Virtual Racers


It only goes without saying (Read 254 times)

Go Pre!

    This group is lacking a certain je ne sais quoi that even CarmelRunner couldn't keep alive.

    The supporting website will remain active for those wanting to continue although most races that were ever entered were real races, not the original intentions of Wingz creation of this group.

    Anyway, before I remove the webpages ( ) do we have any people wanting to continue?

    Offer up any changes, improvements, suggestions etc if you think it's worth reviving this club.



    Hannibal Granite

      I like the idea - even if it is real races instead of vurtual ones.  I have not been racing much (virtually or otherwise) so I haven't posted anything.  The 2000 mile group (aka the swamp) has the yearly Male and Female race times list which is sort of what this became.  Maybe instead of  having that there it could be here instead Like a link from the homepage of the 2-K group to your page.  That way only the people who are interested in such lists will go to it.

      "You NEED to do this" - Shara


        I put in my Fat Ass from last weekend.  It's in the wrong month though.


        Only real difference I can think of is letting people choose last month or this month when entering, especially in first week or two of the month.

        Run to Win
        25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)

        Go Pre!

          Right Blaine, in the meantime you can edit and change the date but I will add the option to put in old dates. Then I will make it so you can view top times for all distances for each month and year to date & filter by real race or virtual race etc. At that point I will put it out to the swamp and rest of RA for that matter.

