Womens Running


What's up Wednesdailies (Read 10 times)

    Karen---hugs to you and Riley.  We all love our fur babies like children. I hope he's doing better this morning.


    I have been SO busy!!!!  Two weeks ago I was in Te4xas visiting Dad, brother, sister, and picked up DH at the dock in Galveston.  Last week I kept 2 of the grands while DIL was on a birthday cruise w her sister.  Tomorrow we're driving back to Houston for my niece's Indian wedding festivities part 2.


    I'm focusing on running/walking 3x a week, plus spin classes and some weights. Retirement is exhausting!!!  I am so crazy busy now.



    Have a great day!

    Anonymous Guest

      Thanks for all the virtual hugs and well wishes, all. Riley's surgeon called last night and said he was recovering well, groggy but seemed to be resting comfortably. Told me to get a good night's sleep as they'd be monitoring him all night long, and no news was good news. I got almost 8 full hours of sleep, and man, did I need it. I'm going to go for a run this morning before it gets much hotter out there, and should be getting an update on Riles as well this morning.


      I swear, Huckleberry doesn't really know how to dog on his own. We got up this morning and he went outside and just looked at me like "how am I supposed to know where to pee if Riley doesn't pee there first?"


      Susan, exhausting but so so so much better than work, right? I often wonder how I had time to go to work every day!

      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

      Check out my website and youtube channel


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! 3 after work.


        Karen, so glad to hear he is recovering well. Hope you get to see him soon!


        Sue, glad you have kept busy!


        Half Crazy K 2.0

          5.7 wirh short and fast intervals. Woke up to thunder and rain, so delayed going out to make sure the storm was past. It's supposed to be around 90, so really didn't want to wait until after work.


          CrazySue,  glad retirement is treating you well.


          AnonymousGuest,  good news on Riley.


          Docket,  enjoy your 3.

          Anonymous Guest

            I'm picking up my boy this afternoon! I went out for a run, and DH called about halfway through to see if I had any updates. Riley's surgeon called while I was talking to him, and told me Riley was doing really well. His kidney function was normal, his red blood cell count was steady, and he was ready to come home today. I'm going to pull out his old crate to help keep him calm and away from Huckleberry, who has been kinda sad and mopey that both Riley and DH are gone. Anyway, then I had to call DH back to let him know what the doctor said, and although I only ran 5 miles, I was out there well over an hour. About 20 extra minutes of not running time.


            Leaving here in about an hour to go get him. They will help me get him in the car, but I'm a little worried about getting him out on my own. I'm thinking I'll put some chairs or boxes or something alongside the ramp, then back in to the steepest part of the driveway so the ramp isn't real steep. I may have to find a neighbor to help. Can't just lift an 85-pound dog out of the car myself.

            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

            Check out my website and youtube channel

              Karen--yes! you def need help getting Riley out of the truck.  Good luck and I hope he continues to do well.  I know what you mean--Scamp is lost if he doesn't have Skye around.


              OMG--one of my retired older coworkers (she now lives in South Carolina) had a stroke/series of strokes.  She was improving and was on her last day of home health before they released her--she walked down to her mailbox, and someone ran over her!!!  Broke both legs, sternum, idk what else!!  She's still in the hospital and the rehab facility doesn't want to take her bc either they won't make any money off her or they are still waiting on the accident report. She's on lots of pain meds, so I'm not sure what the problem is there. Goodness-


              Later y'all!


              Former Bad Ass

                I'm picking up my boy this afternoon! I went out for a run, and DH called about halfway through to see if I had any updates. Riley's surgeon called while I was talking to him, and told me Riley was doing really well. His kidney function was normal, his red blood cell count was steady, and he was ready to come home today. I'm going to pull out his old crate to help keep him calm and away from Huckleberry, who has been kinda sad and mopey that both Riley and DH are gone. Anyway, then I had to call DH back to let him know what the doctor said, and although I only ran 5 miles, I was out there well over an hour. About 20 extra minutes of not running time.


                Leaving here in about an hour to go get him. They will help me get him in the car, but I'm a little worried about getting him out on my own. I'm thinking I'll put some chairs or boxes or something alongside the ramp, then back in to the steepest part of the driveway so the ramp isn't real steep. I may have to find a neighbor to help. Can't just lift an 85-pound dog out of the car myself.


                Yay! Your runs sound like mine when I run at noon because work cannot wait (motherfuckers).



                Former Bad Ass

                  Karen--yes! you def need help getting Riley out of the truck.  Good luck and I hope he continues to do well.  I know what you mean--Scamp is lost if he doesn't have Skye around.


                  OMG--one of my retired older coworkers (she now lives in South Carolina) had a stroke/series of strokes.  She was improving and was on her last day of home health before they released her--she walked down to her mailbox, and someone ran over her!!!  Broke both legs, sternum, idk what else!!  She's still in the hospital and the rehab facility doesn't want to take her bc either they won't make any money off her or they are still waiting on the accident report. She's on lots of pain meds, so I'm not sure what the problem is there. Goodness-


                  Later y'all!


                  WTF, poor woman!


                  Anonymous Guest

                    Susan, OMG on the woman getting hit by the car! That's crazy.


                    My boyo is home. He is stiff and sore and tired and drugged up, and I have to keep the two separated so Huckleberry doesn't try to help "heal" Riley by licking his incision, but he is home! He handled the ramp like a pro. Well, not quite a pro, he got scared half way down and stopped, but then it's like he remembered he'd walked on that thing before and made it the rest of the way.

                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel


                    Mighty Mouse

                      Karen, Awwwwww  Thanks a bunch for posting the picture. He's a sweetie. Both of them are. 


                      Sue, how awful for the poor woman.

                      Where is the "any" key?   




                      Former Bad Ass

                        Awww, glad he is home!


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          AnonymousGuest, glad he's home.


                          CrazySue, how awful, your poor co-worker.

                            Karen, glad the good boy, sweet pupper, best doggo is home and doing well. 

                            8.4 with intervals after work. Upper 60s and sunny, too hot!  We’re going into a mini heat wave here,70s tomorrow.

                            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR