Masters Running


Friday 16 February 2024 When Black Friday comes... (Read 36 times)


Rose Colored Glasses

    ...I'll stand down by the door and catch the gray men when they dive from the 14th floor...


    Steely Dan 1975

    album "Katy Lied"


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Steely Dan is my favorite band.


      I also Got Friday on my Mind.





      3.30 miles


      Pretty much the same route as Wednesday except I skipped the woods and bisected the farmer's field and retraced my first mile. I was going to turn right and cross the boy scout bridge to see more things. Alas. My thinking brain usurped my feeling brain and I exited the big bridge and plodded the access trail to where Sparky was parked.


      Apropos to nothing. Sparky got 57.8 mpg for the 1.7 miles drive home.


      Jay, I enjoyed your whirling winds yesterday.


      I enjoyed reading the cool things everyone saw on Wednesday. Thanks for the toucan and monkeys and all of the tropical delights you shared WildChild!


      twocat, thanks for listening to the freakonomics links. Publish or perish. That was the main reason the rrs only taught adjunct.


      Also, you asked how I enjoyed winter running so much?

      Because winter temps here are tolerable and I've always thought snow was magical. But we never get any anymore.

      Because summer is almost unbearable here. IYKYK


      And finally because of stories like this one.


      What's good about your Friday?


      Rose Colored Glasses

        oh and tomwhite.


        Thank you for being concerned. I never felt unsafe when the Goth kid wearing his sunglasses at night and carrying his flip flops while running as barefoot as Tet crossed my path. There are far more good people than bad people.


        In contradiction to what I just typed. If I get bad vibes when I'm out on the trail, I always go into my danger alert flow chart in my head. This usually involves if I am attacked by wolverine or bad person, I will grab a stick and poke them in the eyes.


        Pretty violent. Primal even.


          Rest day for me. Normally, I'd do a kettlebell workout but I don't want to do it with one arm.


          I went to an all-in-one medical center and had my elbow & shoulder x-rayed. There are no breaks so I just need to take it easy for a bit. They gave me some muscle relaxing pills if my back gives me more trouble. So far I don't think I'll need them.


          My arm doesn't hurt much unless it is manipulated by an x-ray technician to position it for an x-ray. 


          Now I just need to find someone to fix the hole in the wall. 




            Good morning!


            Dave, I feel you on that.  Rosie, all of my walks have been around downtown Albany so I enjoy reading your descriptions.   I do get out along the river but the water life is pretty quiet when the river is frozen as it is most of the winter.


            Today is DS#3's 28th birthday.  Sunday is DD's 26th birthday.  Wednesday is DS#2's 30th birthday.  Peppered in between and around those dates are our cat Leo's 17th birthday (he's outside kicking butt right now) and my 27th work anniversary.  Today I'm enjoying one of our 15 Work From Home days we have to spend throughout the year in addition to our 2-per-week allotment.  My carpenter advised yesterday that he can come by today and start the work in our garage that my nephew started 2 years ago but didn't seem to have the necessary skillset to complete.  He did a good job with the demo though.


            Since I'm working from home I started 30 minutes earlier than usual and don't have to do a commute in the afternoon, so as soon as my work and the carpenter's work are completed, I can take a ride to the YMCA and get in a strength workout and a swim workout..  They close the pool at 6:30 on Friday's so I have no time for dallying, but it's at least doable when I'm working from home.  Difficult on the alternating Fridays (work from home every other Friday).


            I woke up this morning after last night's hard swim workout with what felt like my wife shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I think it was just a muscle spasm, but it was pretty violent.  Not a cramp.  I think it may have something to do with the new 10-4 cadence on the strength workout.  The weights were lighter and I didn't work to failure, but there is still a deep muscle fiber activation that happens with the super slow cadence that you don't get in other modes.  Try it some time, if only with pushups.  Take 10 seconds to raise yourself and lower yourself in two seconds.  It's a smooth movement, no stops and starts every second,   But I'm not particularly more sore this morning. probably because I backed the weights back about 30-40%.

              Thanks, RCG.

              BTY- that's a lot of birthdays!   I think I'll try that cadence with my dumbbell press.

              Dave- glad you are mainly OK.  Maybe BTY's handyman can stop by and fix your wall.


              4.3 outside miles. Going to rain later and maybe turn to snow.  I hope it isn't icy in the morning because I want to go to the group run.


