Rocky Mount Endurance Club


How do I join the RRCA? (Read 329 times)

runner dude

    So how do I go about joining the RRCA? I know Dave Lavely and could give him the money and info, and he could forward it to whoever. I just havn't seen any method for people outside of the existing RMEC to join. I think it is great that you have created a branch of the RRCA in the area. I believe the small, current overall feel will remain the same, but the opportunities will be much greater. Dr L.

      We will have a application online next week. It will be a pretty simple application. We will then send a list of all RMEC members to the RRCA with our total payment, and other forms. We are sending this in on Monday 04/14. The more people we have on the original list, the better off we will be. Thanks!
      runner dude

        RMEC, I haven't seen the "online" application if there is one. Let me know how to get an application and I will submit everything right away. Thanx, Runner Dude

          I can email the application to you if you would like. There is an address to mail it to included on the app. Send me your email address and I can get it to you. My email is