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9:00 AM

6 km


6:39 mi

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It was 15 degrees and snowing at the time of the race. The course was perfect for cross country. A foot or more of snow on the ground. I wore my 1999 cross spikes but only had 1/4 in them but need much more like 1/2. I had no idea what time I would be able to run but since it was a team event I was focused on place. I tucked in on the first lap. The hills were rough and every time you wanted to pass you had to go into the deep snow. So you would have to think before passing. I tucked in behind our second team member. It was slipping and sliding but that was the case for everyone. They put out hay bails to jump over as if the course wasn't slow enough. It was 3 x 2K loops. When I went through the first loop at just under 8:20, I couldn't do the math in my head but knew it was slow as hell. I tried to push the second lap and did pass some people but stayed at the exact same pace. I had moved into second on our team and knew I would score. They score only 3 team members. I was chasing down a pack of 2 guys in front of me on the last lap. I made a big move with 1K left and almost caught them going across the bridge. There was 1 last turn but they saw or head me coming and I couldn't catch them. We all finished about 1 second apart. Can't tell much on time but CSU brought down 3 guys and won the team division and we got second. Third place was 1 point behind us so I was happy with how I did. It was a fight the whole time but so much fun.