              Happy Friday.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                Glad to hear there are no breaks Dave. That's good news. Now it's just resting and healing time. And fixing the wall time.


                Lotsa birthdays and anniversaries BTY! Sounds like a lot of celebrating too. 

                Offices closing at 3 pm today, which is what the boss typically does at least a couple Fridays a month, and always when Monday is a holiday and we are closed. Should be a dry day, so will take advantage of the extra free time this afternoon and get in a run. I didn't get in one yesterday because it was pouring rain all day and I wasn't in the mood for that.



                  RCG--Steely Dan, eh? Yeah, I play some of that classic yatch rock from time to time. Terrific musicianship.

                  Erika--so glad to hear the hip's a hit!

                  Dave--repairing drywall holes is easy. You got this.


                  My PT wondered if there is a device I can use to measure the stride length on each foot to make sure that they are the same

                  Wait, if you're stride lengths aren't the same, wouldn't you end up going in a circle?


                   Tramps, male and female bald eagles both have white heads.

                  Thank you. You're right, of course; it's the juveniles who don't have white heads yet. For years, I used to think it was only the males until somebody--maybe you?!--corrected me but I guess it didn't stick. Senior moment? 


                  Hundreds of starlings swirling around our backyard this morning but no eagles today.  22-ish gray and gusty miles on the bike.


                  Have a great weekend!

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                    Glad there's not significant damage, Dave.  Maybe a heating pad with a damp towel will help ease some of the muscle tightness.


                    I got a good chuckle out of KSA's comment about revenge.   But Enke, maybe when she stops or takes a breath, you could break in and say, "If you don't mind, I'd like to finish what I was saying" or "If you don't mind, I'd like to complete my thought now" or something along those lines.  It's a bit of a dig, enough to get your point across but not enough to get you in trouble.


                    After not sleeping well Wednesday night, I slept good last night.  And since today is a core and mobility day, I slept in and will do that stuff after work.  We're getting more rain this weekend, with the worst of coming Saturday, so I might push my weekend run to Sunday.  We'll see.


                    Hey, for all of us still working . . .


                    Happiness is a three-day weekend! Yay!!!!πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ | Weekend quotes, Image  quotes, Three day weekend

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                      Yes Leslie, I realized yesterday the approach I should have taken. Which would be to say (when she takes a break from talking) "May I please say something now..."  And then she would likely soon interrupt me, but then I would calmly say during her next pause "May I please say something now without anyone interrupting me until I finish this thought".  And I would repeat that until I could 1) state that whole sentence without being interrupted.   2) State my idea/opinion on something. Yes, next time for sure, and there is bound to be a next time because we interact on several projects.


                      Woke up at 4 am this morning and did not get back to sleep. But at least that was better than 3 am yesterday. I'm tired. If only I was a good napper (I work from home), but I am terrible at it.  Gorgeous sunny day so I will get out for a 3 mile walk later.


                      Dave - glad to hear nothing is broken. I tell ya, desk work is dangerous and bad for one's health!

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        Nice bit of Steely Dan to start the day.


                        Today has included my PT exercises plus a bit more.  Feeling good from that, I took a snowy walk with the dog.  After, I stopped at a friend’s to walk her dog but the dog wouldn’t budge.  Two milk bones were not enticement enough to get her out of her kennel.  I don’t blame her.  She was nice and warm and had her favorite tv show on.  So I got a few groceries while I was out and now it’s time to take my own beast for walk #2.


                        To sum things up; a snowy, doggy, light workout kind of day.

                          Suck it up, Twocat. I can send you some real winter, if you'd like.

                          Right on! That reminded me of our drive through North Dakota in October. There was a story in the local paper about a young couple who had moved there a couple years ago from a more southern state because they wanted to experience "Big Winter". We got a chuckle out of that term and "Big Winter" is right when it's 30 below and you've got 30 ft of snow!


                          But I am glad that your new hip is working out well. Best wishes on that going forward. And, hey, what's the deal with this "Alaskapox" stuff? Was that something invented in Fairbanks to get the city some national attention? 


                          Well, our DS has Covid for I think the third time, so we won't be seeing him before our trip next weekend. At least his is another mild case. We heard the other day about a friend who got Covid in the early days of the pandemic and has been suffering from Long Covid ever since. He used to be as avid a runner as any of us but hasn't been able to do anything much for going on four years now! And his wife recently told my DW that now he's having heart problems -- some sort of double beats? -- that are making things even worse. A real personal tragedy for sure!


