Womens Running


Tired Thursdailies (Read 10 times)

Anonymous Guest

    Recovery from surgery is hard work. It's only been 48 hours for Riley, so he's still in some pain. Last night he had no appetite and wouldn't take his pain pill. I finally forced it down his throat and we did without the trazodone. First part of the night I slept on the couch to keep an eye on hm, then we got up and went out to pee, and he settled onto the bedroom floor so I got a few hours sleep in bed. This morning he drank water, ate a little canned food and a little kibble, and took all his pills. Then he paced and panted for awhile (poor baby) until I finally got him to lie down on a dog bed next to the couch. Now he's thankfully passed out getting some much needed sleep. They gave him a numbing shot where his incision is and said it would last for about three days, so luckily he's not at all interested in it. I've been giving him some time without the e-collar and just watching him closely, since it seems to stress him out even more. Pretty soon he'll have to go to that 24/7 though.


    Probably no running here. Our air quality is bad due to a combination of the weather and agricultural burns in Mexico to clear out old crops, plus I don't want to leave the dogs. Maybe a few easy miles on the TM this afternoon, maybe a rest day.

    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

    Check out my website and youtube channel


    Former Bad Ass

      Awww, poor Riley.


      I have 4.




        Poor puppy. What was wrong with Riley? I missed it.


        Yesterday we did a road trip to Stratford to watch Romeo and Juliet. I forgot that school field trips tend to take place for the matinees. Damned teenagers behind us were eating which was fine but they kept crinkling their wrappers. ANNOYING. Anyway, the play was well done and I enjoyed it. It's actually one of Shakespeare's plays I've never read or watched before. Next time we go I will make sure it's an evening performance or matinee in the summer.

        Today I had a chiropractor appointment today but am having very little relief. A frozen shoulder may be my new normal. Sadly it's in my dominant arm. Then I went for a 5k hike up and down Bertha.


        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


        Anonymous Guest

          Definitely no run for me today. I am beat. Riley sleeps for about two hours, then wants to pee, which ends up taking a long time because he's moving so slow, then he paces around panting for awhile before lying back down. He has eaten a little more food and his appetite seems to be back, which is good. And he drank more water.


          Poor puppy. What was wrong with Riley? I missed it.


          They found an adrenal tumor during his CT scan for an oral tumor a couple months ago. He had surgery Tuesday where they were going to remove both, but pretty much everything that makes the adrenal surgery risky happened and he almost didn't make it. He will have to go back once he's recovered for the oral tumor. That surgery is supposed to be lower risk. The adrenal tumor had invaded his kidney and was attaching to a major blood vessel. They ended up removing both the adrenal gland and the kidney.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel