Run: Race Previous Next


7:30 AM

15 km


6:32 mi


150 lb


66 F

Race Result

10 / 208 (4.8%)
1 / 17 (5.9%)
9 / 126 (7.1%)



I am so, so stoked with the result in time and pace for today's Shelby Bottoms Boogie for Recovery 15k.

I kicked McMillan's ASS!

My goal was to average 6:45 and finish under 1:03:00.

This a big damn improvement over the Moon Pie 10m and better yet, last race at Franklin 10k.

I went negative. Believe thats my first.

Goal was to avg. 6:55 miles through 6, then 6:30 to finish. I believe my 1st mile was in 6:40 according to some talking behind me about their 6:43. After 2m spit revelation, I wanted to slow to 6:45, but I just seemed to be able to maintain.

Therefore I just decided to shoot for an even pace to the end. But that changed when I hooked on to a guy after

5m(followed for 1.5?). But I had to let him go, and focus on breathing(side-stitch), my race and the 1st place woman up ahead that was coming back to me.(Yes, I got girled)

The stitch in my side was TRYING to rear it's ugly head during the last 3.5 miles. It made me very uneasy and

desperately, I pushed my stomach out as much as possible when inhaling. And in the last 1.5m my left calf was trying to cramp. But I never once felt like quitting! That's a change for the better.

Quite possibly the best performance of the year, or it's the huge mental gains of a race raced well.

One whining point was that I should have received 3rd place masters, but it went to Gordon, who should have placed 1st in Grandmasters. Oh well. I'm over it. Only wish I had that nice trophy to remember this one.

Instead I got a small, zippered pouch. Maybe to carry GU's for upcoming RCM?


5 miles in 33:05 / 6:37

4.32 miles in 27:43 / 6:25 ~(equates to a 32:05 - 5 mile)


2m - 13:13 / 6:37

4m - 26:30 / 6:39

5m - 33:05 / 6:35

6m - 39:29 / 6:23

7m - 46:02 / 6:33

8m - 52:31 / 6:29

9m - 58:52 / 6:20

.32m-60:48 / 6:00
