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20.2 mi


9:32 mi


179.1 lb


7 / 10
8 / 10
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2nd 20 miler. Much better start than last weeks but the same pattern. I didn't really get down to 9:30 and under till the 6th or 7th miles. Took 4 gels this time instead of 3, i thought it definitely helped. Planning on 5 during the marathon and 1 right before the start. Dark moment right around 13 - 14 miles, this was right after feeling so good on miles 12, took a gel and then felt heaps better. Pushed the pace the last 4 miles, with last 2 miles at or near marathon pace. Began to felt some cramping on hamstrings particularly on the uphills in the last few miles. I think with more sports drinks available during the race it should help keep the cramping at bay. As with last week, I only had 1 20 oz gatorade for the whole run.
