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10 mi


7:54 mi

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Yucky out, snow, sleet, wind. TM. Sore throat again. So many work events, dinners including so many next week. Such as life.

2 easy @ 7.1 (8:34)

2x3 miles @ 8.1 through 8.5; 7:24 average pace on both.

2 easy @ 7.1 (8:34)

Faster miles felt easier than the slower.

This is so different than running on the track, HR much lower. But, it had to be done on TM.



I'm sorry your schedule is so crazy right now. I know how hard you've worked for this and how frustrating things can be sometimes when your plate is full! Yes, such is life at times and I have no doubt you will handle it like a champ. I have regressed in my ability to handle a very full schedule like I used to. I just throw shit and sabotage my marriage now-ha ha! Are you traveling next week too? You've had a great training cycle AM. Nailed every part of it and I'm super confident


That this is all going to come together for you perfectly on race day!!!


You always make me laugh:)

Yes, dinner out for work with 30 people on Wednesday, then Colorado on Thursday afternoon and returning on Friday late night. Will do my last run with a bit of pick ups on Thursday, than Friday off, Sat 3 miles, Sunday off so not too bad. I am surprisingly not worried about things. I loved this training cycle and love training more than racing:)