Womens Running


Wednesdailies Check in (Read 11 times)

    HI! Walked the pups + 2 mile walk/run this morning. Felt awful so I cut it short.


    DH left yesterday for 2 weeks work trip.  House is really quiet.


    Supposed to be very stormy today. Like tornado watch close the schools stormy. Waiting now....will see how much rain we get before I fill the pool--it's a little low.


    Margaret--50k -- I cannot imagine.  You rock.


    Happy hump day!!

    Anonymous Guest

      Probably nothing but a mile or two with the baby runners this evening. Windy day here, it was already howling when I let the dogs out at 6 and it's supposed to build. Tomorrow I have a volunteer thing most of the day, but I don't have to leave here until almost 9 so may get a few miles in first.


      We got another round of storms last night and the lake is now up two feet. More of that please. Probably less than an inch, but on top of five inches in the morning it's pretty soggy around here.


      Susan, that may be the same storms that went through here last night. Baseball size hail just to the south of us.


      Okay, what is the deal with prescription drug pricing? Riley has to have surgery in May and they want him to go on a medication for two weeks beforehand. It's a people drug so they called it in to my local CVS. CVS called me to tell me it cost about $3000! So I told them to hold off and asked the vet for the prescription details so I could check other pharmacies, coupons etc. With a coupon at CVS it's $300. Still expensive for two weeks of medication, but come on - a 90% off coupon? I assume the pricing has something to do with insurance weirdness.

      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

      Check out my website and youtube channel


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have 3 after work.


        Sue, hoping it does not turn into a tornado warning.


        Karen, yikes!




          Good morning.

          I ran 5k with hubby that was extremely hard. My mojo is definitely GONE . But we saw a great horned owl nest with it's baby(s).  There were two in the nest but we weren't sure if one was mama.

          My shoulder is still effed up. I've been seeing the chiro twice a week and RMT as often as I can (she's DD1 and always booked so I'm lucky to get in once a month). There's some improvement but not much.  Hubby hugged me on Sunday, not hard but enough where pain went through the roof and sad to admit I actually passed out. Thankfully he didn't call ambulance this time. But I'm drinking tons of water because we suspect dehydration may be a factor in this passing out since specialist previously said , after putting me through all the tests,  the prior passing out was nothing to be concerned about. But hubby and I are keeping a close eye on it. Blah blah blah.


          I thought over here that some pet medicine that can be used on humans (insulin for example) was actually cheaper? But maybe I'm wrong. Thankfully it was only at the end of his life that we needed to give Gus meds. Karen I hope your pup feels better soon


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



          Former Bad Ass

            Ouch, Lori.


              Arrived early for my eye appointment.  No doubt they’ll be running late too.  It’s ok, I took the afternoon off since I won’t be able to do anything productive after getting my eyes dilated.  Ran 6 easy before work. Super foggy. 

              Lori, sorry for all the health issues. 

              Damaris, enjoy the 3. 

              Karen, wow, expensive.  Good thing he’s the best dog ever and very good boy. 

              CrazySue, enjoy your quiet time.

              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                6 with 8x 3 min at 10k effort before work and lower body strength after. Just got back from dinner with DH. A seafood place moved into what I call the cursed restaurant space across the street from their old location. Place was packed, so maybe the curse will be lifted. It's been several restaurants and none seem to stay.


                CrazySue, hope the weather doesn't get too bad. We had some sort of statewide tornado drill on TV and radio stations this morning.


                AnonymousGuest, have you checked Mark Cuban's pharmacy? I always got a kick out of signing for my dog's privacy rights when I got her human meds and that I declined counseling. I'm guessing the phamracist would be like WTF if I had asked about dog antibiotics or the antibiotic ointment. Oh, and it also reminds me of a funny telemarketing story. Someone called our house growing up and asked for the dog. Like dog's name and our last name. After asking them to repeat, I then said she's a dog. I guess when my mom had registered for a frequent shopper card at Petsmart, someone bought that list and really didn't think things through.


                Docket, enjoy your 3.


                BerthaSlayer, sorry the shoulder isn't much better. Could the passing out form the pain be a vasovagal response?


                GatsbyBird, any people there claiming eye injury from the eclipse? I sent an article to a co-worker about that the other day and told her she would have company at the eye appointment she rescheduled.

                  HCK, lol on your dog getting telemarketing calls.  I couldn’t tell if anyone at the eye doctor had an eclipse-related eye issue, but it did seem more crowded that usual.

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                  Anonymous Guest

                    Lori, sorry about all the health issues. Hope things get better.


                    HCK, thanks for the idea on mark cuban's pharmacy - $1100 which is much less than the $3000+, looks the coupon for $300 is going to be the way to go. That is hilarious about the telemarketer.


                    Margaret, Riley is such a very good boy. I wish I was a better owner and hadn't canceled his pet insurance awhile back. Surgery ain't cheap! Kinda funny the eye doctor is busy the day after the eclipse.


                    I ran a whopping 1 mile with the baby runners tonight. Glad their race is Saturday, I'm kind of getting tired of it. I would still do a marathon or half training group, but the 5k group just isn't it for me.

                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel



                      HCK, yes I suspect vasovagal syncope. I think that's what it's called.


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**