                          I did an interesting trainer ride this morning on the FulGaz app that was called a "CoachCasting" event. It was basically doing a ride while listening to a sports scientist from Precision Hydration talk about hydration and fueling for strenuous rides indoors and outdoors. Some interesting things that I picked up that are all applicable to running as well as cycling. The one issue for me is that, in order to keep the narration properly synced to the ride (since it was embedded in the ride data), they forced the ride into a mode that made it easier overall for me to do at the cost of not knowing how much "virtual distance" I actually rode. I covered 18.3 miles in exactly an hour on a fairly tough route that would have taken me close to 1.5 hours on my own. I know that it's all meaningless anyway but I feel like I'm cheating to get credited for distance that I didn't actually do.

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                            Yes Leslie, I realized yesterday the approach I should have taken. Which would be to say (when she takes a break from talking) "May I please say something now..."  And then she would likely soon interrupt me, but then I would calmly say during her next pause "May I please say something now without anyone interrupting me until I finish this thought".  And I would repeat that until I could 1) state that whole sentence without being interrupted.   2) State my idea/opinion on something. Yes, next time for sure, and there is bound to be a next time because we interact on several projects.


                            Are your meetings via Zoom or in person?  Maybe if you say the above enough times she'll get the hint . . . hopefully . . .

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance




                              But I am glad that your new hip is working out well. Best wishes on that going forward. And, hey, what's the deal with this "Alaskapox" stuff? Was that something invented in Fairbanks to get the city some national attention? 


                              Ha, well I will say it's made me less excited about Emma hunting voles, that's for sure. This guy who died had other health issues, but they think he got it from the cat he was feeding (although I also read the cat tested negative, so who knows). I'm hoping that since we're not in a conifer (spruce) forest and more deciduous/grassy area that our voles aren't carriers, but it makes me a little nervous.


                                Hi Masters,


                                Thank for the start, RCG, and the Steely Dan and Easy Beats references. Good 3.3 miles almost like Wednesday, but different.


                                I'm glad you're not hurting too much (except for what that X-Ray tech did), Dave. Taking it easy for a bit sounds like a good idea, all around.


                                Have fun celebrating all those birthdays, BTY, and your work anniversary. I do slow cadence, something like what you are doing, with my leg raises: slow raise, hold for 10 seconds, and about 5-6 seconds lowering the leg back down - 3 sets of 10 raises each per leg. By the end, my quads are somewhat less than happy.


                                I'm glad you beat the rain for your 4.3 outdoor miles, KSA.


                                Did you get in an afternoon run, Tammy?



                                Wait, if you're stride lengths aren't the same, wouldn't you end up going in a circle?


                                Well, I never thought of it quite like that, Tramps!  


                                Congrats on a good night's sleep, Leslie. Can I get one of those?


                                Enke, I'm sorry you are having that communication problem at work. But I think your new approach is on the right track. My advice would be to not say anything that could be construed to be antagonistic by the woman. You don't want to appear to be stooping down to her level. Perhaps, if she starts to interrupt you again, just raise your hand and say "Excuse me, but I'd appreciate being able to finish so that what I am saying is clear and won't be misconstrued." That way, you can stay above the fray and make it clear that you are not backing down.


                                dnaff, all in all, is sounds like a nice "snowy, doggy, light workout kind of day."


                                I'm sorry your DS had Covid again, Doug. And I'm very sorry for your friend who is suffering from what appears to be Long Covid. I don't know anything about syncing narration on a trainer, but if it makes it easier for you to go faster and further without knowing it, well then how can that be a bad thing?


                                We got a couple of inches of snow overnight, so I decided to stay off the roads early this morning and did 90 minutes of core, weights, and stretching instead. The DW and I went out to breakfast. Then I shoveled our walks and in front of our garage and carport just to make sure they wouldn't freeze. Then I got to work. Today's project was to calculate the property tax impact in the 3 towns surrounding our estuary if a percentage of the residential properties will be lost at projected levels of sea level rise in the next 25 years. In our town, in each of 6 different scenarios, the projected annual tax loss ranged from over $1million to over $8million. Then I went for a windy walk of about 1.5 miles.


                                Have a greta rest of your Friday.



                                Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.
