Virtual Racers


June Virtual Race Dates (Read 1119 times)

Go Pre!

    It's the first weekend in June coming up! Time for those Virtual Race entries. Race Entry form is open! Results will be posted Tuesday morning...Be dure to get your times in! *** New addition is the option to chosse "run type" - eg. was it a training run or did you pour it on during a scheduled race etc. *** Dave Dave


      Where did May go??? I am up for a 10K Sherry
      Run like you are on fire! 5K goal 24:00 or less (PR 24:34) 10K goal 50:00 or less (PR 52:45) HM goal 1:55:00 or less (PR 2:03:02) Marathon Goal...Less than my PR (PR 4:33:23)

      Lazy idiot

        I'm up for a 5K either weekend. I need to set a real PR, not that sissy one from two weeks ago. Wink

        Tick tock


        Professional Noob

          Let's do it! Dave, you're super-awsome-cool-teriffic for making sure the ball keeps rolling here! I've been preoccupied with other stuff lately and almost forgot about June's Virtual Race! Good luck this weekend, everyone!

          Roads were made for journeys...



            I'm gonna pass this month--got some healing owie issues that I don't want to worsen. But July will hopefully have me rarin' to go! Big grin k

            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                 ~ Sarah Kay

              Hi everyone! I just joined this virtual racers thingy - I skimmed over the rules but apparently I need to do more than just skim over them. This seems like a neat idea! Smile


                My marathon is Sunday Big grin, so I am in for this weekend.
                "It is very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runner. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit." George Sheehan

                  I am running a 5k on 0608. If you extend through next weekend (06/8,9,10) I can get that one in. Smile My 5k is at 7pm. A strange time for me since I have never run a race that late. I've only raced at the crack of dawn!
                    I'm running a 5k tomorrow. What does that mean? Does that count? I'm confused (as usual).



                    Professional Noob

                      Sure does! Welcome aboard, Mississippi!

                      Roads were made for journeys...

                      My dogs are fast, not me

                        Is 5 miles one of the virtual distances?



                        Professional Noob

                          You bet, though last month there was only one entry... You can see all the distances available over on last month's results at

                          Roads were made for journeys...

                          Neil Gunn

                          Gandalf the Grey

                            Strange but true ... I running a 9k fell race tomorrow (Sat 2 June). Is there a race-distance for that? Just for info - it is called the Wincle Trout as every runner gets a fresh trout! Neil UK

                            Running ... just keep running!

                            My dogs are fast, not me

                              You bet, though last month there was only one entry... You can see all the distances available over on last month's results at
                              Oooh. Maybe I'll place? Blush


                              Go Pre!

                                Just for info - it is called the Wincle Trout as every runner gets a fresh trout! Neil
                                A fresh trout? OK, where do I sign sounds worth the airfare to the UK! As for the 9 mile race, you can calculate your time to match a 10K or 5mile and enter that event. Again, fresh trout, awesome. Race entry form will be open from this saturday and remain open until tuesday noon. I will try to find the time to get the image upload added in for the race entries. Rule reminder you can enter any race from your running log from May 8 until next Tuesday morning. Good luck all! Dave P.S. modified cuz I had to add this photo of FRESH TROUT...