Ultra Runners


October 2022 Ultra Training Thread (Read 18 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Late getting the thread started.

    September miles 170.7


    From the September thread in case you missed it:


    Amazing race. Everything went as planed. Ok not everything. But didn’t let the pain in my hammy early on get me down or the quad soreness the last 10 miles. Finish in 2:58:22. Not as fast as 10 years ago but still a great time. 100 miles is easier. Time to get back on the trails.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




      Nice job Krash!


      Hope nOOky and Kreeg are having a good weekend.


      207 miles in September.  Traveling to the Baltics in a couple weeks, including a trail marathon.  Just have to survive work in the meantime.  

      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

      a smith

      king of the non-sequitur

        180M in sept. 4 weeks to the cougar 50k race. shifting to more task specific training generally (longer and slower if i can manage my time better). yearly goal still well intact. shoulder much better 


        Krash, nice work!


        Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

        Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

        Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

        Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


          Sorry for the duplicate post.  I didn’t realize it was October and I was posting in the September thread!  For those who didn’t see it, and yes I’m proud to post it twice, here’s my Yeti race recap.


          Thanks for all the well wishes.  Short story: I finished Yeti 100 in 25:46:01.


          Long story:  Wow, what a crazy almost 26 hours.  Hurricane Ian's remnants headed right for the race course.  The RD decided to make a slight change where we omitted one section that could potentially be dangerous at the top of a mountain if the rain and winds got too bad and instead made us do a little out and back at a lower elevation around mile 80.  This cut the course short by a couple of miles so my final mileage ended up being 97.7.  I did not complain.


          The first 50 miles was great.  Nice temps and no rain.  Finished that part under 11 hours.  The next 30 miles was some of the toughest I have ever done.  It consisted of an out and back of a 15 mile gradual uphill and back down.  In normal conditions, not that big of a deal.  But, the skies opened up and it rained like crazy.  The further I got to the top the harder it rained.  The trail turned into a flowing river.  It got colder the higher I got.  By the time I got to the aid station I was ready to drop.  But, there was no cell service on this side of the course.  There were people coming in who looked like they were hypothermic, shaking like crazy.  I had brought a pair of tights with me so I put them on after the AS volunteer told me there was practially no way to drop here.  Then, I headed out back down the mountain.


          Another 8 miles down to the next AS and again was ready to drop.  I asked a volunteer at that one if I could and he said yeah but it would be hours before I could get a ride.  There were 6 other people waiting for anyone to take them back.  He told me if I could walk I'd be better off walking the next 7 miles to the AS where I was at the 50 mile mark.  So I headed out again,  (second time denied dropping)


          Just before I hit the trail a woman rolled down her window in a big truck and said "hey!"  But, she thought I was someone else.  She asked how I was doing and I told her miserable etc. bc I was soaked and freezing cold and I asked her if I dropped, would she take me to the next AS.  She said her daughter was sleeping in the back seat and didn't have room.  (third time denied dropping now)  She asked me if I needed anything and offered Advil and hand warmers.  I never take Advil or anything during a race but my legs and feet were hurting enough that I said sure.  She gave me some hand warmers and sent me on my way.  In about 30 minutes the Advil kicked in and I was a brand new runner.  Legs no longer hurt, I was running and soon determined to finish.


          Once I got back to the midpoint of the course AS and did the out and back to make up some mileage for the course change, I only had 17 miles to go.  There was no way I was dropping.  The rain let up and since I was at lower elevation it was slightly warmer.  I had one last change of clothes in my drop bag and one more pair of shoes and socks.  I took my time to change into all dry clothes besides my shorts and tights.  Then I headed out for another 4 hours or so and made it to the finish around 8:46am.


          All four of my 100 mile finishes were tough in their own regard.  This one has a special place because of the conditions of that 30 mile stretch in the night.  According to Ultrasignup, 53 people DNS, 115 DNF and 117 finished.  I'm proud to say I'm a finisher, especially after I tried to drop three times, and also bc I did it solo with no crew or pacer.  Thanks for reading!

          1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

          3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

          9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

          4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC

          a smith

          king of the non-sequitur

            awesome and congrats! glad you made it. thanks for writing. kind of reminds me of black canyon in 2017 when my bike jacket and coated hat saved me except a lot longer. so easy to get hypothermic when you are soaked


            Sorry for the duplicate post.  I didn’t realize it was October and I was posting in the September thread!  For those who didn’t see it, and yes I’m proud to post it twice, here’s my Yeti race recap.


            Thanks for all the well wishes.  Short story: I finished Yeti 100 in 25:46:01.




            Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

            Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

            Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

            Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

              Wow, WTG Kreeg!  That sounded pretty gnarly.  Sort of funny that you failed at dropping and succeeded at finishing.

              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              Duke of the Internet

                Kreeg-AWESOME, just AWESOME.  Welcome to the 100 mile club. Wear that buckle with pride.


                  Thanks, all.  It is, indeed, quite funny that I failed at dropping out but succeeded in finishing.  I still can't believe it.  I think back to those hours at night when I was soaked and all I wanted to do was get in my truck and go to sleep and instead, just kept being shuffled down the trail by volunteers who said no, you can't drop here.  I've been saying that in my head like in Forest Gump where the kids on the bus are like, "ya can't sit here" --  "ya can't drop here"


                  Legs are feeling surprisingly good.  Almost feel like I could run but I'm not going to yet.  Bottoms of feet are still a little sore.  I'll wait until next week probably.


                  It's funny how you learn things about yourself with every finish.  My finish at Blackbeard's in March taught me that even if you can't run, you can walk and finish if you have the willpower to just keep moving.  I incorporated that in this race thinking I'd have to walk to the end with how bad my legs and feet hurt but the Advil fixed that for a bit and I could run again.


