RA Coaching Forum


GatsbyBird's Training Journal (Read 317 times)

    Hello all, Just stumbled on this group, and it got me thinking. I've always been something of a marathon fun-runner. No plan. No goals. Nobby would call me a plodder, and he'd be right. DH and I ran our first marathon in 2004 without having done any sort of real training or program. It was Maui, and we couldn't have picked worse conditions for utter beginners. Plodded along, finished at 5:37:43. And the others have pretty much followed suit. Edinburgh was next in 2005 (5:07:04) then Avenue of the Giants in 2006 (5:12:56) and Auckland in 2007 (4:58:11) and finally the debacle that was Chicago in 2008, at 5:24:59 (bad cramps, too hot, etc. etc.). We usually do 2-3 HMs during the year too. Last HM was a local fun run a couple weeks before Chicago (2:04:40). I think the biggest problem is lack of consistency. Joining RA and keeping a running log is a huge step in the right direction. No, I never actually logged runs before (I can see you shaking your heads). I have never been consistent about just getting out and running. I know I need to shed the excuses (work, weather, blah, blah) and just run. Even if it's just a few miles. Even if it means running in the rain. Even if it means running on the treadmill. Another issue in need of attention, as you might have guessed, is mental stamina. I've never been good at pushing myself and have never been remotely competitive. I need to figure out how to change that, at least so I'm motivated to compete with myself. So, working on those two things is my general plan. Specifics to follow. Advice welcome. I also have a goal now: I want to improve. Ambitious, eh? I think it sort of hit home for me after Chicago: I'm (relatively) young, I'm healthy, I can do better. And I like marathons. I signed up for Big Sur in April 2009 and I will not plod. Even up the big hill right in the middle of the race. Which brings me to the reason why I'm posting this. Putting it down in writing means it's now real. So: Will continue to update this periodically because I think it will keep me accountable. Will also research marathon training plans in the mean time. Will peruse the good advice provided by others. And will (try to) unlearn some bad habits along the way, too. Thanks for listening.

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

    Oh Mighty Wing

      GB - I am excited to read about your journey!! Hopefully I will pick up good tips from you along the way!

      Future running partner.

        No shaking of my head... You are just now elevating your level of commitment. Welcome to the group, there are some very knowledgeable and encouraging people on here. I wish you luck! The extra hard work will definitely pay off! Cool
          Thanks for the support! First things first: I need to figure out a good easy pace I've never really paid attention to how fast I go, but it usually ends up being around 10:00/mile. No, I'll never be mistaken for a speedy person, but having read a lot about this throughout RA, I know that's too fast for an easy pace for me. Today I did 3 at 10:30 but that still seems too fast, going by the "can you have a conversation at that pace" rule. I'm going down to 11:00-11:15 next time. Maybe slower?

          5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

          Oh Mighty Wing

            I don't have a definite easy pace. I base it by effort - if I didn't work to hard and it felt good and at the end I could have kept going then it's easy.
              First week report: Just over 20 miles this week, thru a combination of running and walking. Slow pace of 10:30-10:45 outside seems fine but might slow it down a little more on the treadmill. For next week, less walking and more running. One day of strength training, to keep knee issues at bay. Three sets x 8 (5 lbs): lunges and bridges, plus core and upper body work. Going to throw in some exercise bike for cross training (and quality reading time) next week. Early Xmas present from DH: a watch for training so I won't have to wing it when figuring out time or pace (hooray for supportive families!).

              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              Oh Mighty Wing

                keep up the great work!!
                  Although I'm apparently not very consistent about posting, I think I've been making progress on consistency in my running. This past month I've been doing 21 miles per week every week, which is not particularly notable except that I feel like I'm getting in the habit of running more consistently and making fewer excuses. My marathon is 4/26 so I'm going to start a training program later this month. I'm thinking about Hal Higdon Novice 2 or Intermediate 1. The weekly mileage for the novice program seems a bit low and it only calls for 4 days of running. But, maybe more realistic than the Intermediate program given where I am now. Maybe I'll work out a hybrid between the two, tack on another day of running on Sunday and bump cross training to Monday, which is where I currently have it. I'll also need to add hill training given what's in store at Big Sur... fortunately there is a good (brutal) hilly loop near work. Fortunately I don't have any of that snow/ice/sleety stuff that other folks have to deal with. Has anyone out there done Big Sur? Didn't find any postings about it on RA. The feedback on MarathonGuide.com is about what I expected and I don't think there will be any real surprises, just a lot of hard work. That's all for now... thanks for listening.

                  5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                  Future running partner.

                    I would consider doing some of your long runs, leading up to the race, on hilly terrain that's like the race course.
                      Still doing pretty well with respect to running on a regular basis. Managed 20 miles this past week despite the holidays. I earned my first HTFU points recently when I went out running in a light drizzle that turned into a big fat downpour. Water was squishing between my toes, dripping off my nose and hat, and soaking my gloves. It actually felt pretty awesome, sort of a Gene Kelly singing in the rain moment. Definitely got some strange looks from folks driving by with windshield wipers flying. Have to work on refueling better though. I actually fainted in church yesterday after doing 7 miles in the morning. I had a yogurt and blueberries afterwards but should have eaten much more, just didn't think of it. Fortunately DH was there and helped me make a quick (if not graceful) exit to find some OJ and breakfast. It's happened a couple other times over the years and it seems to be a low blood sugar issue with me. Should probably get in the habit of carrying a power bar. Anyway, no lasting ill effects. Sort of started the Hal Higdon Novice 2 mara program last week, but Christmas was not exactly the ideal time to kick off a new training regimen. At least I got the miles in.... this week should be better. Going to modify it by adding a short run on Sunday and doing cross training on Monday. I like the idea of adding hills to a long run to get ready for Big Sur. Fortunately there's no shortage of hills in HMB. New year's resolution: wag more, bark less. And stay healthy. Happy running in 2009 to everyone!

                      5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                        Chugging along on a modified Hal Higdon Novice 2 program. Decided to make Wednesdays a tempo day because I want to get out of my easy run rut. From browsing around, it looks like there's some debate over what exactly "tempo" means, but the "comfortably hard" definition makes sense to me. My easy pace tends to be around 10:10-10:20. My first tempo run ended up at 9:42. I think that could be faster if I focus more on what I'm doing. My usual mode is to plod along easily, and I think I will always be a plodder at heart, but my goal is to get outside my comfort zone and improve. So, next step: tempo run one day per week. Went on a nice five miler with a local running club on Saturday. I don't usually run with other folks besides DH, but it was a nice change and good for motivation. One hill in the middle really wore my legs out, reminding me that I've got to get working on hill training. Going to research techniques for hill running, both up and down. Any recommendations?

                        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR