Womens Running


Trying Tuesday (Read 10 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Trying to stay awake, trying to stay calm, but not trying to run outside today, although I may do a short one on the TM in a bit.


    I was up at 5 to let the dogs out, then stayed up since I had to leave about 5:45 to take Riley down to Austin for surgery. He's getting two procedures done, one to remove a cancerous lump (and a piece of his jawbone) on his gums, and one to remove an adrenal tumor on his side. The oral tumor was found by my local vet during a dental. She referred us to Austin and an oncologist. They did a CT scan and additional biopsy, and during the scan they saw the adrenal tumor. We are lucky it is an incidental finding and it hasn't attached/spread or starting causing any symptoms yet. Anyway, they called about 8:30 and said he was in prep, then the doctor called around 10 and said he was doing well under anesthesia, reviewed all they were doing, and let me know it would be at least a couple hours in surgery, so not to worry that I probably wouldn't hear anything until early afternoon.


    DH left this morning on a week-long trip so I will be dealing with Riley's recovery for the most part. He feels really bad about leaving, but it is what it is. I've pulled out the old crate, am picking up a new e-collar and some more pill pockets at the pet store today, and we have been working all week at getting him used to walking on a ramp so I can get him in/out of the car when he comes home tomorrow. I feel really good about the surgeon and the vet office in general (and Kat says they are good, which carries a lot of weight with me), but I am still worried.


    Anyway, by the time I got home at 8:30, it was already mid 70s and so so humid. Not to mention I don't think Huckleberry has ever been home completely alone, so I didn't want to turn around and leave him just as DH left as well. I will see how he does when I run to the UPS store and to pick up the stuff at the pet store! I want to get a bunch of cleaning done today without one of the people and one of the dogs in my way, and am hoping to get a short run in on the treadmill as well. Probably only 3-4 miles, just enough to get some anxiety out of my system.

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

    Check out my website and youtube channel


    Former Bad Ass

      Hershey started waking me up close to 6 but a bit earlier. The fucker. I headed out as soon as I could but only made it to 2 before chickening out and finishing the other 2 inside. We have storms, hail, and maybe tornadoes (unlikely, though) coming in and last thing I needed was to be 2 miles out and hearing sirens.


      Chiro after work.


      Half Crazy K 2.0

        4 with strides this morning.  Window guys have been here redoing the sliding door. The owner of the company has been watching the installers like a hawk ti make sure they fix it correctly.  DH put the treadmill out for bulk trash pick up. Some guy in a pick up took it, don't care, his problem now.


        AnonymousGuest,  hope all goes well with Riley's surgery.


        Docket, smart to treadmill.  Seems like storms always come at the farthest point from home.

        Anonymous Guest

          The doctor called around 10 to let me know he was about to go into surgery and briefly went over everything. Said it would take a couple hours so no news was good news until early afternoon. Then the tech called me around 11:30 to let me know they were dealing with excessive bleeding and he was critical. A very frantic and terrifying hour later, they called to tell me they got everything under control, did not think they should do the other surgery, and were closing him up.


          Once he was in recovery and starting to wake up, the doctor called me. The adrenal tumor had grown, had invaded the right kidney and was attaching itself to the big blood vessel that takes all the blood back to the heart. And his blood pressure dropped during surgery, he started bleeding internally, complications that indicate the tumor was producing adrenaline, which is what makes the surgery risky. Anyway, they got everything under control, removed the tumor (which was tricky as it was attached to the blood vessel) and his right kidney, and they will monitor him all day and night. Didn’t (and still doesn’t) need a blood transfusion, but they will do that if needed. Doctor said it was touch and go during surgery, better now. If all goes well he can come home tomorrow or the next day.


          I think instead of running I will take a nap. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            AnonymousGuest,  hugs, that sounds terrifying.  Hopefully Riley is recovering well now.


            Former Bad Ass

              The doctor called around 10 to let me know he was about to go into surgery and briefly went over everything. Said it would take a couple hours so no news was good news until early afternoon. Then the tech called me around 11:30 to let me know they were dealing with excessive bleeding and he was critical. A very frantic and terrifying hour later, they called to tell me they got everything under control, did not think they should do the other surgery, and were closing him up.


              Once he was in recovery and starting to wake up, the doctor called me. The adrenal tumor had grown, had invaded the right kidney and was attaching itself to the big blood vessel that takes all the blood back to the heart. And his blood pressure dropped during surgery, he started bleeding internally, complications that indicate the tumor was producing adrenaline, which is what makes the surgery risky. Anyway, they got everything under control, removed the tumor (which was tricky as it was attached to the blood vessel) and his right kidney, and they will monitor him all day and night. Didn’t (and still doesn’t) need a blood transfusion, but they will do that if needed. Doctor said it was touch and go during surgery, better now. If all goes well he can come home tomorrow or the next day.


              I think instead of running I will take a nap. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted.


              Oh, no! Hope he is recovering well.



              Mighty Mouse

                Karen, many :::HUGS::: for you and ::: DOGGIE HUGS::: for Riley. I wish you the very best and hope Riley heals quickly. This has to be so hard for you to manage with all the worried waiting you have had to do. <3

                Where is the "any" key?   



                  Karen, more human hugs and doggo hugs (gentle ones). 

                  6 miles and leg strength this morning.

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR