Run: Race Previous Next


8:05 AM

13.1 mi


5:20 km


159 lb
167 bpm
195 bpm


5 C


8 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

1555 / 4653 (33.4%)
161 / 320 (50.3%)
1099 / 2149 (51.1%)


I was a perfect day to race. Sunny, clear, cool. Felt a little chilly at the start but warmed up nicely.

It was awesome to have such a big crew out for a race all parties involved had PRs. Dave(FULL), Karl (Half), Krista (Half), Me (Half).

Gimpy kick ass... 1:29.... a solid run. Krista did amazing for her first half.

After we finished the half we walked back to Karl and Kris's hotel for beers... potato chips and a shower. Sweet.

Then I headed back to the finish to see Dave finish. I almost missed him because I was talking to Amanda on the phone. I saw him when he was about 20 metre's ahead of me and I yelled to him as he was crossing the 41 km sign, he gave me a fist pump and kept going. Got myself to the finisher chute in time to see him get through. He ran an amazing race and he was pretty spent...... he gave it his all and left it all out on the course. Very inspiring!


1 5:25

2 5:28

3 5:16

4 5:01

5 5:33 - Slowest - Up Hogs Hollow

6 5:31

7 5:18

8 5:22

9 5:09

10 5:20

11 5:10

12 5:03

13 5:03

14 5:07

15 5:07

16 5:28

17 5:11

18 5:16

19 4:57 - Fastest, didn't fade at the end.

20 5:15

21 5:24

22 1:37
