Run: Long with temp Previous Next


16 mi


7:58 mi

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No super excited for this run. Felt Ok to start but harder effort for pace. Had music on which always get my pace faster than a podcast.

10 miles down Gray, with a hilly loop and back to track. No stops. 8:05; 337 feet gain, 497 loss (mostly in first 2 miles). HR 172, high for this pace...

8:11; 8:08; 8:26; 8:23; 8:07:8:04;8:04;7:59; 7:50;7:45

Then down to the track. Plan said 3 min @ 10K pace which per Garmin in 7:02 and 2 min @ MP which per Garmin is 8:09 (though still will run 8:20 in the race).

.5 @ 6:52

.25@ 7:42

.5@ 6:46

.25@ 7:23

.5@ 6:51

.25@ 7:15

.5@ 6:49


Then realized that I miscalculated distance to get 16 for the day and did .7 at the track @ 7:25.

Then up to the path and 2.3 @ 8:43, 298 gain, 82 loss. HR 169 which is good. All elevation in mile 2


9:23 (251 gain)

8:19 for .3 (43 gain)

Overall good run. Hard to run the hills on tired legs but good for the brain.

Watch tells me again that I am productive...



Reading this is like deciphering a math problem…ha ha! Excellent run. Your MP is faster than 8:20 silly woman. I’ve never seen you limit yourself in anything except choosing your MP…lol!!! Just teasing-great job today:)


Ha, it is because I don't want to suffer anymore...I want to run comfortably up to 21 miles and once I am done with Heartbreak I can see what I can do LOL. I am NOT embracing pain:)

P.S. And yes, you should have seen me calculating my average pace, LOL. This is bc I have no idea how to program my watch OR use lapping..