Womens Running


Mundane Mondaily (Read 11 times)

    Aren't they always.


    Although I got some relatively good news at work.  The Commissioner has agreed to give us 3 days of telework instead of 2, consistent with our pre-pandemic telework schedule. And no "core" days.  It's still stupid to require any in-office presence, given the nature of our work, but at least it's a step in the right direction.


    Bronchitis seems to be a little better today too, so that's a win.


    Anything going on for you, mundane or otherwise?

    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

      Busy weekend here--Church workday, DGS'#1's birthday beach bash (cookout and play in the sand and surf), kept DGD & DGS#2 overnight, then did yard work all afternoon yesterday.


      This is my last week!!!!  Today I dumped the freezer--had to bag all the old seafood samples and take them to the dumpster, which is now full.




      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Rough start to the morning.  Booked solid and severely understaffed.  First appointment was a recheck from last week who needed a cut repaired, LAST WEEK.  Owners declined then and refused all last week to do this.  Then they scheduled for today and it was far past my comfort level and talent.  Along with WAY worse than the repair they quoted them for.   I no longer do surgery and haven't really done something like this in over 9 years.  I know the other doctor and hospital manager are mad at me.  I actually called the area medical director and discussed it with her.  She agreed from the photos that this was a more extensive procedure than was feasible for today.  And the fact that the owners declined to take care of it in a timely matter only made it worse.  THEN, THEN!  The hospital manager cut the estimate in HALF to appease them.  WTF.  100% their fault.  Not coming out of my pocket...  Whatever.  At least the medical director appears (I hope) to support me.  So now I am frustrated, tired, annoyed, and upset.  Not making for a stellar day.


        Margaret, yay on more WTH.  Glad you're feeling a bit better as well.


        Sue, crazy it is a matter of D.A.Y.S. left for you.  Sigh...


        Other than work, mundane here.  Legs are a touch sore, but nothing exciting.  I think I have 4 tomorrow, but will do 5 as I can't get Thursday's miles in because I am being sedated, AGAIN.



        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


        Anonymous Guest

          Woke up to rain this morning - hooray! Just kinda lazed around the house until it all cleared out, then went out for an easy 6 miles.

          I did get to the grocery store yesterday, and yes, I did get donuts. I find in TX that Sunday mornings aren't too bad for people-y things as there are a lot of "Sundays are for God and family" types. It's the only time I can run through the construction area of the neighborhood and not have to dodge construction.


          Kathryn, that sounds so so frustrating. Also, sometimes people suck. I don't know how you keep your temper/patience in check dealing with people like that. For them to let it go until it's beyond "routine?" And then get the priced knocked down, when they should be paying much more because it's a much bigger deal? Insane.


          HCK, congrats on the half finish. I always considered the B&A trail flat, but when I pulled up an old Strava post it looked like yours with the elevation. In my head it's flat except for that hill at the turnaround.


          Margaret, better news on the work front. Slightly less stupid. Glad you're feeling a little better.


          Susan, LAST WEEK!!!!! I am so excited and happy for you.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


          Former Bad Ass

            Aren't they always.


            Although I got some relatively good news at work.  The Commissioner has agreed to give us 3 days of telework instead of 2, consistent with our pre-pandemic telework schedule. And no "core" days.  It's still stupid to require any in-office presence, given the nature of our work, but at least it's a step in the right direction.


            Bronchitis seems to be a little better today too, so that's a win.


            Anything going on for you, mundane or otherwise?


            That is great. Wish we had gone to 3 days and no all hands day. We hate that day with a passion.



            Former Bad Ass

              Afternoon! RD for me. Tough week this week with 18/14 this weekend. WAAAHHHHH.



              Former Bad Ass


                This is my last week!!!! 




                So excited for you!



                Rough start to the morning.  Booked solid and severely understaffed.  First appointment was a recheck from last week who needed a cut repaired, LAST WEEK.  Owners declined then and refused all last week to do this.  Then they scheduled for today and it was far past my comfort level and talent.  Along with WAY worse than the repair they quoted them for.   I no longer do surgery and haven't really done something like this in over 9 years.  I know the other doctor and hospital manager are mad at me.  I actually called the area medical director and discussed it with her.  She agreed from the photos that this was a more extensive procedure than was feasible for today.  And the fact that the owners declined to take care of it in a timely matter only made it worse.  THEN, THEN!  The hospital manager cut the estimate in HALF to appease them.  WTF.  100% their fault.  Not coming out of my pocket...  Whatever.  At least the medical director appears (I hope) to support me.  So now I am frustrated, tired, annoyed, and upset.  Not making for a stellar day.




                Ugh, frustrating.




                Woke up to rain this morning - hooray! Just kinda lazed around the house until it all cleared out, then went out for an easy 6 miles.

                I did get to the grocery store yesterday, and yes, I did get donuts. I find in TX that Sunday mornings aren't too bad for people-y things as there are a lot of "Sundays are for God and family" types. It's the only time I can run through the construction area of the neighborhood and not have to dodge construction.





                Nice 6.


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Running rest day. Did get a walk in at work since I had to go pick something up from another building. Upper body strength after work.


                  GatsbyBird, that still makes zero sense since they have to get space for you.


                  CrazySue, exciting!


                  KatS, that sounds so frustrating.


                  AnonymousGuest, B&A seemed less "hilly" than NCR. Maybe since I knew NCR was uphill heading north, I noticed it/was anticipating it vs B&A, I really didn't notice it. It may also make a difference that I was not looking at my pace, so I didn't care, while the last time I ran NCR, I had a goal time and was behind from the start and it felt harder.


                  Docket, that is a rough combo of long runs.