Swim Bike Run


sprint or olympic distance? (Read 153 times)

IMKY13 finish!!

    Okay, I've got yet another question:


    My goal race this year is Branson 70.3 in September.  I plan on doing a Sprint tri next weekend, an Olympic tri in July and then another tri two weeks prior to Branson 70.3.  The one triathlon that is two weeks prior to Branson 70.3 has both an Olympic 7 Sprint distances.  I was origianlly planning on doing the Olympic distance in that tri (and not the Sprint distance).  What is everyone's thoughts on the race two weeks prior to Branson 70.3?

    Fitness/weight goals for 2014



    2) Get to 189 lbs by the end of July 2014...and stay there (as of 4-25-14 was at 203 lbs)

    3) Complete Ironman Chattanooga in under 14 hours

    4) Break 4 hours in a stand alone marathon (Goal race=Rocket City 12/13/14)

    5) 4,500 total overall miles for the year:

             Swim: 100 miles

             Bike: 3,000 miles

             Run: 1,400 miles


      I would say you are fine with doing the Olympic distance, two weeks is plenty of time to recover and it would be good hard effort to see how your feeling going in.


      I wouldn't taper for the race unless you think you need it.  It would be a good test to try out all of the equipment you will be using for the 70.3 if you are going to use extra water bottles or more nutrition. 


      I am going to do the NJ state tri about a month before Timberman 703.  I just think that doing a sprint tri won't really help much for a 703.  It is just to short. 


        I have a sprint scheduled 2 weeks before Timberman and an Olympic 1 month before.  2 weeks before should be enough to taper before the 70.3

        Swim , Bike, and Run A LOT