Masters Running


Monday April 1 No-Fooling Runs and Workouts (Read 36 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    Lazy rainy morning here, so I just got in about 20 minutes of weights and core.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Thanks for the start Holly!! Glad we are on to April!!


      5.2 miles with a SS friend this morning then home to 10 min upper body barre class, 30 min full body strength class and a 10 min core class.

      My stomach was not very happy with me this morning and still not great - GI issues are so annoying. Although I ate a little more and a little different between my birthday and Easter this weekend, I really didn't overeat so not sure what the culprit is this time. Not happy, but my run felt good despite the gastric distress!!


        Thanks, Holly.   Steve- awesome pictures.  Lots of kids and fun.


        Decided to go over to the path for a longer run today instead of tomorrow since we might have rain tomorrow.  My legs were not really recovered from Saturday's 10, so by the end of today's 7.1, I was struggling.  Got it done, though.  I have a pretty busy week with some medical/dental appointments (nothing major)- ugh.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          We're supposed to get a lot of rain and storms starting today and lasting through tomorrow. I usually run on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, but because of that forecast, I ran today instead. 3.11 miles.


          The hospital bills are starting to roll in for my 2 trips there this year. (Face going numb and then falling down the stairs.) For the last 39 years I have been writing computer programs that process medical claims, but when I get my own bills, I still can't figure out how they come up with the charges and how much I owe. It is a mystery.



            Dave- that's how I felt when I tried to figure out Medicare.  I'm an employment and benefits lawyer (mainly), and I couldn't figure out the mess that is Medicare. the supplements etc.  The consultant we used said it's very difficult and even doctors can't figure it out.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Dave - hang in there until Medicare.

              Do you do United Medicare Advantage?

              I liked it for a couple of years

              but switched to Humana and then

              Wellcare Advantages when United

              reduced their quarterly OTC

              benefits from $75 to $25

              both of us like,




              April Fool's Day?

              Sounds like an April Fools's joke but the mild weather Seattle enjoyed for most all but two or three days of what the media meteorologists are referring to March's "stagnant" weather is now extending into April for a first April first morning cherry blossom circuit around and in-and-out and-back-and-forth on the 0.50 miles of the UW Quad's  red brick pathways I first discovered as a student in the Asian Studies Building in the SE corner of it all.

              ps - with only a couple of other blossom viewers to deal with on the paths this morning, I was able to churn out a post-TKR pace that felt so good that I did it 52 more times for the equivalent of the elusive sub-3 marathon I've always wanted to do but have always missed out on over the years by a couple of hours, if not more. No wonder I love April Fool's Day so much.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                Lazy rain here too Holly.  I went out for coffee with the cat ladies and then to Old Navy because it is next door to the coffee shop.  I hoped for something Spring like but the cold rainy day led me to the winter clearance rack


                2 of 3 dog walks done plus a yoga practice focusing on core stability.  It was a good one.  All that remains for today is maybe catch a bit of Caitlyn Clark playing basketball.  Otherwise I’ll have my nose in a book.  Currently reading The Second Life of Mirielle West and it is good.

                  back from Shoe Shopping in Nashville




                  Thanks Guys


                  wee little

                  Flora went from 33 views to 51>>>>>>>reminds me of my GranDaughter,


                  Claire would have been THRILLED and I'm sure Flora is too








                  Pickles got Asics Gel Nimbus-26's  for Mothers Day

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                    It seems like a common theme today is rain. It has started here too... and it is supposed to be rainy/snow shower-y through Thursday. Have I mentioned its also cold? Blech.


                    2+ mile brisk walk this AM, a dog walk at lunch, and we'll see if there is a break in the rain later.


                    I listened to the Cubs home opener while working... nope, opening day is not something I'll commit to here! 40 degrees with wind for baseball? No thank you! It does sell out though (not every early home game, but opening day always does).



                      Holly - thx for the start.  No rain here, it's coming Wednesday and Thursday.


                      Multiple walks around town for errands - bank, drugstore, lunch & general walks.  Looking forward to tonights basketball game.


                      Also looking forward to the w/e.  If anyone is going to be in Boston unexpectedly, let us know.  We'd like to get together.



                        Anybody tried Diadora shoes?  They are Italian, and are getting a lot of hype lately.  A woman in my running group had some on for Saturday's run and she loved them.  There are a lot of different models, of course.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          Tom- where did you shoe shop?

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                            4 mile 'hike' at a forested state park within the city. Warnings of black bear seen nearby and a barred owl that had been swooping people. They actually put up signs to warn people in one area. Near this area, I heard an usual screech high up in the trees, and opened my Merlin app. It said it was a Cooper's hawk. I wondered if that had been the species swooping people, or maybe indeed there had been an owl?


                            The trilliums were just beginning to flower.


                            Only 350 feet total ascent. But I did jog up several of the sharper inclines with my knapsack on, feeling a bit ridiculous as I was in hiking clothes, not running clothes.


                            In good news, I have a allergy doc appointment in 2 months at a private clinic, as opposed to the original "late fall" >8 months. I could have had an appointment in 2 weeks but I will be out of town then. I have a PPO plan, no referrals needed. I wish I had clued into that sooner as I would have booked this 6-7 months ago. I want to get some bee/wasp sting tolerance built up before August with venom therapy. It sounds like it is very effective within a month of starting injections. I'd really like to be able to do wilderness backpacking in the deep backcountry, ie, a 2 to 3-day hike from the car at the trailhead, by August, without having to worry about moderate to severe sting reactions 2-3 days from civilization.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                              Quick check in from me!


                              spent all day at the hospital. DH has surgical procedure but he's home and resting now. 2 groin hernia repairs. One was done about 17 yrs ago but needed fixing. The mesh was a bit crumpled up in there and scar tissue had formed and was actually attaching to the artery, so that side was a more delicate to fix, so as not to damage the artery when scraping away scar tissue. he should feel a whole lot better in a week. No wonder he's had so much pain and discomfort at the old hernia repair site for years now. 
                              Staying home again tomorrow and will get in a few miles at least to take advantage of our very summer like 80 degrees before it tanks and goes back to rain/snow by Wed night. How does that even happen??! grrrr.



                                Holly -Thank you for the start.


                                Dave - Sorry for the hospital bills.


                                Enkephalin - Good luck with a bee/wasp treatments.


                                I got two on the mill then the at home PT.

