions. It's foggy conditions, mebbe 38 F with strong winds, 15-20 mph but no one cares cause it's 38 F! We ran to the Forks and ran into approx 100 runners from various running clubs getting their weekly runs in before the Bird's Hill trail HM tomorrow. That could be a disaster in the making as it could be warmer than it is now. Oh well,  now the last thing I have to do is decide if I'll run the TRAIL HM tomorrow. Have a greight day Masters!

                      Nice running/walking already by Deeze, Henry, Karen, Tramps, and sub7.


                      I had plans for this afternoon so went to the gym this morning for a bit over an hour of general working out. My DW is out for a few hours this afternoon and I had been looking forward to playing an old favorite movie on DVD at a high volume only to have the DVD player do what it did the last time I used it (I guess some magical thinking that it would somehow self-heal). Anyway, after a few minutes, the DVD tray started opening and closing almost continually -- even after I pulled the DVD out. So now I'll spend some time picking out a new one and probably go get it from Best Buy early next week. But now I've got an empty afternoon ahead...


                      I see that what I feared about sports on streaming services is coming to pass. Dave, is it true that the only way you can watch the Bills vs Chargers tonight is with a Peacock+ subscription? And I see that some of the coming playoff games will also be locked up by one service or another. Grrr...

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                        Hi all. I met a friend for a run this morning. I had a poor night’s sleep and my Garmin was telling me to take the day off, but I ran/walked 3 miles.

                        the afternoon has been reading and writing thank you cards to students who brought me gifts


                          The streaming services are pretty cheap. $6 a month for Peacock. I'll probably sign up for a month so I can watch the game. I am currently signed up for BritBox, Acorn, PBS Masterpiece, and ESPN+, so what is one more?


                          8.21 miles this morning for me. I felt 100% better than last Saturday. Then I ran a bunch of errands: Menards, Krogers, Auto Zone, gas station, and bank. Grocery store was jammed with people but everywhere else was ok. I was still on my runners' high so I was calm and patient in the grocery store while chaos was all around. I even had a nice conversation with the woman in line behind me at the checkout.


                          I brought the tree up from the basement. It's an artificial tree and we leave it decorated, but a bunch of things fell off of it when I carried it to the basement last year, and more fell off when I brought it back up, so Cindy had to redo a bunch of ornaments. Now she's asleep on the couch downstairs.


                          Things are getting better for Cindy with her father in the health care section of the retirement facility. They are taking care of all the medicine and making sure he gets to meals. This morning there was an accident on the road to the retirement facility so she was late getting there. (There are no other ways in.)  By the time she got there her father had taken all his medicine and was in the dining room eating breakfast.




                            Hi all,


                            Christmas Trees.....about 25 years ago, when we lived in our duplex apartment house before we bought our current home 4 years later, I discovered I am REALLY allergic pine, fir, spruce, you name it, when I'm inside with one.  So we begrudgingly bought our first artificial tree the next year, and it was pretty real looking (???) because it had white painted branches in places, that looked like snow, and artificial pine cones.  Got it for 75% off in JM Design's after-Christmas clearance sale, and we had that for about 15 years.   I always thought it looked good each Christmas after spending the previous 11 months in a body bag in the attic.  Then we bought one that was pre-lighted which was nice until the lights started failing after four or five I cut the lines and removed the lights.  This is apparently our last year with that one, because DW said it's time we got a table topper.  But I thought it was pretty good that we got ~ 25 years out of two trees.   This one will probably wind up on the "Generosity Page" on Facebook at the end of this Christmas season.  We leave it up until at least Epiphany, as we like to celebrate that lesser-known holiday as well.   (Remember what I said about 75% off after-Christmas clearance sales?)


                            I swam 2,300 yards this morning after a 15 minute "push" workout at the Y gym.   This swim was my first 10 x 100 backstroke workout since I injured my shoulder back in November, when I hit the wall with my arms still somewhat extended while doing backstroke kick drills.   I slowed the target repeat time down from 1:27/100 to 1:30/100, which feels like it's one degree of separation, so to speak, from the all-out 1:27 effort. I shortened the recovery portion of the interval from 1:33 to 1:00, so I did them on 2:30 instead of on 3:00.   I got all 10 reps in the target range with 2 @ 1:30, 7 @ 1:29, and one that was right @ 1:28 - rep #9 of 10.  I keep telling myself I will start learning to do flip turns better so that I don't get water up my nose, and that I'll start doing a good underwater dolphin kick (or 5) at every turn as well.  That alone would cut a lot of time off of my 100 yard time, but, yeah, I'm disciplined but not that disciplined.  Would be nice to have a coach (the cost of which I can't really justify) or a training partner, for the sake of accountability; but I don't really know how to go about coordinating something like that.  Maybe I'll try a Facebook post and see what comes of it?


                            DW got back from her Mom's at 3 today and by 4 was at her friend's birthday party - the unlucky one whose birthday is Christmas Eve,  On the bright side, DD and Magdalena went with her, so they were here for a while and I got to hold her for about 20 minutes while she stared at the Christmas Tree.


                            Speaking of grandchildren, did any of you who are grandparents wind up getting called by your grandchildren the names you had hoped, like Grandma, Grandpa, Granny, etc?  I like Grandpa but I think I might wind up being Pop Pop, which is what my Dad was.  DW ("Gigi") has called me Pop Pop a couple of times and feels pretty natural, but we'll have to see what Magdalena does with it when she starts talking.  

                              TRAMPS!!!!!  That was great!!

                              Did a bunch of strength classes, made 2 lasagnas, the pretzel with hershey kisses and m&ms, showered and went to 4pm mass, had pizza with dh and now have to get back to the pizzelle factory in my kitchen 


                                We order our trees freshly cut - used to be from NH but now from Michigan.  They are pretty, smell good, and last well with less needle droppage and dryness.  Expensive (especially shipping), but it's something we really like.  We get about a 6 foot tall one, so not too hard to get the lights and ornaments on.  I love Christmas trees.

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

