Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 km


4:54 mi


No name


167 lb


50 F


10 / 10
10 / 10

Race Result

1 / 89 (1.1%)


I won this race last year in 16:30 and so this year they sent me a free entry into the race. I like to race 2 weeks out from the marathon not for the race but for the pre-race routine. I get too nervous on marathon day if I haven't raced in awhile. It is kind of a nervous release doing this race. I am still off caffiene minus race day, so I had my 2 cups of coffee this morning and was bouncing off the wall so I sent BS a long email before the race just cause. It is a small race but a pretty course running along the Poudre River Trail in Windsor. While warming up, I thought no one would be here so I thought go out at like 80 percent and cruise, fast but controlled. Well the gun went off and I don't know what happened. I took off fast and by about a half mile I was breathing heavy and knew this was 100 percent not so much the 80 percent I had planned. About 6 min into the race I realized that there were no mile markers so I just kept pushing the pace. It is mostly an out an back course. When I turned around, my watch said 8:37 I saw I had a huge lead so I figured go all out and if I die it isn't like someone will catch me. I knew it was the shorter way around the park coming in, so I figured I would at least be under 17 min. I turned off the bridge and saw my watch at 13:50 and started the sprint to the finish. I'm sure I looked stupid going all out with a big lead, but who cares. After the race, I thought about it and I am a front runner. No doubt. I don't come from behind very well, but when I am out in front being chased I do pretty darn good. My best 5k's have come from when I go out HARD. My last 5K (sharin of the Green) I went out with the leaders instead of my usual insane pace for the first mile, and it was tough for me to come back in that race. Today, I think the lack of mile markers kept me guessing and I'm glad I didn't hear any splits. Was the course short? Most likely. How short? who knows. Even if it was only 3 miles, I'd take 15:13 for three miles. I don't know. Not for me to worry about. It did it's job today, plus being Arbor Day I won a huge tree that I now have to plant in my front yard. That should counter BS cutting down his tree on Arbor Day.
