Masters Running


Happy Easter (Read 33 times)


    Hi; I used to post here pretty often and occasionally started the daily. I have run very little this year. My foot hurts and despite time off, it’s no better, so I’m seeing the ortho Wednesday.

    I am putting in for retirement from full time teaching this year; I am super discouraged by what I’m seeing with my general bio class and my offer to turn AP biology into a dual enrollment college class was shot down.

    Time to do something else…

    Enjoy your Sunday and Happy Easter to those that celebrate.

      Sorry bioguy!!

      Jay - we did have a good amount of SoleSisters at the race yesterday as it was a Grand Prix, but not as many as last year. It is just such a long day and I think falling the day before Easter was too hard for a lot of the women. Glad you had a great race!!

      Sad I missed a chance to see you again!!


      Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday!! I had a great day and am looking forward to church this morning and seeing some of my kids this afternoon.

      Unfortunately my dil Nicaela has had a fever since last night so they had to cancel, but Nicholas and family will come here instead.


      Happy Easter to all who believe and celebrate!!

      Happy Sunday to all!!!



        Mornin' Masters.


        Welcome back, and thanks for the start, bioguy. I hope your visit to the ortho can give you some answers about what is going on with your foot and get you started healing. Having read about all that you've done for your bio classes while you've been posting here makes me think that you'll be very much missed when your retire. However, you also have to do what works for you, so congrats and good luck with moving on.


        I'm also sorry that I didn't get to see you yesterday, Deeze, but we know there will be other ops. Have fun with the fam. today, and with your continuing (no doubt) birthday celebration.


        Dinner out with the neighbors last night was fun, even though I was still achy from yesterday's race. The restaurant we went to had been sold about 5 years ago, and the other time we went there, about 6 months after the sale and reopening, was a disappointment. But they've upped their game quite a bit, and last night was a pleasant and tasty surprise.


        After a restless night's sleep, I decided to go out for an EZ recovery walk this morning. I went 4.1 miles, and it felt good to be moving. I saw a lot of cars heading out early for various sunrise services at different locations all up and down the coast. It seems that each church stakes out their own piece 'o beach for this annual event.


        DW and I had our usual Sunday jazz breakfast, including some of DW's best yet loaf of GF sourdough bread. A little later this morning, we're going to head out for some relatively EZ hiking, that will also include a hike through Trader Joe's.


        Have a greta final Sunday in March.



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          [[[bio]]].......hang in there, hopefully the doc will get you back in action

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            Good to hear from you, bio. Sorry school's been a disappointment for some time now but I'm sure retirement will have its advantages. I was thinking about you this week, wondering if your daughter has been affected by the whole Key Bridge disaster. (Isn't she in Baltimore?)

            Nice racing, Jay!


            Fun times for hockey watching. Some entertaining college hockey tournament action, including my BC alma mater later today (who have a top Caps' prospect). Go Eagles!  Oh, and, somehow, my Caps have clawed their way into 3rd place in the Metro division and a playoff spot...for the moment.


            Meanwhile a 22-ish mile ride for me on this beautiful morning.


            Happy Spring, new life, eggs, rebirth, etc. Day.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Happy Easter  Thanks, bioguy.  I hope you can find something that is more rewarding than teaching has become for your next phase.  I know it is rough.  Good luck with the ortho.


              Our Easter Vigil service last night was lovely- but long.  They had sweets afterwards and some of them were really good, but I didn't really want to be shoveling down a bunch of sugar at 9:30 pm.


              Out this morning for 4.4 and we're meeting some friends for brunch.  My daughter held her Easter Vigil service last night in Golden Gate Park.  She didn't know how it would go, but according to Facebook it was a huge success.  They had 3 baptisms, a fire and S'Mores.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                My daughter is in Catonsville so she is on the west side of Baltimore from the Key Bridge. I’m sure traffic on the Beltway will change, but the hospital where she practices is only 10 minutes from her home.


                Good to hear from you, bio. Sorry school's been a disappointment for some time now but I'm sure retirement will have its advantages. I was thinking about you this week, wondering if your daughter has been affected by the whole Key Bridge disaster. (Isn't she in Baltimore?)




                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  KSA/Jay - Easter services from the Atlantic beaches to Golden Gate. Very nice.



