Womens Running


No Foolin April Fools (Read 12 times)

    I'm retired!!! No Foolin!!!


    Had a great weekend.  Family came over and made brunch, then we hunted eggs with the grands.  Nice birthday dinner w DH. Also set up new laptop-- a necessity since I turned in my work laptop.


    UP bright and early this morning-- 3 miles with Scamp while DH walked Skye. Going to knit with the girls this morning, then get new tires this afternoon.  Woohoo


    Y'all have a great day.


    Kat ---500 miles???  I cannot imagine. Wow.


    Former Bad Ass

      Why are you awake already after retirement????


      RD for me.



      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Yep, 500 miles.  Crazy woman!  Road race.  Though a woman there does ultra races on gravel - 500miles.


        Sue, full agreement with Damaris, SLEEP IN!!!!  Glad your weekend was good.  Enjoy knitting.


        Damaris, enjoy your RD.


        Likely RD here too.  Stuff to do after work tonight and probably wont have time.  This whole week is going to be a challenge.  We shall see.



        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024




          Been crazy hectic here lately between mine and DH health issues that were trying to sort out, wiork,  family and holiday. It's been next to impossible trying to find time to run let alone post but I'm going to try harder. I have zero idea what's been going on with anyone except I remember that Sue retired!


          Sue I can imagine it's a bit of an adjustment hence the not sleeping in. Although I'm an early bird generally so will probably continue to get up early when I finally get my chance to swipe in one last time.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


          Anonymous Guest

            We are home. Camped at a state park a little over halfway home last night, because why drive seven hours in one day. Park was disappointing. On the map it looked like there was a back road close to our site that went over to the lake. Nope. Fenced off, and a long way out and around to get there. So we just hung out at our site, took the dogs on a walk down a trail, and went to bed early. Glad to get home by noon and completely unpacked shortly after with laundry going. I need to pack this afternoon because I'm getting on a plane tomorrow morning for my trip with my mom and sister.


            Why are you awake already after retirement????


            Dogs. Well, at least that's why I'm up every morning by 6:30.

            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

            Check out my website and youtube channel

              Don’t get fooled today!


              CrazySue, must be a nice feeling to know that every day is your own now. You can do as much or as little as you feel like. 

              Kat, Damaris, enjoy your rest days!


              Lori, hope the health issues got sorted out. 

              Karen, bummer about the inaccessible lake. 

              I took the morning off if work since I had a PT appointment. Learning a lot of good exercises not only for the ankle but also for other leg muscles and core, since it’s all connected.  Charging car now, then will run into the grocery store before heading home. RD here too, other than PT exercises.

              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Running rest day. Probably should have gone after dinner since it wasn't but wasn't feeling it. Did at least do strength training.