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9 mi


7:47 mi

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Workout called for 9 miles; 2 warm up, 4x1 mile @ 10K pace on 3 min rest, 4x400m @ 5K pace with 1 min rest, 2 cool down.

Rain and snow so on TM.

2 miles @ 6.8; 8:49

4x1 mile @ 8.0/8.1; 8.1/8.2; 8.2/8.3; 8.3/8.4 (changed up at around .5); 2 min or less rest; 7:28; 7:22; 7:20; 7:10

4x400m @ 8.6/8.7; 8.7/8.8; 8.8/8.9; 8.9/9.0 (changed at .15) on less than 1 min rest; 6:56; 6:50; 6:46; 6:42

2 miles @ 8:06, last 7.30, downhill up to -5.



I saw you guys were getting snow today! We are supposed to get horrible wind tomorrow so it will be my TM day! Great job!!! I change all of the workouts that say 10k pace to actually running MP plus 20 seconds! It’s so much fun that way!!!