                  Bio - congratulations. Though seems somewhat melancholy, if not remorseful, now, you'll be looking back on a teaching career with joy and relish knowing your students (and their parents) appreciated you and you did the best you could in everything.  Fantastic.  Have fun.


                  Happy Cherry Blossom Easter Sunday from the UW Quad for the third weekend in a row as this spring's mild weather is providing the longest lasting hanami cherry blossom viewing ever since I first studied under the same trees the Japanese characters for "hanami," "cherry tree," "blossoms," ped, . . whoops, petals, etc. way back in an impressionable March 59 years ago.


                  I've never seen anything over here even remotely close to the added treat of all the beautiful kimono-clad hanami cherry blossing viewings over in Japan but all the picture takings in  Easter fineries is a worth equal.


                  Otherwise, very peaceful end-of-March, that was pretty peaceful all month long anyway, with many, many stores closed for Easter and relaxing radio.


                  In the meantime, after being at $4.99 since before Christmas, gasoline prices on the Shell Station sign we see that's across the street from Trader Joes that went up to $5.09 at the beginning of the month just jumped up to $5.29 last week.  Stay tuned.


                  In the other meantime, same as the uttlerly discredited NCAA president Marc Emmert (nee discredited UW AD) restricing tv coverages of the football championship game and playoffs to ESPN, his replacement (former Gov Baker of Massachusetts) contracted this year's March Madness exclusively out to TBS which us cheapskate OTA rabbit earsers don't get either.


                  Fortunately, I don't care about any of this year's teams, . . . as long as UConn (misleadingly pronounced "Yukon" and lifting the real Yukon's otherwise proud huskies back to the East Coast where they're probably as common as polar bears or penguins as their mascot too) and Duke (for continuing to act like being better over everyone and, in fact, usually being just that) lose. 

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                    Regarding retirement Bio, when you know, you know.  Sounds like the right time has found you.  Tet said it better than I could but I agree.  Lives changed, you made a difference, and at some point you will fondly remember all of it.


                    I thatched and mowed the front yard.  It looks as good as Augusta National if I do say so myself.  All my yard waste containers are full so the rest of the yard can wait.  Plus, I’m pooped.  It was a ton of work.


                    Next up, a nap and some cookie baking.

                      I think UConn will win the whole thing- again.

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




                        Jay, congrats on your race yesterday!

                        Bio, sorry about the sore foot and the discouraging teaching gig. Hope you enjoy retirement!


                        I met two friends for an 8 miler this morning, and ended the month on a prime, thanks to some pre-planning on yesterday's run so the total would work.  We went out to lunch afterward, and booked our flights to Spain in September for our week-long guided running trip!

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          I think UConn will win the whole thing- again.


                          ps KSA - I guess I was supposed to root

                          against Tennessee too but I forgot

                          if they were still in it. At 69-64

                          in the last minute, I guess not

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            Yes- my Easter gift is that Tennessee lost.  As an Indiana grad, it pained me to root for Purdue, but I did.   I like the Tennessee coach and this year’s team was not obnoxious, but the fans in my life are insufferable.  Purdue got a lot of help from the officials today.

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                              ''.............. this year’s team was not obnoxious, but the fans in my life are insufferable........''


                              .ah yes,

                              those days when we used to throw citrus at the obnoxious Tenn teams,



                              merrily screaming ''Nothing sucks like a Big Orange''




                              sunny and 77  (!!)


                              40-min at soccerfields..............trailboots

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                                Happy Easter, masters. 

                                Happy belated bday, deez - it sounds like it’s been a good weekend. 

                                Nice race, Jay!


                                Good luck w/ retirement bio. My dad was in the HS most of his career (although not a teacher but a guidance counselor). He did early retirement when his 30 was up (incl active military) so he was 55; then went on to do student services at the UW Fox Valley - 2 year college. I know he was much happier with his second act. 

                                Erika - state run retirement homes is something I’ve never heard of. It must be a nice option. 

                                We did a nice long walk on the Evanston lakefront mid morning with the pup (Northwestern). It is about a 20 minute drive so we can’t figure out why we don’t head over there more often. (Mia just likes going places.)


                                After lunch, I did a few bike workouts. Now we’re just lounging the rest of the day. The H is making chicken marsala with roast potatoes- should be good!

