Running and Sex


who got some last weekend (Read 231 times)

The voice of mile 18

    Big grin yeah hangover wedding sex!!

     Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 


    Self anointed title

      Hungover sex is great. Especially if there are no kids around!



      The voice of mile 18

        was actually a full house but the oppurtunity was there

         Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 

        Lazy idiot

          I did, but not as much as I wanted. Unfortunately, circumstances didn't permit more than that.

          Tick tock


            I got some this weekend, but if you read my post under the nutrition section, you'll see I have bruised ribs. Those were not from sex (unfortunately?!) but I am definitely more worse for the wear after my fiancé was on me too long. She said she thought my rapid, shallow breathing was a good sign. It usually is, but not with the bruised ribs! OUCH! Black eye

            HTFU?  Why not!

            USATF Coach

            Empire Tri Club Coach
            Gatorade Endurance Team

            The voice of mile 18

              bump finally found time this AM that's almost the weekend. damn kids. Dead

               Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy