Masters Running


Sunday 4/7 Eclipse Eve (Read 35 times)

    Everyone heard enough about tomorrow's eclipse, especially if you're near its path? In case you haven't, here it is explained for you by a famous CoolRunning/RA alumnus (also married to a CoolRunner). Worth a look for you old-timers, anyway!

    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

      Dave, 1937 was also the year of Cincinnati's biggest Ohio River flood disaster. Here's a film about it that was made by my father and grandfather. The previous big flood had been 1913 -- the same flood that hit Dayton which is upriver on the Miami from Cincy.


      Holly, The restaurant is Caproni's on the River. Ask for a table along the windows (and try not to flinch if a train comes by!). As for accommodations, I stayed at the Hampton the last time but a better place with some atmosphere might be the French Quarter Inn that's right downtown. I stayed there a couple of times on my early visits to the area, although that was at least 20 years ago. Again, there are rooms with nice river views. Some of the rooms had Jacuzzis too if I recall correctly (again, a while back). I've seen motorcycles parked there a number of time so no problems in that area (I'm pretty sure I stayed there once while passing thru on my BMW).


      A nice day here again and I'll be outside either working, walking, or riding. Finger crossed that Tuesday's forecast holds and I'll be able to get out for my first ride of the year with my regular group.

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        Thanks, Doug.  Even Sonic has some sort of special Eclipse float or something.


        6.3 miles in my new Rabbit shoes.  I like them.  They don't feel like anything else I have.  There is a plate in the middle of the shoe.  They are very soft and nice looking.   I have a Fleet Feet event tonight- sort of a kick off for the Ambassador team.  It is also Ken's and my 40th anniversary.  It hasn't always been easy at all- but here we are!


        Have a greta Sunday.


        May be an image of shoes

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Thanks for the start, Doug.  Unfortunatley, that DaveinAA video wasn't working for me. Maybe my browner? (Firefox)  Hope you're able to ride Tuesday.

          Interesting pics yesterday, Dave.and Holly. Holly, I assume that, as with other flood walls, there's a metal gate recessed into the wall that slides shut when they're closing it. A chain link fence ain't gonna be of much use!

          deez--lucky you on the free tix and good OT win!

          stumpy are you digging up old dirt on us? I deny everything.

          econo--congrats on the good racing!

          milktruck--yuck, that looks messy. At least it'll all melt quickly.

          TW--do the ball games just create too much traffic for you?


          Beautiful sunny Spring day here but accompanied by a steady 10-15 mph wind. That doesn't sound like lot but after a 41+ mile ride, I definitely felt it. Phew.


          We park behind a nearby grocery store in a little strip mall to leave for this long ride route. Today we noticed a new family-run BBQ place opened up literally yards away from where we park. Any health benefit I got from today's ride was more than offset by the yummy pulled pork sandwich and slice of key lime pie that I had afterward.


          P.S. for you procrastinators who didn't get glasses.

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Hey folks. Thanks for the start Doug. The eclipse viewing here is probably not going to happen (but thanks from this procrastinator for the "how to" instructions on making our own glasses Tramps) because of the forecast of overcast skies and rain. It's really a shame, since - by 2044 - if I'm still alive, I don't think the nursing home help will feel like pushing all of us old people outdoors to watch an eclipse that would probably be over in 3 minutes!


            Happy 40th Karen and Ken!


            Tramps - I finished "James" last night. A great book. NPR has been reading "The Berry Pickers" on Chapter a Day. It sounds like another good one, so that's next on the list.


            3.5 miles this morning, mostly walking since I seem to have tweaked my back again. Gorgeous outside! Sunny skies, 35 degrees and not much wind. The sand cranes are back, so between them, the geese and ducks on some of the ponds on my route I didn't need my IPod this morning.


            For all of you (Holly, Erika, Dave, Marj and Henry I think) who came to Green Bay to run the Cellcom marathon or half marathon, this year (which is the 25th year) will be the last one. The president of Cellcom has decided to take their company in a different direction and didn't want the responsibility of being in charge of the event anymore. It's a shame, really, and I hope some other business or organization will step up to keep it going. Just thought I'd mention this, in case any of you would like to come back and run it one more time 


            Go Caitlin!

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Roch - thanks for the videos (very cool home movies of flood) and DaveinAA - wonder what he is doing now?


              Jlynne - that's a shame. Hopefully someone else will step in to run it.


              Tramps - I'm pretty sure those are perfect recovery foods....  Great reminder of other methods of eclipse-watching.


              Sunny and bright here, but still pretty chilly - 40 degrees with 15-35mph winds.  I got 4.15 miles in.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Econo - great half marathon!  Just running that distance, regardless of time, seems like a win.

                Tramps, pulled pork sandwich and key lime pie, sounds great!

                My son is living in Buffalo, so MBE mailed him some eclipse glasses. I told him to look at the shadows which is even more interesting. And that it will get eerily quiet and chilly for a while.


                I spent all day yesterday in bed, or on the toilet. Norovirus? Never threw up but felt a bit like it for several hours and at times felt a bit feverish. After 11.5 hours of sleep, I am feeling better, so went out for a very slow 0.66 mile walk. Very slow on the hill, so yeah, I'm still weak and recovering.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Doug - thanks for the Dave in A2 link

                  with his comments on cosmic coincidences,

                  Babylonian astronomers, 360 degree sunset

                  instead of just in the west, durations,

                  100-mile wide totality, temps dropping,

                  wind increasing, airplane's limited viewing,

                  daytime stars, etc.  Very neat.

                  I had a waterfront run with him during

                  one of his Seattle visits in those days.

                  KSA - Happy  Quadraversary.

                  I thought it was ruby but pretty nice socks.


                  With the good weather since from before St. Patrick's Day that was but briefly interrupted by the cherry blossom ending overnight rain on Tuesday night after more than three weeks of cherry blossom viewing continuing as if Seattle had the best weather in the country for the first time in history, this year's Spring continues to amaze as when, this morning. along with scattered white Yoshino blossoms still hanging on their twigs for dear life almost four weeks after it all started on St. Patrick's Day weekend, I saw a fully blooming Yoshino that should be over by now but as if it had just burst forth right next to a lovely, newly blooming, multip-petaled, rose-pink Yaezu Cherry that come out in April after the Yoshino's but, voila!, when I crossed the street for a closer look, someone in years past had apparently grafted some Yoshino limbs onto the Yaezu trunk and, in a phenomenon I'd never even seen let along heard of, both were reaching full bloom. Pretty neat.


                  Otherwise, instead of paperwork while listening to the Women's NCAA finals that all the publicity about the lossless SC team and the Superplayer on the Iowa team that, after our class lunch on Thursday, my doctor classmate sent me a clip of her nine three's from a recent game from almost out to midcourt as if they were layups, instead of limiting TV coverage to ESPN that my rabbit ears doesn't get, it's on ABC.  Not so lucky for the Men's final that's only on ESPN but ABC has an eclipse special on in the afternoon that, having seen the two in Seattle for a clear sky one in 2017 and cloudy but with a brief fortuitous look in 1977, I'll check out for sure.

                  ps - I wonder what they did in the days before eclipse glasses. 

                  (probably didn't look the sun except during totality)

                  pps - both got dark like night quieting the song birds for a while.  

                  (Jeanne - getting dark in the middle of the day is pretty fantastic too so, if possible, go out in the yard as the temps drop and listen to the quiet, maybe even getting a patch of open sky like happened in 1977 when everyone else had given up) 

                  ppps- with Oregon have a better weather forecast,

                  Seattle was spared the hordes coming here to watch.


                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    It’s fun hearing about the hype (no eclipse for Oregon this time) and thank you Roch for the video! He looks not a day older than in his CR days.


                    i love the annual Seattle cherry blossom report from Tetsujin. One fond memory I have from living in Japan (hs English teacher) is watching the cherry blossom report on the evening news — exactly when & where the blossoms will peak, from Okinawa all the way up to Hokkaido. This forecasting is important because office parties are scheduled for the correct day.


                    Anyway. Rest day today.  Approved by Tigger the Cat.

                      Thanks, all.  It hasn't always been smooth, for sure, but we made it this far!   Enke- that's terrible.  I hope you start to feel better. I had norovirus about 5 years ago (from a big annual meeting/trade show) and it was miserable.

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Econo - I meant to say, great job!


                        KSA - Happy Anniversary!

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Happy anniversary KSA! Congrats on your race Econo. And Enke, I hope you're feeling better.


                          I've heard enough eclipse hype. I guess I didn't realize these were such big things! Here in Chicago it is going to max at 94% coverage or something. I'm going to be downtown tomorrow so I guess it will just seem dark-ish for a while? I honestly can't remember what I was doing in 2017... but I remember Tom Skilling crying about it in Southern Illinois. Apparently, there it is a total eclipse. Possibly there's something wrong with me...


                          A rainy day here in the 40's, but it's stopped finally. I suppose sunny and 70 will make people extra crazy tomorrow (together with the eclipse)?


                            Happy Anniversary KSA

                            Congrats Econo

                            Hope you feel better tomorrow Enke


                            Today was one of those simple yet great days!!

                            Started with 7:30 mass, 30 min live dance music ride, 20 min upper body strength, 30 min 90's ride for my 600th Peloton ride - some of my friends jumped on the class with me.

                            One of my brothers stopped by to pick up Mom and bring her down to his house for this week - it was nice catching up with him for a bit as it's been awhile since we were together.

                            Oldest son and his gf packed up more stuff and he has officially moved out of the house.


                            AND the best part - spent time with Marj, Henry, Stumpy and his wife and Kirsten (LaT)

                            Dh and I just had an nice easy dinner and are enjoying the quiet of being alone in the house!!!!

                            Preparing for 3 12 hour shifts in a row which is never my favorite, but I will be very happy when I am on the other side facing 6 days off in a row

                            including Marathon Monday!!!!


                            Nite all!!




                              Happy Anniversary KSA

                              Congrats Econo

                              Hope you feel better tomorrow Enke


                              AND the best part - spent time with Marj, Henry, Stumpy and his wife and Kirsten (LaT)



                              Woo hoo, Deez, sounds like a great RA meetup!  Anyone take a picture?


                              I ran 8.3 miles on the dirt roads in my neighborhood.  It was chilly, about 30 degrees and breezy, but at least it was sunny.  I'm still getting used to my new Coros GPS watch.  It told me I met my training goal.  How does it know what my goal was?

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              Trails are hard!

                                Yes indeed!!  Henry's party was excellent!  Pictures in a little while.

                                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

