Womens Running


Wake up, it's the Weekendailies (Read 11 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Everyone sleeping in after staying up to see the northern lights last night? Not me, although if it hadn't been cloudy we apparently could have seen them all the way down here! Saw some pictures on fb and wow. Supposed to be even more clouds tonight, so I'm out of luck. At this point I'll choose sleep anyway though.


    Riley had a better night and morning. Slept almost the whole night through, and is better at getting up and down. I did order a harness from Petco to be doordashed today, but I might not need it after all. I'll hold on to it and return if I don't, but good idea to have if needed. We used to have harnesses for both dogs, but I think they disappeared (as in I threw them out because we didn't use them) during the move here.


    So still no running here. Probably not until after DH gets home next week. It's just too hard. We will survive, but it's been trying. Four days post op, I feel like I'm finally seeing improvement. (which is still pretty amazing, I doubt I'd be able to walk outside and poop four days after abdominal surgery where they ended up removing a kidney, a tumor, and an adrenal land, and I nearly died, much less two days after).

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

    Check out my website and youtube channel


    Former Bad Ass

      There were no northern lights here (we tried 3 times before midnight and nothing). Sniff.


      I had 6 but made it to 3 and quit. The leg dragging was fucking annoying. I am starting to think it's a drop foot, so I ordered a brace from Amazon to see if it helps. The pattern of the dragging makes me think so (and hubby watching me run ahead of him because I was fast today even with 30/30 run/walking to prevent the dragging as much as I could.




        I was sound asleep during the light show. I would have liked to have seen them but sleep is a priority for me since I tend to sleep very poorly. The photos I saw were amazing.


        I ran 5k today


        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



        WINE o'clock somewhere!

          Morning Ladies!


          Karen, no northern lights here either.  Glad Riley is recovering.


          Damaris, good luck with the leg.


          Lori, I've seen a few Strava runs, great job!


          Not a lot here this weekend.  Yesterday I had to work my regular gig and we were BUSY, non-stop.  Wore me out.


          Off today, phew.  5 on the schedule  Gloomy out, which I'll take.


          Already looking at 2025 races and 2024 isn't even half over.  Hehe.


          Happy Mother's Day to those with real kids and fluffy kids.



          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

          Beast of Burden - August 2024

          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


            I saw amazing pics of the aurora borealis in the SF Bay Area, which I've never heard of happening here before.  Of course, it was foggy on the coast and we saw nothing.


            Happy Mother's Day to anyone with fur babies, feathered babies, or human children!


            Damaris, does taping help the foot at all?


            Karen, glad to hear Riley is continuing to do well.  That boy of yours who is away owes you big time for not being there.


            Kat, nice that you have a day off this weekend.  Go get those miles!


            Lori, nice 5k.


            I had a good race yesterday.  Trail marathon in the Berkeley hills.  Hot, hilly, and technical.  3rd place female overall and 1st in AG!  Not a big race, around 30 people in the marathon, but I'll take it.  Will do laundry, yard work, and go for a walk today.


            Pic from the top of one of the hills yesterday.  That's San Francisco on the other side of the bay.


            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              More rain here, so no northern lights. I did see some pictures from western MD. I peaked outside at 4am when I got up to pee and couldn't see anything. There's a streetlight outside our bedroom window, so less than ideal viewing. 7 yesterday and 3 today.


              AnonymousGuest, you'd probably be forced to get up. I remember our PT telling someone to expect to have to get up and walk the same day as a hip replacement.


              Docket, maybe get it checked out to make sure there's not a serious cause for the drop foot?


              BerthaSlayer, I agree, sleep is #1.


              KatS, I tend to look at some 2025 dates too, especially for spring races.


              GatsbyBord, congrats on the 50k!


              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                Margaret, great pic, congrats.


                Kathi, nice miles yesterday/today.  Sprinkled here too.


                Just finished my 5.  Tolerable.  Mini run/walks for the first 4, then just walked it in.  Surprised it went as well as it did considering how tired I am.


                Enjoy the remainder of your day all.



                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                Anonymous Guest

                  Margaret, congrats on the race placement! Cute pic.


                  Damaris, annoying on the dragging leg. What would cause foot drop (I didn't even know that was a thing until now, so obviously I don't know!)?


                  Lori, sleep should almost always be a priority.


                  HCK, more rain here as well today. Remember all my complaining about drought and the low lake levels? I'm good now, the rain can stop. Today's rain came with pretty big hail - glad I put DH's forerunner in the garage! It usually sits outside, but after he took his Jeep on his trip, I put the forerunner in.


                  No running here still. DH gets back probably Tuesday and so will probably get back out there after that. His trip sounded like it went really well, and the guy asked him if he wanted to do the rest of them that he has scheduled. I think they are all in that same area, would be nice if they were a little closer to home. It's a lot closer to our Colorado place though, so he may just do the ones that coincide with when we're there.

                  Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                  Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                  Check out my website and youtube channel


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Never google something because unwanted answers will come out, Karen. It includes a pinched nerve (which I might have) tendonitis somewhere in the foot or leg, MS (this one freaked me out but hubby said I'm too old to get it). Dealing with my fall from September or July, I think the pinched nerve might be a possibility.


                    I got my new brace from amazon halfway through my 6 on the TM so I grabbed it and continued my run. I think the way the foot looks in videos with and without shows a difference. And I felt like I was dragging less or none at all. We'll see when I get to run outside next week.