                  So now the question is, how bad would it be to take ibuprofen during a race if it helps me run?  I seem to be fine for the first 50 miles but then the fatigue and soreness kicks in and I end up having to walk more.  I can see now why they say it's a "performance enhancer."


                  Do any of you take it?  I rarely take it in normal life, much less a race, so I'm wondering if it'd be ok to do it for the second half just to get me to the finish.  A buddy of mine said it would probably be fine and it likely had that effect on me because I never take it so my body was not accustomed to it.  He said, "imagine if you had taken 4!!"  LOL

                  1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

                  3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

                  9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

                  4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC


                    I try not to take anything for pain during a race, and if I did, it would be acetaminophen. I tend to get really dehydrated during longer ultras, so I would not want to get rhabdo. Ibuprofen is about the worst thing you can take lol but I guess people do it all the time. Nice job on your 100 miler! I've been there and done that with regards to wanting to drop. I probably would have finished TDS if someone had told me to quit being a wuss and keep going.

                    Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                    WS100 6-29-2024

                    UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                    MCM 10-27-2024




                    a smith

                    king of the non-sequitur

                      good topic for conversation. i have in the past if it was the difference between finishing or not but strictly low dose, i havent done anything in the past year to use it. for me it would be aleve, and just one. naproxen is milder and longer lasting than "vitamin I". i did take one after i hurt my shoulder the other day just to be able to shift my 5 speed to get home safely and very glad i found one!

                      it's funny all the people out there who are on all kinds of extreme meds and we worry about ibuprofen but i dont like things that are so easy. anything that helps that much must have some yet to be seen drawback, probably on the kidneys but i wouldnt even consider tylenol. it is so hard on your liver it would make me sick. and i would never consider any of these for training.

                      thinking back to my 100M attempt i didnt carry anything like that for fear i would use it too soon so i used cbd. and ended up with a dnf due to severe depression and gave up. later i discovered that cbd does that to me so if i had ibuprofen or aleve i may have finished and got in the vaunted '100 club' but who knows? still proud of my dnf (not the least of why because some people who would otherwise talk to me dont and that's a gift for me!)




                      Do any of you take it?  I rarely take it in normal life, much less a race, so I'm wondering if it'd be ok to do it for the second half just to get me to the finish.  A buddy of mine said it would probably be fine and it likely had that effect on me because I never take it so my body was not accustomed to it.  He said, "imagine if you had taken 4!!"  LOL


                      Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                      Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                      Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                      Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

                      Pain is my friend

                        Almost every Ultra. I wait as long as I can before taking it. When I start to feel a bit of pain I take 800 mg. Then 6-8 hours later I take 800 more. I have had no problems with it. But I have had a friend get a stomach ulcer from it. Most of the time it is after the first 50 miles. Its a helpful tool and great back up plan.




                        Do any of you take it?  I rarely take it in normal life, much less a race, so I'm wondering if it'd be ok to do it for the second half just to get me to the finish.  A buddy of mine said it would probably be fine and it likely had that effect on me because I never take it so my body was not accustomed to it.  He said, "imagine if you had taken 4!!"  LOL

                        ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                        Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                        Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                        Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                        Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                        Ute 100 Aug

                        24 hour loop race?


                        Duke of the Internet

                          I try not to take anything for pain during a race, and if I did, it would be acetaminophen. I tend to get really dehydrated during longer ultras, so I would not want to get rhabdo. Ibuprofen is about the worst thing you can take lol but I guess people do it all the time. Nice job on your 100 miler! I've been there and done that with regards to wanting to drop. I probably would have finished TDS if someone had told me to quit being a wuss and keep going.


                          I’m the same.  Never touch it during or within 48 hours after a 100 miler.  I have heard too many stories.  I think I would rather DNF than take a 5% chance of ending up in the ER.


                            Is it that using it during a race, if you're dehydrated, can cause rhabdo?  I've heard stories but need to do some research.


                            I, myself, was pissing like a racehorse this whole race.  Granted it was not hot or sunny but I swear I peed 30 times.  I would love to know how much time accumulated just standing, not moving, and peeing.  But even after the race was over I was peeing clear so I felt I was well hydrated.


                            I'm signed up for Umstead in April so wondering now if I should maybe include it in the late race plans if I get to the point my legs are so sore and fatigued that I'm reduced to only walking.


                            P.S.  I don't see how those front runners do it.  The winner of Yeti did it in 14h50m.  How the F does anyone run that fast for that long?!?

                            1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

                            3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

                            9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

                            4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC


                              Keeg look up "cold-induced diuresis" and see if it fits your situation. I've had the same happen many times, it's annoying.

                              Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                              WS100 6-29-2024

                              UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                              MCM 10-27-2024




                              Duke of the Internet

                                Is it that using it during a race, if you're dehydrated, can cause rhabdo?  I've heard stories but need to do some research.


                                I, myself, was pissing like a racehorse this whole race.  Granted it was not hot or sunny but I swear I peed 30 times.  I would love to know how much time accumulated just standing, not moving, and peeing.  But even after the race was over I was peeing clear so I felt I was well hydrated.


                                I'm signed up for Umstead in April so wondering now if I should maybe include it in the late race plans if I get to the point my legs are so sore and fatigued that I'm reduced to only walking.


                                P.S.  I don't see how those front runners do it.  The winner of Yeti did it in 14h50m.  How the F does anyone run that fast for that long?!?


                                The winner of Umstead will be even faster than that.  Likely in the 13+ hour range.  It's nuts
