Ultra Runners


June 2023 Ultra Training Thread (Read 20 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Just like that May is over, June is here along with warmer weather.


    Pace was a lot slower in May so it took a lot more time to reach the 189.5 miles I logged.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




    Duke of the Internet

      May:  289 miles.  38,671 feet of gain.  Raced Quicksilver 100K.  Completed the 71 miles from the three days at Western States Camp.


      YTD 1,377 miles.  121,837 feet of gain.  Now I start my heat training.  23 days to go till states.

        June already, geez the year is flying by.


        Badger, how was the WSER training weekend?  Any surprises out on the trails or pretty much what you were expecting?  It sounds like Robinson Flat was still under a lot of snow.


        I had 205 miles in May, including a 30k in the Berkeley hills and a marathon in Ireland.  Next big race is SOB 50 in July.


        Here are a couple pics from the race in Ireland.  Beautiful countryside, half roads and half trails overlooking the ocean and valleys.  Couldn't ask for better conditions except maybe a couple degrees cooler (something rarely said in Ireland!).



        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

        Duke of the Internet

          June already, geez the year is flying by.


          Badger, how was the WSER training weekend?  Any surprises out on the trails or pretty much what you were expecting?  It sounds like Robinson Flat was still under a lot of snow.


          I had 205 miles in May, including a 30k in the Berkeley hills and a marathon in Ireland.  Next big race is SOB 50 in July.


          Here are a couple pics from the race in Ireland.  Beautiful countryside, half roads and half trails overlooking the ocean and valleys.  Couldn't ask for better conditions except maybe a couple degrees cooler (something rarely said in Ireland!).




          These pictures are beautiful.  I loved the triple marathon I did in Scotland last year.  The people were so nice.  Sounds like a great time.


          We had snow from Mile 31-37/38.  It was hit or miss.  Some areas were covered, some areas we could run over to the side of the trails.  The second and third days covered from Foresthill to the finish.  No real surprises in there.  The first section of Robinson Flat to Foresthill was even harder than I expected it to be.  The climb to devils Thumb was about what I expected but the climb to Michigan Bluff was much harder than I expected it to be.  That section is going to TOUGH.

          Pain is my friend

            May was another great month for me. Ran 3 less miles than April. I ran 321 miles and 22K vert.  June is going to rock. 2 weeks till the suffer dome.

            ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

            Bear 100 22:08 2021 

            Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


            Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

            Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

            Ute 100 Aug

            24 hour loop race?


            Pain is my friend

              Oh Scotland. I am going back next July. I need to find me a race out there.



              These pictures are beautiful.  I loved the triple marathon I did in Scotland last year.  The people were so nice.  Sounds like a great time.


              We had snow from Mile 31-37/38.  It was hit or miss.  Some areas were covered, some areas we could run over to the side of the trails.  The second and third days covered from Foresthill to the finish.  No real surprises in there.  The first section of Robinson Flat to Foresthill was even harder than I expected it to be.  The climb to devils Thumb was about what I expected but the climb to Michigan Bluff was much harder than I expected it to be.  That section is going to TOUGH.

              ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

              Bear 100 22:08 2021 

              Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


              Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

              Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

              Ute 100 Aug

              24 hour loop race?


              Pain is my friend

                kick back week for me. 55 miles and 5k vert. It's race time. Bring on the fun loops on the track and pain.

                ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                Ute 100 Aug

                24 hour loop race?


                a smith

                king of the non-sequitur

                  Krash so you are running the first 24hr? good luck! six days at the dome sounds like five nights at freddy's


                  last week was a good one for me. all easy and then all out for cougar race 2 of 4. 14 miles and 2600'. still wearing the belt but had no prob with the hernia (which is awesome since the surgery is scheduled for september.) super fun and super hard almost fell bad and stumbled across some creek-crossing logs to the other side. must have been graceful Smile the best thing i did was bring something to eat right after and dont drive too far with cramped legs (just drove 10 min to nearby family for dinner). i think these two things helped a ton with recovery


                  ive been cheating and dabbling in the competitive jerks thread but i see some of you over there too


                  Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                  Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                  Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                  Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

                    Good week, 54 miles, 4600’ vert. That included a trail 30k on Saturday, 4th female, 1/3 in AG.  Doing a trail HM this Saturday and will add a little bit after. Got some race credit from volunteering so I’m putting it to use. 

                    Although I retired from being captain at ALT AS at Western States, I just took over as captain at Bolinas Ridge AS at Miwok 100k next year. So, retirement didn’t last long.  I’ll be at ALT this year volunteering, hoping to run into badger there.

                    Alan, sounds like a good race!  I lurk sometimes in the competitive jerks group but have nothing to contribute since I’m not fast or competitive or a jerk (at least I hope not).


                    Krash, enjoy taper time!

                    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                    Duke of the Internet

                      Krash so you are running the first 24hr? good luck! six days at the dome sounds like five nights at freddy's


                      last week was a good one for me. all easy and then all out for cougar race 2 of 4. 14 miles and 2600'. still wearing the belt but had no prob with the hernia (which is awesome since the surgery is scheduled for september.) super fun and super hard almost fell bad and stumbled across some creek-crossing logs to the other side. must have been graceful Smile the best thing i did was bring something to eat right after and dont drive too far with cramped legs (just drove 10 min to nearby family for dinner). i think these two things helped a ton with recovery


                      ive been cheating and dabbling in the competitive jerks thread but i see some of you over there too


                      I wasn’t aware you needed surgery.  Do you have a hernia or a sports hernia?  Did you just have pain and got an X-ray or an MRI?

                      a smith

                      king of the non-sequitur


                        I wasn’t aware you needed surgery.  Do you have a hernia or a sports hernia?  Did you just have pain and got an X-ray or an MRI?


                        Inguinal not from sports imo. I had pain initially. i was at work and knew what it was so i pushed it back in and held it with coban. fortunately i still have the belts i used when the other side was out. they work well with slight modifications depending on activity. i had the right side done a few years ago and knew the left side was likely only a matter of time. ultrasound confirmed it plus exam by the surgeon plus it's pretty obvious. fortunately i get to see Dr White again. she saved my life in 2019 <3

                        i think the hernia and subsequent mesh implant on the other side is probably the biggest reason i dont ride my road bike anymore Sad


                        Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                        Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                        Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                        Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

                        Duke of the Internet


                          Inguinal not from sports imo. I had pain initially. i was at work and knew what it was so i pushed it back in and held it with coban. fortunately i still have the belts i used when the other side was out. they work well with slight modifications depending on activity. i had the right side done a few years ago and knew the left side was likely only a matter of time. ultrasound confirmed it plus exam by the surgeon plus it's pretty obvious. fortunately i get to see Dr White again. she saved my life in 2019 <3

                          i think the hernia and subsequent mesh implant on the other side is probably the biggest reason i dont ride my road bike anymore Sad


                          Wow, that's crazy.  I don't think I would have known what to do.


                          Are we there, yet?

                            Met Krash at the Dome on Friday.


                            Had a successful 12-hour race finally managing an ultra distance, 33.6171 miles, and lasted the full 12 hours.  A definite improvement over the last two where I stopped short of 6 hours.  Had similar issues but was able to work through them this time.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                            Pain is my friend

                              6 days in the Dome went great till it didn’t. Was on pace till about 17 hours. Stomach went south and the wheels came off. Never recovered physically and mentally. Ended up with 125.9 miles. 24 hour races are hard. One day I will get it right. Maybe. I’m happy for trail time. 

                              it was great to meet you George.

                              ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                              Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                              Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                              Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                              Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                              Ute 100 Aug

                              24 hour loop race?



                              Are we there, yet?

                                Finally have my race report for 6 Days in the Dome written.



                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



