Running and Sex


Jake Knight (Read 460 times)



    Self anointed title

      Purdey's fantasies are many (many, many) and varied. Wouldn't want to bore you with them....



        Purdey's fantasies are many (many, many) and varied. Wouldn't want to bore you with them....
        Oh, I'm sure you bore. Pick a favorite and share away. Yes


        The voice of mile 18

          here I'll start you out. lucy liu, jessica biel, 2 bottles of champagne and a vegas penthouse jacuzzi

           Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 

          Team HTFU NCTR Driver

            I'll tell ya mine. I go for a 75 mile bike ride and come home to an oily pile of naked Victoria's Secret models. I ignore them and take a two hour nap in my hammock. Man, I'm gettin' old. did

            Think Whirled Peas

              I'll tell ya mine. I go for a 75 mile bike ride and come home to an oily pile of naked Victoria's Secret models. I ignore them and take a two hour nap in my hammock. Man, I'm gettin' old. did
              HA! Smile

              Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


              Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>


              Self anointed title

                MTA: Moved to the "fantasy thread" Wink


