Nathan W's profile   

Profession: Computer Geek
Age: 51
Current Weight: 87.1 kg
Goal Weight: 79.4 kg
Location: Carol Stream, IL
About me: 
Graphic Designer turned Programmer. National Guardsman turned Veteran. Coach Potato turned Running Tomato.
Why do I run: 
I run for my sanity. It's a serious stress release for me. I run because I like it. Once I hit that rythym, it just feels exilirating. I run because now that I have ran my first full marathon, I dream of one day running Boston.
Why I started running: 
I was inspired by a fellow Officer I served with in Iraq who was a runner. Tragically, he was killed in action. In his honor, we worked with the North Carolina Battleship Half Marathon organizers and ran the race the same day in Iraq as they did in NC. That was my first Half Marathon. This inspiration lead to running my first full in Chicago in 2005. Now I'm just addicted to running.