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10 mi


7:54 mi

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  • Map

path + TM


Ran 2 miles easy down Gray to the path

8:27; 8:07

Then straight, no stop onto 2 miles slight incline

7:26 (79 ascent, 0 decline)

7:14 (40 ascent, 0 decline)

Full stop, water, tie laces)

Then 2 miles slight decline back

7:03 (55 descent, 13 ascent)

7:10 (40 descent, 10 ascent)

Then straight down path up Gray

9:08 (100 up)

9:01 (200 up)

Then immediately onto TM for 2 miles decline (from -2 to -6) starting at 7.5 and going up to 9

2 miles @ 7:42 (last 7:04).

Great run. Watch finally has me productive again.

Windy day but warm.

Total elevation: 550



You just continue to knock out great runs each and every week!! Such a good training cycle for you this time!! Lots of hills too! My watch is so confused…..